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Paul Lambert


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There you have it then.....that's where you are it........maybe time people stop blaming a manager who took a team from League 1 to 12th in the Premier League only to find himself banging his head off a brick wall at Villa .......big-time players earning mega money who no-one else wants to sign which then prevents him from signing the players he does want to sign!

Like I have said - if the club really are in such dire straights as you portend, then we really are being trimmed for a lower league... Will it stop at the Championship? I currently argue we would struggle to stay in that league as well right now.

Look, I am right behind Paul Lambert as are most on here, even deep down in their souls after Tuesday night's/Wednesday morning's knee-jerk angst fest. However, if the players aren't good enough, which they aren't, surely there is one point of responsibility that Lambert has to take to generate some spunk or fight in the team he puts on the pitch... Here I quote Chelsea away, Tottenham at home and Wigan at home.

One of the things I said about McLeish was that I don't really mind losing (the odd game) so long as you feel as though the team are fighting and trying. He set us up so regularly to 'not lose' that it came over as simply not trying (Man U, Liverpool, Swansea etc etc last season). I saw little in those three games over Christmas 2012 to suggest the team have the actual fight in them. Who can instil that passion if not the manager? The fans? Bradford away sounded immense from the fans from the TV coverage btw.

Paul has to take some responsibility here. As I said, I am still behind him, but raising my eyebrows at him. But, as for the financial restrictions - maybe we accept here and now then, from what you say, that relegation is inevitable. If not this season, quickly thereafter...

Aston Villa - scutters of the Premier League.

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No need to apologise. I'm not going to explain where my info is coming from but I've proven my information to the administrators.....one of which is TrentVilla....who can confirm I have an insight. I'm not being negitive so please don't think that. If anything, the opposite. I think the club is trying to go down a different road, a very risky one all the same, and that if anyone can pull it off Lambert will but fans also have to appreciate he is doing it without the funding they think he has. That's all. Things might change....the owner might decide to spend but right now it doesn't appear so.


So your "inside information" is that the owner has decided to limit the funding available but he may change his mind.

I can see why the "administrators" were so impressed with the credibility of your information!


Edited by briny_ear
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No way he will walk. Listen, whether anyone likes it or not, Villa are in a difficult position as a club. Costs must be cut. The club can't afford to be paying half a dozen players over £60,000-a-week who aren't performing. If you are payng that level of money it has to be for a top, top star. But no clubs wnat them therefore Villa are stuck with them. That means it is more difficult for the club to sanction new players arriving because of increasing wage bills.

If, and I know it is a big if, the club survive this year then the cost cutting can continue but in a sensible manner. The problem right now is that it is too big a risk to take. Do you not sign quality players and risk going down or do you sign players, give yourself a better chance of staying up and then try and cut costs in the summer in a more sensible fashion? I'd suggest the latter.

Lambert, like every manager, wants to sign good players. He wants/needs a dominant defender and a strong midfielder but the two he picked out were too expensive for the club. The window most certainly isn't shut so it might all change but right now it looks as though big money won't be spent (by that I mean a player at £5m is too expensive right now). Lambert has boguth into the long-term plan but would like help in the short term. It all makes sense to me :P

If this is true and i were Lambert id walk

What more can he do to save this club...

He's identified players which will help us avoid the drop yet the board will not sanction the transfers what more can he do from a managerial stand point?

He is not a miracle worker.... look at what he's having to work with no manager could keep this team in the premier league when you have the likes of Bannan and Delph playing CM

Its laughable were a circus and Iam ashamed of whats happened to this once great club

At least Blackpool away will be fun next season i suppose

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We have squirmed from one poor decision to the next over the last few years and I think a sacking now

would be another poor decision.

If Lerner believes Lambert to be the right person for whatever job he has been asked to do, then he

really does need to fund him this month.

A transfer free January and I fear we will be Championship next season.

A few good results may help Lamberts position with the fans, but that may have an adverse effect on transfer

funds. A few bad results and I fear we are doomed.

Either way it needs to be done quickly so we can get the benefit before we are in the bottom three and out of both cups.

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I don't know if I'm alone here, but after the Chelsea-Swansea result I'm now actually a bit more optimistic about our chances of finally winning a trophy than I was before yesterday's debacle.

Before yesterday, I was thinking we would probably beat Bradford, but would almost certainly be playing Chelsea in the final. A team that recently beat us 8-0 and that we didn't look even remotely capable of competing against. A final you're almost certain to lose is not something you can get very excited about. I was thinking we might even need to bring McLeish back for a few days on some kind of short-term "keep the score down" contract to at least keep it out of the record books.

Swansea, though, is a very different prospect. Yes, they're clearly currently better than us. Who isn't? But we've still beaten them and drawn with them in the two games we've played against them season. So even though they might be favourites, you'd still feel that anything could happen over ninety minutes and that we had a real chance.

Terrible as our result was, the results in the first legs actually make the second leg against Bradford a lot more exciting than it would have been if, say, VIlla had won 3-1 and Chelsea had beaten Swansea 3-0.

Poor as our team is, we still have a chance of being in the final. Beating a Fourth Division team by two goals over ninety minutes (which would take us to extra time) is not an impossible challenge.

In the words of Michael Jackson, you are not alone....

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At the end of the day you can all believe whatever you want.

You can believe that Lambert is a useless manager if you want, you can believe that he signed a load of cheap kids in the summer because (insert whatever theory you want), you can believe he is blind to what we need in January if you want and that he has done knob all about getting players in. These all seem like quite common views reading various threads.

Or you can believe that Lambert is a good manager, a manager who did his best in the summer with the resources available to him and with the players from his targets that the board secured for him. That knows exactly what we need this window and has already identified those players but doesn't have the financial backing to make them happen.

Believe what you wish to believe.

I know which I believe and where I believe the blame lies for the problems that we have and have had for almost 3 years now far longer than Lambert has been around. There is a reason our fans sang his name away at Norwich last season and that reason is he has proven himself to be a good manager and what is happening here shouldn't change peoples view of that. Not in my book.

That isn't to say he hasn't made mistakes in selections, in tactics or any other area of the job all managers make errors but he isn't a bad manager and neither is he the real problem here.

People can agree with me, disagree with I don't much care I'm tired of trying to convince people we couldn't go signing X or Y in the summer and tired of saying we aren't going to pay £10m for Lescott. You don't have to be ITK to work that out it is just common sense based on everything that has happened to/at this club in recent years.

I've been critical of Lambert at times and I will be in future no doubt but right now I wouldn't swap him for anyone else because given what he inherited, what he is working with in terms of the players and the restraints I believe he is under it is amazing we aren't already in the bottom three.

As for me being able to vouch for Hairyhands, yes I can.

I completely agree with everything you have written. I have made my views clear for the last couple of years on where I think the root of our problems lies and at present it most definitely doesn't lie with Lambert. Although as you say he has made mistakes.

I was really optimistic when Lambert arrived as he was my number one choice. I believed one of the reasons we had managed to secure him was that he had been promised the substantial backing required to turn this clubs fortunes around. It now seems he either wasn't or was and has been lied to.

One thing is for sure without substantial backing now to bring in 2 or 3 quality players who have proven themselves at this level then club is going down and the man I will hold responsible for that will be Randy Lerner.

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I'm not going to go into what information I provide to prove myself nor is it that important to me. What I mean with the owner is he is unpredictable - his mind can be changed quickly. Right now he doesn't want to spend and he might not change his mind. All I'm saying is that later in the month he might realise he is making a huge blunder and try and sort it at the last minute!

By that time the players Lambert wanted might be gone. All I'm highlighting is the danger plans and that it isn't through the want of trying of the manager!

Sounds like Lerner decision making to me

Leave it till the last minute when were already sunk

Surely he has a brain and realizes that being relegated is a bad thing right? What goes on with his decision making process

I predicted this would happen shortly after we appointed Lambert. He was also my number one choice for the job but i had a bad feeling in the back of my mind that he would be left to get slaughtered like this because of Lerner and his shitty decision making... Instead of paying Houllier compo he could have moved him upstairs to DOF and we would have probably had players like Cabaye playing for us and not Barry **** bannan

it was pointless giving him the job unless he was going to be backed significantly 20 mill is nowhere near enough to fix this rubbish squad half of which should be in the reserves let alone playing premier league football

Edited by AshVilla
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Sounds like Lerner decision making to me

Leave it till the last minute when were already sunk

Surely he has a brain and realizes that being relegated is a bad thing right?

Maybe he doesn't understand concept of relegation, coming from USA and all. :D

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At the end of the day you can all believe whatever you want.

You can believe that Lambert is a useless manager if you want, you can believe that he signed a load of cheap kids in the summer because (insert whatever theory you want), you can believe he is blind to what we need in January if you want and that he has done knob all about getting players in. These all seem like quite common views reading various threads.

Or you can believe that Lambert is a good manager, a manager who did his best in the summer with the resources available to him and with the players from his targets that the board secured for him. That knows exactly what we need this window and has already identified those players but doesn't have the financial backing to make them happen.

Believe what you wish to believe.

I know which I believe and where I believe the blame lies for the problems that we have and have had for almost 3 years now far longer than Lambert has been around. There is a reason our fans sang his name away at Norwich last season and that reason is he has proven himself to be a good manager and what is happening here shouldn't change peoples view of that. Not in my book.

That isn't to say he hasn't made mistakes in selections, in tactics or any other area of the job all managers make errors but he isn't a bad manager and neither is he the real problem here.

People can agree with me, disagree with I don't much care I'm tired of trying to convince people we couldn't go signing X or Y in the summer and tired of saying we aren't going to pay £10m for Lescott. You don't have to be ITK to work that out it is just common sense based on everything that has happened to/at this club in recent years.

I've been critical of Lambert at times and I will be in future no doubt but right now I wouldn't swap him for anyone else because given what he inherited, what he is working with in terms of the players and the restraints I believe he is under it is amazing we aren't already in the bottom three.

As for me being able to vouch for Hairyhands, yes I can.

this is the best post I have ever read on this site
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this is the best post I have ever read on this site

Richard, You were full of optimism when PL arrived and you posted that you felt he would be backed, so can we take it that you now believe what hairyhands/TrentVilla write is the truth, and therefore we have all been duped by the owner?

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