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Tata Motors Limited announces that Mr. Carl-Peter Forster has ceased to be the Group CEO and MD, with immediate effect, due to his unavoidable personal circumstances.

If anyone can uncover what these "unavoidable personal circumstances" are from tinternet I would be very interested. ta.

(hopefully he wasn't humiliated on an Internet dating site)

I read in one of the papers that a close member of his family (didn't say who) is suffering from a terminal illness and he didn't want to commit the time traveling to India HQ regularly.

Yep, i read this too.

He's staying on as a Non-Exec though so wouldn't be surprised to see him back in the future

Ah cheers, thought it must be something like this, its just the way it was worded made it sound like he'd be caught shagging his secretary or similar.

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I'd say the problem was two ways though.

Sure there's still a lot of men that think football is a mens sport, but there's just as many women (hell maybe even more) that think the same that compound the problem.

This. My missus hates football with a passion. Hates it.

I think if she could have it banned, she would.

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The 2011 Punch National Quiz Competition came to a close last night as Team "Ole" from The Highwood in Solihull were crowned Champions & received £2,000.

Hometeam ref, I expect. It should have been us.

In other news - our (quiz) pub has closed.

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This. My missus hates football with a passion. Hates it.

I think if she could have it banned, she would.

Well she's entitled to her opinion of course, but then again all women should not be tarred with the same brush.

Football is a global game & people whatever sex, creed or colour they are should be able to enjoy it.

I'm sure many football clubs probably prefer more women at matches anyhow because surely they & any menfolk who are with them

are less likely to start alcohol fuelled trouble.

Some of the numpties on talksport & twitter saying women at football games spoils their "male bonding sessions" & they "can't possibly

understand football like they do"....need to crawl back into their caves and get real!

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I remember as a little kid in the 70's, going to Fenway Park. It had to have been 85% male. Cigar chomping, beer guzzling, cursing blue collar men. Now it's 50-50, no smoking allowed, sushi and martinis, etc....not blaming the ladies, mind you, just saying times change, and things do too.

I know plenty of true blue female sports fans, but a lot of women who claim to be big supporters or whatever usually just say that because it's a quick and easy connection to make with a guy. It doesn't take long to know they are full of it :P

Fenway has changed so much now that for a lot of "fans" who buy tickets, the game is secondary to all the other "lifestyle" trappings that are part of the experience now. It's a place to be seen for people, and maybe they'll see a celebrity or two, and text their friends and leave early even if it's a close game...

Give me a real fan that loves the game, I don't care the gender. I just hate the phonies.

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I remember as a little kid in the 70's, going to Fenway Park. It had to have been 85% male. Cigar chomping, beer guzzling, cursing blue collar men. Now it's 50-50, no smoking allowed, sushi and martinis, etc....not blaming the ladies, mind you, just saying times change, and things do too.

I know plenty of true blue female sports fans, but a lot of women who claim to be big supporters or whatever usually just say that because it's a quick and easy connection to make with a guy. It doesn't take long to know they are full of it :P

Fenway has changed so much now that for a lot of "fans" who buy tickets, the game is secondary to all the other "lifestyle" trappings that are part of the experience now. It's a place to be seen for people, and maybe they'll see a celebrity or two, and text their friends and leave early even if it's a close game...

Give me a real fan that loves the game, I don't care the gender. I just hate the phonies.

Pink hats FTL

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Good work Villaajax! Though I suspect you may still need to parallel park at some point in the future!

A mate of mine passed his test and recieved his licence, then whilst going to leave the carpark of the testing school he proceeded to accelerate too fast bumping into into the car parked infront, then in a panic put it into reverse and backed into the car behind.

The instructer watching on who had issued his licence just moments before was not looking very happy.

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Passed my driving test today, goodbye "feed the wheel"! See you in Hell parallel park!

Congrats villajax!

I've actually recently started parallel parking daily. I've never been great at it, but last week I thought I'd give it a shot and I've nailed it every day since.

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Today I found out that genetic disorders are rampant amongst travellers in Ireland. I also found out that they are questioned about whether or not their parents are consanguin (related) by doctors investigating their disorders. For instance one child cannot digest certain amino acids in proteins and so can never eat anything with protein in it. Instead he must take protein shakes with every aa but the one he cannot absorb. Death is often a result of this and similar diseases as parents, particularly itinerant parents, fail to heed the dietary advice.

I meet my cadaver tomorrow. Excited

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My colleague just tried to flick up a squash ball onto his racket but somehow (probably due to his 6'8 frame) fired it across the room (about 15ft) and straight into the eye of a fellow colleague (who's other eye happens to be a bit of a lazy one) - one of the funniest and random things I've ever seen.

We should really get back to studying.

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Thanks guys! The thing with parellel parking for me is that where I live, there is no need for it, wide open roads, most people have a driveway, those that don't usually don't have cars anyway. There is always somewhere to park in town if I bothered going there.

Really the only manoeuvre of any use to me would be bay parking, saying that I'll probably just drive in and reverse out.

Now I just need to get a car...

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Funny because it's true!!

Dear Hot Guy,

Thanks for ruining things for us average-looking guys. You, like all men, will tag pretty much anything female. So you go out to bars and other social venues and you go for the low-hanging fruit. You go for the average-looking girl. Why? Because they are easy and don't give you half the sh*t that hot women give.

So what's the big deal? The big deal is that average girls don't know their place anymore. They suddenly think that they are hot just because they have been banged by a hot guy. They are wrong, and they do not know it. We average guys, however, do know it. We know that the average girl -- in the long term -- is out of your league. We know that she is in our league, the league of the average. But she does not know that.

So the average girl goes on thinking she is hot and holding out for a hot guy to spend the rest of her life with. Yes, it's great for the ego of the average girl. She bangs a hot guy every now and then, and she really thinks she is the sh*t. No one told her, though, that any guy (hot or not) will bang any average girl. Sadly, the average women develop this "I'll never settle" mentality. Average guys are suddenly not an option for them, leaving us average guys out in the cold. The genuine hot girls, of course, are not an option for us, so that leaves us with the fat chicks. Thanks. Thanks a lot, hot guy. Meanwhile, the really hot chicks are sitting around dissing us and waiting for you to come talk to them. (And we can only imagine the torture that the fat guys are going through as we average guys are forced to mack on their women.)

So do the social scene a favor -- stick with your own kind. Leave the average girls to us, and stop creating delusions of grandeur in their minds. The average chick is our niche. We work hard enough as it is for the average girl. Now you go work hard to bag the hot chick. Don't be afraid of a little work.


Mr Average.

Probably older than the internet, but I've not long seen it.

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I listened to the Chris Tarrant show today R2 driving home, it was surprisingly very good and uplifting

Funnily enought my radio lost the AM signal for 5 live & clicked onto Chris Tarrant too for a few minutes....

I was shocked to hear him playing Rush - Closer to the Heart.....Forgotten how good they were had I!

BTW.....Anyone else noticed their Satellite's wreaking havoc... I know we've had high winds but perhaps these solar flares are

affecting the signals too.

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