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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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Have to admit all this footage of Ghadaffi being killed is bit grim.

it's a strange one for me .. was he executed by a mob ..almost certainly ... did he deserve it ..almost certainly .. does that make it right ..almost certainly not

but saying that I doubt many people will be shedding a tear over his death

Yes, exactly. Well said.

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The key is whether the constituent parts of the NTC turn on each other like rats in a sack now that their common enemy is dead. As others have observed there are plenty of total nutters in the mix and over that you can lay tribal tensions that are not dissimilar to Yemen. The only other positives are the apparent attachment of the youth to a democratic future and the absence of a Sunni vs Shia dynamic that caused problems in Iraq and Bahrain. I'd agree that it's far from over but on balance our intervention was the right thing to do.

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Did the they Lynch Gaddaffi's son too ? Reports were his convoy was surrounded then it went quiet ??

Was this the really nasty son, the one who was personally involved in many murders and tortures?

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  • 1 month later...

Philip Hammond says that the final cost of operations in Libya was £212 million, made up of £145 million of operating costs including £67 million for replacing spent munitions

when do we get our contracts to rebuild Libya to help raise this £212m ??

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Philip Hammond says that the final cost of operations in Libya was £212 million, made up of £145 million of operating costs including £67 million for replacing spent munitions

when do we get our contracts to rebuild Libya to help raise this £212m ??

They will get it from oil maybe?

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Philip Hammond says that the final cost of operations in Libya was £212 million, made up of £145 million of operating costs including £67 million for replacing spent munitions

when do we get our contracts to rebuild Libya to help raise this £212m ??

They will get it from oil maybe?

we already got that from the last government releasing Al-Megrahi .....

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There was an interesting comment from Michael Portillo (of all people ;)) on This Week, last week, regarding Iran's nuclear program.

He mentioned that they had had, in the past couple of months, 2 large explosions occur at a couple of their facilities, the first we know killed quite a few people and the second we know less about but his comments suggested, quite heavily, that they weren't accidents.

Israel has previous on that kind of thing, they attacked Egypt's growing nuclear facilities years ago (when they were still on particularly bad terms) and raised it to the ground, completely stopping the program in it's tracks. They are also alleged to have attacked Iran's facilities with a computer virus, which is supposed to have done quite a bit of damage initially but quickly was rectified.

You could suspect that rather a large portion of Iran's nuclear program will turned to glass in the near future.

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  • 6 months later...

So the Muslim Brotherhood claim to have won the Egyptian election, the Generals have dissolved Parliament and seized it's power for themselves and the secular and tolerant Egypt sought in 'Tahrir Square' is nowhere in sight..

Meet the new boss, slightly more powerful and sinister than the old boss.

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raised it to the ground

Where's mooney when you need him? :lol:

I'm trying to cut down.

I'm down to three corrections a day. These patches are great.

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So the Muslim Brotherhood claim to have won the Egyptian election, the Generals have dissolved Parliament and seized it's power for themselves and the secular and tolerant Egypt sought in 'Tahrir Square' is nowhere in sight..

Meet the new boss, slightly more powerful and sinister than the old boss.

Quite a bit more powerful, if this is accurate.

Millions of Egyptians went to bed last night thinking they had elected a president with full executive powers and woke up this morning in a military dictatorship. Just after the presidential polls closed, the generals granted themselves sweeping powers in a constitutional declaration that completes the coup started by dissolving parliament.

If the generals have their way, Egypt's new president will not be able to legislate, control the budget, appoint members to a committee writing the new constitution, declare war or change the membership of the military council which assumes all these powers. The president will be able to appoint a cabinet and approve laws but whole swaths of policymaking – such as defence, national security or indeed the military's vast commercial empire – will be a closed book to him.

But this is far from settled. While it makes no sense for the military dictators to go quietly, neither does it make sense for those who have taken to the streets and seen friends and family murdered, to accept this coup.

A way to go yet.

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I can't see the muslim brotherhood lasting long in Egypt. There is a significant christian and secular population. I also can't imagine women will take it too well.

Unless they get the army onside and do an Iran, but I can't see Israel sitting back and accepting it.

It'll get messy.

A hostile Egypt is Israel's worst case scenario...the weapons will flow freely to Gaza, and it'll be game on.

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What is wrong with these people ?

Every time you see arabs on TV they have their face covered and they are firing guns up in the air !

Why cant they do what other males all around the world do eg watch football, go to the movies, watch porn etc,etc,etc FFS

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Every time you see arabs on TV they have their face covered and they are firing guns up in the air !

That's because filming the 98% of people who are watching football, going to the movies, watching porn etc. doesn't make very interesting viewing on 24hr news channels.

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I realise that but what I mean is that if the other 2% went to football matches or watched porn etc we would not have all this trouble in the middle east would we ?

It must be really frustrating bieng a guy over there.The only bit of leg you get to see is your owne, and you can"t even check out the local chicks.

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