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Been off since last Tuesday. Went into hospital with the missus on Tuesday afternoon, she got released after a scan on Wednesday morning but by Wednesday night we were back there and she had miscarried. So took Thursday and Friday off to be at home with her. Kinda gutted, but I know that these things happen and there was nowt we could do. Just have to try again in the future.

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Been off since last Tuesday. Went into hospital with the missus on Tuesday afternoon, she got released after a scan on Wednesday morning but by Wednesday night we were back there and she had miscarried. So took Thursday and Friday off to be at home with her. Kinda gutted, but I know that these things happen and there was nowt we could do. Just have to try again in the future.


Sorry Sir.

Early miscarriages (for first pregnancy) are incredibly common, sadly. More common than I had realised.

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Been off since last Tuesday. Went into hospital with the missus on Tuesday afternoon, she got released after a scan on Wednesday morning but by Wednesday night we were back there and she had miscarried. So took Thursday and Friday off to be at home with her. Kinda gutted, but I know that these things happen and there was nowt we could do. Just have to try again in the future.

sorry to hear that :(

hopefully next time everything works out.

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Well, just under 3 months after Gamestation threw my job under a bus and I'm forced to sign on again. Just completed the application.

I had hoped I wouldn't have to do that but my money is running out and it's increasingly looking like I'm not getting employed any time soon. I hated having to go to the place last time, although I fairness I did the same thing then too (put off signing on until I had to) and I got a job inside a couple of weeks of signing on, so hopefully that'll happen again. Preferably a job where I get paid enough to not have to keep claiming JSA this time, admittedly.

It's hard to describe just how much this job situation is starting to gnaw away at me.

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Well, just under 3 months after Gamestation threw my job under a bus and I'm forced to sign on again. Just completed the application.

I had hoped I wouldn't have to do that but my money is running out and it's increasingly looking like I'm not getting employed any time soon. I hated having to go to the place last time, although I fairness I did the same thing then too (put off signing on until I had to) and I got a job inside a couple of weeks of signing on, so hopefully that'll happen again. Preferably a job where I get paid enough to not have to keep claiming JSA this time, admittedly.

It's hard to describe just how much this job situation is starting to gnaw away at me.

Why would you wait 3 months before signing on?

You've paid into the system, you should have signed on the day you lost your job.

I honestly don't understand people who are "too proud" to sign on. **** that. They'll take every penny they can off you, you should take every penny you deserve back off them.

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Yeah chindie, as annoying and soul destroying as hunting for jobs is, that bit of extra money will help. Keep plugging away dude, you will find something!

For those lamenting my great huge crushing loss on that is surely being felt in the world of twitter can now find me on facebook again if you so wish. Just spring cleaned and got rid of half of the cretins and mongoloids from my friends list that annoy the **** out of me.

Also, dante, chin up mate, hope your both doing ok, thoughts are with you both tonight chap :thumb:

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Well, just under 3 months after Gamestation threw my job under a bus and I'm forced to sign on again. Just completed the application.

I had hoped I wouldn't have to do that but my money is running out and it's increasingly looking like I'm not getting employed any time soon. I hated having to go to the place last time, although I fairness I did the same thing then too (put off signing on until I had to) and I got a job inside a couple of weeks of signing on, so hopefully that'll happen again. Preferably a job where I get paid enough to not have to keep claiming JSA this time, admittedly.

It's hard to describe just how much this job situation is starting to gnaw away at me.

Why would you wait 3 months before signing on?

You've paid into the system, you should have signed on the day you lost your job.

I honestly don't understand people who are "too proud" to sign on. **** that. They'll take every penny they can off you, you should take every penny you deserve back off them.

Yep, I have similar sentiments. I've told friends and family on numerous occasions that they shouldnt postpone signing on, if they're looking for a job, or indeed working under 16 hours and looking for more hours. Even if you don't qualify for Conts based JSA you'll still get your NI stamp, which is better than nothing.

I did do the same as Chindie though, when I came home from uni and was looking for work. Just didn't sign on for ages. Funnily enough at my very first interview they told me about a vacancy and I've now been working for the DWP for nearly 4 years.

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I wasn't 'too proud' to sign on - the first time I signed on, after graduating earlier in that summer, I just didn't bother for a while. I had some of my overdraft left and just had fun for a summer.

This time, having experienced the job centre for about a year of getting JSA/topping up my wage, I really, really didn't want to bother doing it again. It's not a pleasant experience. You sit around for ages surrounded by the dregs of society, the place stinks of weed, there's usually some tosser out to cause trouble, the staff look at you like you're the same as the genuine no hopers there, if you're on for more than about a month you get given a condescending group session that is supposed to encourage/scare/help you to work which actually amounts to 'Do you know how to write a CV? Do you know what a CV is? You need to stop being a scrounger'. And then eventually they refer you to a company that is supposed to be helping you to work but actually (if stories are to be believed, I decided it wasn't worth my while once they referred me to these fellas so can't speak for sure, although I've been in contact with them because they're like leeches once they've got your details) is only interested in getting you doing something, anything, regardless of your own circumstances (i.e. ability to get to the job, ability/suitability for the job, whether you're already working) so they get paid.

I've got no problem with being on a benefit. I'd rather not be but if I need the money, I'll take it. As it was, I don't have massive outgoings, I had a few hundred in my bank account and I was keen to get back to work asap, I decided not to bother with the hassle of signing on (partly because I was concerned they'd go 'Oh, Mr. Chindie, welcome back! Can you go see the company we referred you to 6 months ago, not us. Piss off', hopefully the 3 months or so extra should put said company on the back burner) and just live off what was in my bank and fingers crossed, I'd get a job soon enough. Didn't happen, and now I'm approaching the point that I know the next month or so is going to have me spending more money than I have been so I need to get ahead of being completely skint.

I'm annoyed I've had to resort to it, because I know it'll mean the hassle of going to the jobcentre and it makes me feel really useless.

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Chin up Chinds, when I win the lottery and open up my games emporium you can be the manager!

Going to Dawlish on friday, first 'holiday' in about 3 years, coming back Monday night but I can't wait, gonna have to find some other people down there though as the 2 females going are going out with mates who are going.

May not come back to brum :)

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