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The Film Thread


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Can I have your bank account number and sort code and security code and the other one that enables me to purchase goods please?


I'll send you something nice too, so you don't feel robbed.

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Oh and if you are a fan of me then I would like it if you used the term Lapal fan - fan.


otherwise you are just using my name and I don't think you're much of a fan of me if you do that. thanks you for your co-op - (like the shop) - eration

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Oh and if you are a fan of me then I would like it if you used the term Lapal fan - fan.


otherwise you are just using my name and I don't think you're much of a fan of me if you do that. thanks you for your co-op - (like the shop) - eration



You're right, I should've said lapal-fan fan.

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I should've said lapal-fan fan.

"Lapal-fan-fan", sounds like a service one would exchange money in Thailand for and... not expect a receipt.




If you know what I mean.




I mean Ladyman sex.





Mind you then you probably would expect a "receipt" of sorts.




In your bottom.




From the ladypenis.

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Any of you guys heard of the Bechdel test?


It is a test of whether a film is sexist* or not. (*sexist against women, that is)


I was amazed when I heard of it but when I found out the rules, I couldn't think of many films which would pass. :)


  1. It has to have at least two women in it,
  2. who talk to each other,
  3. about something besides a man



Surely that's all women talk about anyway?  :)

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I must admit, when it comes to reviews I'm more of a lapal fan than Pooligan. Blasphemy, I know.


I'm team Pooligan!

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Back from x-men

After a string of meh superhero type films of late I thought this one was pretty decent

Some good comedy moments without the smugness of Avengers or the OTT quips from Spider-pig ...For the scene with quicksilver at the Pentagon , take a bow Singer , take a bow

As if the film wasn't decent enough you also get Ellen Page and Jennifer Lawrence the film could only have been topped had they smeared peanut butter over themselves and then wrestled in Jelly

Considering i'd read that the film had problems and had various reshoots I was expecting a turkey , instead we got the best x-men film yet

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