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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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On 01/08/2023 at 14:12, mjmooney said:

This is probably one for the Piss You Off thread - 'Next Time' spoilers. 

It used to be that serial dramas would simply end each episode on something of a 'cliffhanger' - which was enough to make you look forward to the next episode. Some of the more jokey/kids' shows would emphasise things with stuff like "Is this the end for the Caped Crusader? Don't miss next week's exciting episode!", etc. 

But nowadays we get the cursed "Next time on..." trailer. I usually try to hit the remote before it gets going, but don't always get there in time. 

Last night we watched the first Episode of 'Wolf' on BBC1. OK, no BAFTA winner, but an entertaining enough bit of campy horror hokum. And then came "Next time...". Several minutes of it, packed with spoilers. Basically, it's killed my interest in the series, and made me much less likely to stay with it. 

I finished Wolf tonight, and went back and rewatched that teaser at the end of the first episode. 

I think it did a pretty good job of leading you to think it was going in a certain direction, but it doesn't. 

There's a much bigger spoiler which isn't anything to do with the teaser though, but, err...

Not going to last terribly long in the memory or win any awards, but I thought it was ok for a bbc six parter. So many twists and turns and it ran along at a break neck pace, and provided plenty of entertainment as a result. 

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On 05/08/2023 at 15:35, saturdaygig said:

Has anyone mentioned Severance yet? Really original and excellent series. Best if you don't know anything before watching - there's only 9 episodes in S01 and a date for S02 is still awaited.

Yes. it's brilliant

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I quite liked the series "From". Get serious "Lost" vibes from it (understandable given its made by some of the same people) and it's kinda equally interesting and frustrating at the same time in the same way Lost was. Just hope they do a better job of providing answers in this as Lost turned out to be a complete shitshow. 

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1 hour ago, mikeyp102 said:

Just working my way through The Bear, it’s good but I don’t know why 

The first season manages to show you how a high pressure kitchen works , it's entertaining but stressful to watch, at least for me. Good characters and some great acting as well. Second season wasn't as good IMHO. 

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Just finished watching The Offer, about the making of The Godfather. Highly recommended, with some great casting, especially the guys who play Bob Evans and Francis Ford Coppola (who played the half wit uncle in The Goldbergs).

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Finished our planet 2

Its the same as 1, it's incredible footage narrated by Attenborough so of course it's a winner but at the same time the editing, specificially in the way it seemingly revisits animals and repeats itself, isn't as high a quality as planet earth or life or africa

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6 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Finished our planet 2

Its the same as 1, it's incredible footage narrated by Attenborough so of course it's a winner but at the same time the editing, specificially in the way it seemingly revisits animals and repeats itself, isn't as high a quality as planet earth or life or africa

On similar lines, anybody watching Chris Packham's grab for the Attenborough crown, 'Earth'? 

Some interesting stuff there, but the confusing sequencing lets it down. 

(Also, never trust a man who doesn't like cats). 

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Watched an excellent 4 part series called Punk. I believe it is on Amazon Prime. It charts the New York/Detroit pre punk era, Stooges, MC5, CBGBs bands, to Ramones, then an episode focused on UK punk, Slits, Pistols, etc, moving on to Washington HC scene, Ian MacKaye, Rollins and finishing up on the west coast, NOFX, Green Day, Pennywise, The Offspring. 

I have given edited highlights there but it's much more than that, with lots of good interviews. 

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On 04/08/2023 at 10:17, tomav84 said:

3 episodes in to hijack and it's pretty gripping so far but i get the feeling it might lose its way in the middle episodes of the series...unless there's some twists and turns around the corner

Yeah I really got into this and without spoiling anything it held a high standard up until the final episode and then unfortunately it got a bit ridiculous with a number of plot holes and logic gaps. Still, switch off your brain and it's still good fun. 

Ps - I watched the final episode whilst on a plane flying back from Canada 😉

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2 hours ago, DeadlyDirk said:

Yeah I really got into this and without spoiling anything it held a high standard up until the final episode and then unfortunately it got a bit ridiculous with a number of plot holes and logic gaps. Still, switch off your brain and it's still good fun. 

Ps - I watched the final episode whilst on a plane flying back from Canada 😉

I watched the final episode in Vancouver airport, awaiting my delayed flight home! 
Fully agree with your assessment. Relatively entertaining until the last episode where the required suspension of disbelief was just a bit too much. Left with too many unanswered questions too. 

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5 hours ago, choffer said:

I watched the final episode in Vancouver airport, awaiting my delayed flight home! 
Fully agree with your assessment. Relatively entertaining until the last episode where the required suspension of disbelief was just a bit too much. Left with too many unanswered questions too. 

yeah definitely feel there needed to be a wrap up episode for sure!

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3 hours ago, tomav84 said:

yeah definitely feel there needed to be a wrap up episode for sure!

Agree with that, but then there's only a few things to wrap up and not sure how it could be extended to a full episode. Might have made sense to have a montage at the end of the final episode with text like they did with Line of Duty to very quickly tie up the loose ends.

On this though, some of the performances are pretty good. Idris Elba manages to display the inner turmoil he's experiencing quite well and Neil Maskell has always been a very talented actor, and shows his dark side here.

Edited by DeadlyDirk
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It's out of character for me, I tend not to sit watching tv shows and comment on the attractiveness of the actors, but watching Succession, I said Sarah Snook is really quite attractive, my wife said I know, you have mentioned it multiple times each episode. She is though.

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Just been watching 'The Real Peaky Blinders' on BBC2 (inevitably fronted by Carl Chinn). I was intrigued to discover that the original model for Tommy Shelby was actually called Sheldon, and that the Sheldons were a notorious bunch of Brummie wrong 'uns. 

My maternal grandmother was a Sheldon. Back to the family tree research, I think. 

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On 17/08/2023 at 08:19, Seat68 said:

It's out of character for me, I tend not to sit watching tv shows and comment on the attractiveness of the actors, but watching Succession, I said Sarah Snook is really quite attractive, my wife said I know, you have mentioned it multiple times each episode. She is though.

Totally agree, not Christina Hendricks hot, but hot enough to make you think naughty thoughts 

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