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Darren Bent


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I think wellbeck looks a class player.

As stupid as it sounds Darren bent really only offers goals. Now I know that's what you need to win football games but sometimes offering nothing else to the team just isn't enough.

For a team like us of course it's more than enough. Darren bent is exactly the kind of striker we need but he clearly lacks something when you think of the goals he has scored and the clubs he has played for, the top teams don't want him for a reason.

I think wellbeck has potential to be top class and overall probably does offer more than bent to the team.

There is no doubt though that bent should be in that England squad at the moment.

Well at the moment Bent's certainly doing enough for England.
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Alan Green has never said a good word about Villa. He used to hate O'Neill and laughed off any speculation about him getting 'bigger' jobs. If Bent was at United or Liverpool he would love him.

I'm sure he now thinks Ashley Young is world class but when O'Neill made the Messi comments he had a field day.

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Alan Green has never said a good word about Villa. He used to hate O'Neill and laughed off any speculation about him getting 'bigger' jobs. If Bent was at United or Liverpool he would love him.

I'm sure he now thinks Ashley Young is world class but when O'Neill made the Messi comments he had a field day.

I always got the impression he hated O'Neill as well. Not sure he dislikes AVFC though, spoke to him last season on 606 and seemed to agree with me that the club deserved a hell of a lot better than the mess Houllier had got us into.

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Alan Green has never said a good word about Villa. He used to hate O'Neill and laughed off any speculation about him getting 'bigger' jobs. If Bent was at United or Liverpool he would love him.

I'm sure he now thinks Ashley Young is world class but when O'Neill made the Messi comments he had a field day.

He was right about that one!

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Darren Bents movement is incredible, but his finishing is good, nothing better. Hence why he will never be 'top' class but will always score goals because he creates chances for himself with his movement. He will never do much else but score - but thats what a striker is there for. However, if we could put Heskey and Bent together, we would have the best striker in the world!

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There's definitely a case for not playing him, he doesnt look massively interested at the moment. Whilst I wouldnt actually drop him to the bench, I'd see no harm in subbing him off for Weimann at some point in the near future.

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Playing Bent and not having anyone to give him service is counter-productive at best. He's a player that you don't mind carrying, for want of a better word, because he'll get you goals if the chances are created, but if we aren't creating chances as a team, then we need someone who is happier to track back, better with the ball at their feet etc. Selling Young and Downs and replacing them with N'Zogbia looks more and more like a **** joke every day.

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He was just lazy yesterday, completely different to the Norwich game. In the second half, Gabby put in a carbon copy of his first half assist against Norwich, but Bent was not up to speed. Needless to say Gabby was kinda annoyed by that as evidenced by his reaction.

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I would echo the calls to drop Bent.

No, I can't kid myself that we create a host of chances for him but that shouldnt be an excuse for him to perform badly.

You get out what you put in and he didn't put anything in yesterday. He was no more involved than Heskey who once again seems to be the scapegoat.

I do wonder what the reaction would have been had Gabby's deflected shot in the 2nd half evaded Heskey by an inch instead of Bent. Yes it was coming at him quick, but he didnt even attempt to gather it in.

Id certainly have a punt on Weimann (at least as a sub for Bent with half hour left). He cannot be any worse than the shite weve been dished up for 2 games running

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I don't think we should drop Bent. I think we should be a little more adventurous and try and support him and give him service. Instead of being so focused on the defensive side of the game.

Well that would be ideal but not likely to happen so might as well play someone who suits our tactics

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Bent finishes for a "team", and he has always needed 4/5 chances to put one in the back of the net. As a "team" we need to increase the number of six yard box opportunities to enable Bent to do his part of the job.

if thats the case, he is not worth the money we paid, or a place in the England squad.

He needs to offer the team more as much as the team needs to offer him more

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People calling for us to change our style of football radically to accommodate Bent's rather wasteful shots/goal ratio are probably whistling in the dark. We don't have the players any more - Randy Lerner sold them.

We need forwards who can capitalise on good scoring chances that come more rarely - Gabby has always had a very low shots/goal ratio and that's why he is ideal for Villa.

Thought Bent was a bit poor yesterday tbf.

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Bent is like Adebayor in that he needs chances put on a plate for him and still misses a fair few of them. The difference is Adebayor works his socks off to holds the ball up or drop deep to link the play up. Spurs fans couldn't wait to get rid of Bent, but we'd be devestated to lose Adebayor (which we probably will) as he does so much for the team.

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