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General Next Manager Topic?? (everything other than Lambert)


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I keep hearing from everywhere in the media that there is no money this summer for players and we have to rely on what we have got. Any one know if this is the case?

If so, then I can imagine whoever is the manager we will struggle.

We were apparently skint when we sign Darren Bent tho mate.

Money for players is not the issue...it's the wage bill.

which is why the likes of bent,gabby,ireland,dunne and warnock need to be moved on

Dunne, Warnock and Gabby...yes, move them on, but it would be insane to move Ireland on...he's our best player!

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Lambert for me is a much stronger appointment, I think the squad (whatever it will look like next season) would quickly unify around him and we'd have a solid if not spectacular season

:shock: He's not a magician. I think some people are getting a little bit carried away with the credentials of Martinez/Lambert.

Not sure what he said wrong.

I think we would have a "solid" season with Lambert. Solid being mid-table.

Exactly, a solid season being not getting wrapped up the relegation scrap next year.

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I am another one who is unsure about Martinez, if he is such a fine manager why are Wigan always deep in the mire, admittedly eventually escaping?

Despite the glamour of some of the foreign names, Lambert looks the best fit for me. He has better credentials than Martinez....... taking Norwich from a first day 7-1 home hammering (by his own team!) through 2 promotions to a comfortable mid table Prem finish supercedes the great Wigan escapes imo.

That said, if the rumours are true, I think our new appointment could be decided by whether or not a DoF is appointed. A DoF is not every managers cup of tea......

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I am another one who is unsure about Martinez, if he is such a fine manager why are Wigan always deep in the mire, admittedly eventually escaping?

Despite the glamour of some of the foreign names, Lambert looks the best fit for me. He has better credentials than Martinez....... taking Norwich from a first day 7-1 home hammering (by his own team!) through 2 promotions to a comfortable mid table Prem finish supercedes the great Wigan escapes imo.

That said, if the rumours are true, I think our new appointment could be decided by whether or not a DoF is appointed. A DoF is not every managers cup of tea......

I agree- why can't Martinez motivate his players for the other 28 games per season?

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Hopefully if we do get Martinez he can bring some of the scouts that were responsible for the likes of Palacious & Rodallega.

No they were Bruce Signings not Martinez

I was aware of that but I assume some of the scouts would still be there?

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I’ve got to say, that it’s not an envious task the board now have. I think we look back at the previous two managers and what they were trying to do. Under MO’N we played exciting counter attacking football, lots of chance and lots of goals. I personally, think that under that style of football, we we’re only ever going to be the best of the rest, and never were going to break through the glass ceiling into the champion league places. Let’s not forget that this would have required £20m a season just to stand still.

I believe that GED recognised this that the style of football was only going to get us so far, and sought to change it to a more composed passing/retention of the ball style. One of GEDs biggest problems was that he tried to change too much and too quickly, and the players that he largely inherited were not cut out for that style of play (that’s you Messrs Dunne & Collins).

So here we are again, and I believe the club have an opportunity define the future style of play with the appointment of the next manager. First of all lets rule out the likes of Bruce; McCarthy; Kean, Megson, Hoddle and Curblishly, for either poor previous performances, being out of the game for too long, or for simply being Steve Bruce.

I think that we can also rule out the like of Benny (FWS), too old, and would require serious amounts of cash.

So, which style of football do the board want for AVFC? If it’s the MO’N brand, then the obvious choice would be Paul Lambert. One would hope that his experience of German Football, differentiates him substantially enough away from MO’N, and he could, eventually break through the glass ceiling (over time). One advantage of this appointment would be that the current squad would be more at home with this style of play, thus leading to less upheaval and hopefully a quicker turn around in play, points and achievements.

Alternatively, if the club seeks to change the football style to more (dare I say continental) style, then the obvious candidates would be either Martinez or Rodgers. Both would appear to have adopted this style of football at their existing clubs, to a greater or less extent. Perhaps the draw back to this approach is that it would clearly take longer to implement, more changes to playing personnel. Have we, the fans or the board, got the patience to wait for these changes to take affect, I don’t know.

My one big fear about the like Lambert, Rogers and McDermott, is this a season too early for them - there’s always the fear of 1st season wonders, eg Owen Coyle, who was flavour of the month last season, only to relegate Bolton this year.

The other remaining candidates, which fit somewhere in the middle would be DiCanio - no for me, largely due his fascist tendencies. DiMatteo - Has done well with Chelsea, but you get the feeling that he’s little more than a figurehead, for Drogba Lampard and Terry, who are really running that team.

I suppose that AVB would be an interesting choice, good age, something to prove, the opportunity to shape the team in his own vision, but does he come with too much baggage from his Chelsea time, and would he be off like a shot at the 1st opportunity to manage a CL team? Would he even come to AVFC?

Chris Hughton, did a good job with both Newcastle and the Blues, and certainly would merit an opportunity at a better club than BCFC. My one nagging doubt about him isn’t so much about his abilities, but where he’s come from. I know we’ve spent all season trying to convince anybody that would listen about “the Scottish Manager” that it wasn’t where he cam from, but his football ability and/or style, I just still feel that there are supporters that would never accept a Blues man, and this juncture in the clubs history unity is key, and just feel Hughton would be too divisive.

Are there any other candidates out there? I will profess not to have the extensive European and world football knowledge that some on VT clearly have, a thus may have not included some obvious targets - Solskjaer, Bielsa.

Who would I want? I don’t know. I’m not privy to some of the inner most workings of AVFC, nor the strategies and goals for Randy, so don’t have sufficient information to make a decision. I think any of Lambert, Martinez, AVB or Rodgers would be a good choice. The important things is, who ever gets the job, is that AVFC move forwards, together.

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Lambert for me is a much stronger appointment, I think the squad (whatever it will look like next season) would quickly unify around him and we'd have a solid if not spectacular season

:shock: He's not a magician. I think some people are getting a little bit carried away with the credentials of Martinez/Lambert.

Not sure what he said wrong.

I think its a bit of a stretch to assume that the squad would certainly "unify around him". Who's to know that? There may be personalities clashing all over the place.

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My preference goes something like:

Joachim Loew-->Andreas Villas-Boas-->Jurgen Klopp-->Fabio Capello-->Paul Lambert-->Mark Hughes-->Roberto Martinez-->Di Matteo.

A guy like Solskjær would have been very exciting, but it's a bit too early for him yet.

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I'd rather Villa try and get an accoumplished manager who has had a number of seasons at the top level rather than gamble on 'flavour of the month' who are deemed as being perfect because they avoided getting their teams relegated.

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I'd rather Villa try and get an accoumplished manager who has had a number of seasons at the top level rather than gamble on 'flavour of the month' who are deemed as being perfect because they avoided getting their teams relegated.

Rafa is my choice.

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I'd rather Villa try and get an accoumplished manager who has had a number of seasons at the top level rather than gamble on 'flavour of the month' who are deemed as being perfect because they avoided getting their teams relegated.

Rafa is my choice.

Lambert for me even though I have fondness for Ipswich.

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I'd rather Villa try and get an accoumplished manager who has had a number of seasons at the top level rather than gamble on 'flavour of the month' who are deemed as being perfect because they avoided getting their teams relegated.

Rafa is my choice.

Mine too.

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Whoever it is, make it an early appointment and a decent war chest, so they've got a chance of a proper rebuild over the close season.

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Not my choice but suprised noone has mentioned Owen Coyle. I know he had a bad season but it wasn't long ago that we would have loved him to sign on as our manager.

Another recently relegated manager? I think we can do better, so it's a no thanks from me.

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I'd rather Villa try and get an accoumplished manager who has had a number of seasons at the top level rather than gamble on 'flavour of the month' who are deemed as being perfect because they avoided getting their teams relegated.

This we need our very own Arsene Wenger I think. Some one who can come in steady the ship for a season and then revamp the club from top to bottom.

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My one big fear about the like Lambert, Rogers and McDermott, is this a season too early for them - there’s always the fear of 1st season wonders, eg Owen Coyle, who was flavour of the month last season, only to relegate Bolton this year.

Maybe but on the other hand are we a club that can afford to wait to see if they do it in year two or three.

Firstly we cannot e changing manager again in 12 months or two years IMO we need stability. And secondly if we wait for them to prove it in year two or three then other clubs far more attractive than us will come looking. There are clubs who will be looking for new managers in a year or two, Plop, Evernot even Le Arse and if Lambert or Rodgers had the choice then, not sure they would go with us. Not sure they would go with us now mind but I think we are better placed now because if they are looking to move they do not have much choice.

I think Lambert is looking to move to the next step, I think we are ideal for him and I would love to see him here. I just hope he can be persuaded and I hope we try to persuade him bebfore the boggies do

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