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The Film Thread


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Street Fighter movie is the best one. JCVD uppercutting whilst the camera pans in on his 'MURICA-flagged bicep. Kylie Minogue firing a rocket launcher. Chun-Li's Tuesdays. Bison dollars. Zangieff and E.Honda wrestling over the model of Bisonopolis whilst Asian soldiers watch over the camera feed. Stealth boat. Everything Raul Julia says or does.


It's the film Michael Bay wishes he'd made.

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The Pokemon first movie was actually very touching, I almost shed a tear at the end. If you don't agree, you just don't get it.

I watched that at the cinema when I was young.


I kept it pretty cool on the outside, but on the inside I was like...



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I wasn't being entirely serious, obviously, but I do have the film on DVD and series 1 to 3 aswell. I like Pokemon. Well, I used to, I'd probably get bored after 1 or 2 episodes now, but years ago, me and a girlfriend would watch 7 or 8 episodes in one go. Nerds.

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You just need to play ni no kuni

Studio ghibli + Pokemon = ni no kuni

It's quite strange how it's a 2 way street, films based on games are shit, games based on films are shit

Think the best game based on a film is goldeneye (but that's mainly for the multiplayer isn't it so does it really count?) after that probably riddick or the matrix and neither of those are the story from the film

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For video game movies, does Wreck-It Ralph count? It did have a lot of characters in. Such as "Zangief, Bad guy"


An original story starring videogame characters, none of who were main characters? Nope, doesn't count. It just took elements of videogames, it's not based on an actual game.


IIf we are heading down that path...Scot Pilgrim?


Based on comics, not a game, though obviously the comics are heavily influenced by videogames. But no, it doesn't count. Again, an original story influenced by gaming.


I bloody love Scott Pilgrim though. The movie was a lot of fun, though it's a shame they squeezed all of the comics into a single film.

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