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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Just now, BOF said:

Or go one better.  Actually support him.  If he gets on the pitch tomorrow, I wonder what it could do for him if people cheered him on.  Actually got behind him.  Crazy thought I know, because people pay their money and it's their right to try and make players feel as shit as possible from the stands.  I just wonder whether it might be an interesting experiment if the players, and Jack in particular, received some positivity and encouragement.  You never know what might happen from that.  It's not like Chelsea are any great shakes either.

Agreed entirely BOF

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22 minutes ago, sir_gary_cahill said:

He is only 20 years old, he will make mistakes and learn from them, he has so much potential. He has so much natural ability, it's scary, just cut him a bit of slack

I cut him plenty of slack. I think he'll go on to be a good player.

My point was putting the blame for this season's performances from him at the feet of Garde. Which is nonsense, imo, but some people like to blame Garde for everything.

This season is Jack's fault. If he learns from it then great, but people are trying to pass the buck to Garde to suit their agenda.

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21 minutes ago, BOF said:

Or go one better.  Actually support him.  If he gets on the pitch tomorrow, I wonder what it could do for him if people cheered him on.  Really got behind him.  Crazy thought I know, because people pay their money and it's their right to try and make players feel as shit as possible from the stands.  I just wonder whether it might be an interesting experiment if the players, and Jack in particular, received some positivity and encouragement.  You never know what might happen from that.  It's not like Chelsea are any great shakes either.

While I don't disagree with this really, the players have had plenty of positivity and encouragement from the fans for years, more than they deserve, and it's resulted in the square root of **** all.


I don't boo players, and don't think anything good will come of booing them. But if this particular bunch of players, Jack included,  do get booed, they **** deserve it.


Also, it works two ways. If the players give the fans something to be positive about then they will. Our fans cheer corners these days because of how shit everything else is!

The fact is the players have given us nothing all season.

If anything the fans have been overly generous.

Edited by Stevo985
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27 minutes ago, sir_gary_cahill said:

He is only 20 years old, he will make mistakes and learn from them, he has so much potential. He has so much natural ability, it's scary, just cut him a bit of slack

Problem is, he is repeating the mistakes, and does not seem to be learning from them.

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24 minutes ago, BOF said:

Or go one better.  Actually support him.  If he gets on the pitch tomorrow, I wonder what it could do for him if people cheered him on.  Really got behind him.  Crazy thought I know, because people pay their money and it's their right to try and make players feel as shit as possible from the stands.  I just wonder whether it might be an interesting experiment if the players, and Jack in particular, received some positivity and encouragement.  You never know what might happen from that.  It's not like Chelsea are any great shakes either.

Why on earth would people want to treat him with respect when he clearly doesn't respect the club or the fans?

I wouldn't boo him but I wouldn't cheer him either. He's making the same idiotic decisions over and over again.

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I'm patient, but I've had enough of him.

Once, it's a mistake, twice you get another chance, but you're in trouble. Any more and you're taking the piss.

My advice to Jack, keep your mouth shut and dedicate your every movement to your profession.

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19 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

But if this particular bunch of players, Jack included,  do get booed, they **** deserve it.

Also, it works two ways. If the players give the fans something to be positive about then they will. Our fans cheer corners these days because of how shit everything else is!

The fact is the players have given us nothing all season.

I know all of that.  Which is why my crazy wacky experiment is a crazy wacky experiment.  Imagine, despite everything this season, if the players came out on Saturday to raucous support and played throughout raucous support.  I wonder if they wouldn't be moved to try and give something back, knowing in their heart of hearts that they probably don't deserve the support they're receiving.  As I say, it's probably pie in the sky from me.  It would just be nice is all.

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I'm afraid that -  if what appears to be the case reading between the lines is true - I would tell him he's finished and cheerio.  And the same for any of the players who 'supported' him. Just pay up their contracts if you have to and throw them out.

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3 minutes ago, BOF said:

I know all of that.  Which is why my crazy wacky experiment is a crazy wacky experiment.  Imagine, despite everything this season, if the players came out on Saturday to raucous support and played throughout raucous support.  I wonder if they wouldn't be moved to try and give something back, knowing in their heart of hearts that they probably don't deserve the support they're receiving.  As I say, it's probably pie in the sky from me.  It would just be nice is all.

I get what you're saying Bri, but what's the point? It's not like it's going to change anything.

We're going down for the first time in 30 odd years. These players did that and deserve nothing from us.

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People who are bothering to go to the match, I assume are going in the hope of seeing a win.  In that scenario, why not do as much as you can to make that happen?  Now if people are going with the sole purpose of doing something else, then fine, but I'm on about those who want to see a win.  Otherwise why go, if not to support?  I'll say again, I KNOW they've done very very little to deserve the support.  Which is precisely why I think support would have a bigger than normal effect if they received it.

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I'd possibly agree if they were just playing badly. Stick with them through it, constantly have their back, and hope it encourages them to put an extra shift in.

My worry with Grealish is it's not just performances, it's appalling behaviour. He's already shown, by his reaction to Garde's departure, that he thinks he did nothing wrong and he was harshly treated. Cheering him on is just going to reinforce that, and he'll think it's absolutely fine to behave the same way with the new manager.

I won't be attending, but if I were and he were to play, I'd want to make my feelings known that I think he's acted like a right **** bellend, and if he thinks it's ok to behave like that, he can get the **** out of this club as far as I'm concerned.

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47 minutes ago, BOF said:

I know all of that.  Which is why my crazy wacky experiment is a crazy wacky experiment.  Imagine, despite everything this season, if the players came out on Saturday to raucous support and played throughout raucous support.  I wonder if they wouldn't be moved to try and give something back, knowing in their heart of hearts that they probably don't deserve the support they're receiving.  As I say, it's probably pie in the sky from me.  It would just be nice is all.

Well, like I said, they've had support most of the season, and previous seasons, and it's made little difference.

I'd bet they'd hardly notice.

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47 minutes ago, BOF said:

I know all of that.  Which is why my crazy wacky experiment is a crazy wacky experiment.  Imagine, despite everything this season, if the players came out on Saturday to raucous support and played throughout raucous support.  I wonder if they wouldn't be moved to try and give something back, knowing in their heart of hearts that they probably don't deserve the support they're receiving.  As I say, it's probably pie in the sky from me.  It would just be nice is all.

My problem with this is that it supports the fact that Jack has been sulking all the way through Garde's tenure and only now they've got rid of him they can be bothered to play.  He had chances to give something back this season and has shown the square root of f*** all.  

I would love the team to play well and win (whatever that may be), but if they put on an amazing performance in this game I will be even more disgusted that they've not been arsed for the rest of the season and have clearly been playing to their own agenda at the expense of the club and fans.  In many ways, the better they play tomorrow - the worse I'll feel.

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3 minutes ago, rubberman said:

My problem with this is that it supports the fact that Jack has been sulking all the way through Garde's tenure and only now they've got rid of him they can be bothered to play.  He had chances to give something back this season and has shown the square root of f*** all.  

I would love the team to play well and win (whatever that may be), but if they put on an amazing performance in this game I will be even more disgusted that they've not been arsed for the rest of the season and have clearly been playing to their own agenda at the expense of the club and fans.  In many ways, the better they play tomorrow - the worse I'll feel.

While I follow your logic, I can't subscibe to that line of thinking.  By that reasoning, any improvement at all from this point onwards will be seen as a slight on Garde in a 'where was that earlier' kind of way.  Results happen, or don't happen, for many reasons.  Yes one of those reasons might be the removal of Garde and the subsequent relief felt within a dressing room all too used to defeat.  It might be Black's tactics or ability to motivate.  It could be down to many things.  But we do know that an improvement would be an improvement.  If they can put the effort in and try to recover some dignity in the final 7 games then I'd prefer that to them remaining as consistently shit as they've been up to now.

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That's a fair line of reasoning and I don't really disagree.  Improvement would be fine - and more than welcome.  But I don't think they've earned the right to any more support than they're getting.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

While I don't disagree with this really, the players have had plenty of positivity and encouragement from the fans for years, more than they deserve, and it's resulted in the square root of **** all.


I don't boo players, and don't think anything good will come of booing them. But if this particular bunch of players, Jack included,  do get booed, they **** deserve it.

What I was going to say.

Jack grealish arguably has got worse the more the fans have got behind him.

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Was in Notts County at home this season where the whole of the Holte End was chanting his name?

Do you know why that was?

It was because he was putting in the **** effort.


If anything the support has gone to his head, this jumped up little prick thinks he can get away with murder. He is an absolute nobody strutting around like he is Gazza.



Edited by rodders0223
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4 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Was in Notts County at home this season where the whole of the Holte End was chanting his name?

Do you know why that was?

It was because he was putting in the **** effort.


If anything the support has gone to his head, this jumped up little prick thinks he can get away with murder. He is an absolute nobody strutting around like he is Gazza.



He was on loan at Notts county previously, that might have something to do with it, I don't know that, it's purely a guess

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Grealish has been here since a 9 year old kid. I'd pick him over Garde or Sherwood any day. 

No one knows the details of what happened. Maybe Garde was to heavy handed behind closed doors, wanting to make an example of Jack to the squad. 

Either way Grealish is still a kid from the youth team with a ton of potential. Giving up on him after a couple of mistakes would be stupid.

He gets my support if he plays. 

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