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Anyone else think these ladies are perhaps not the criminal masterminds they're being portrayed as? They may have been complicit in the crime, they may have been coerced and threatened. I dunno about that bit, but I do find it a little far fetched that 2, 20 year old British girls would alone have the connections to buy £1.5 million worth of cocaine. Neither of them speak Spanish...and it seems the Peruvian authorities are willing to use them as scapegoats without chasing the people really behind this. 




I read THIS book a few weeks ago on holiday. Trashy indeed, but it tells a very similar story. Girls going to Spain to live a party lifestyle who then get absorbed into a seedy and nasty drug culture and end up being manipulated by nasty bastards. 


The majority of drug mules in some south American countries are women. Sadly, jobless single moms in need of cash to provide for their family are the norm. Very few of them are criminal masterminds.


Some countries have taken the approach you've suggested and realised that the mules aren't the real criminals and have spent more effort going after the gangs that have put them up to it. Bolivia, in recent years, pardoned a number of them and have reduced sentences for others caught up in it with a real effort to rehabilitate them back into society by providing the skills necessary to  provide for their families.

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Been a scrap on the high street again, one of the piss heads (not pub piss heads these are full on alcoholics) didn't see what happened except for them pushing some dude away telling him to leave it and some other dude out cold on the floor for about 5 minutes, when he got up he was wobbling all over the shop and tried to go after them then fell over in the middle of the road.

He is sitting down outside a shop now with his drunkern buds so it looks like they have resumed business as usual.

Another day in the life of a drunk.

Damn breaking bad making me miss all of the action outside man

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A girl I've known since we were babies wants to **** me. Problem is, she's fat.

I mean, it's been a while, but I'm not that desperate. I have a policy - would I want my friends to find out? If the answer is no, then stay away.

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What is all of this about Baselayers being a fraud??? This is the first I have heard about all of this could someone explain or point me in the direction of the thread where the truth was uncovered


Yeah this


Tell, nao :angry:

Edited by legov
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What is all of this about Baselayers being a fraud??? This is the first I have heard about all of this could someone explain or point me in the direction of the thread where the truth was uncovered

Yeah this

Tell, nao :angry:

Heh, there is no 'truth', only speculation in this case.

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