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Blue Dahlia - 7/10 - classic 40's noir, scripted by Chandler, good characterisation, some ludicrious melodramatic acting from one of the 'dames' mind you :P

La Femme Infidele 7/10 - Claude Chabrol going Hitchcock with a wonderful suspense thriller - about a man discovering his wife's infidelity and his subseqent response - evokes Psycho in more than a couple of scenes.

Bullit 6.5/10 - Steve McQueen 60's cop film set in San Francisco - featuring a cracking car chase and a decent plot for mcqueen to hijack with his lead awesomeness.

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Blue Dahlia - 7/10 - classic 40's noir, scripted by Chandler, good characterisation, some ludicrious melodramatic acting from one of the 'dames' mind you :P

La Femme Infidele 7/10 - Claude Chabrol going Hitchcock with a wonderful suspense thriller - about a man discovering his wife's infidelity and his subseqent response - evokes Psycho in more than a couple of scenes.

Bullit 6.5/10 - Steve McQueen 60's cop film set in San Francisco - featuring a cracking car chase and a decent plot for mcqueen to hijack with his lead awesomeness.

Three good movies there. :thumb:
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Watched Inglourious Basterds on Saturday night again. The first time i watched i'd had a couple of drinks and didnt really pay attention, but watched it stone cold sober on Saturday. Brilliant brilliant film, the bar scene is superb!

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nor me, the avengers will go one of two ways, really shit or amazing

from interviews ive read and clips of the trailer it could easily be too complex with lots of sub stories, the fact that they are trying to kill thors brother IMO will be the most interesting bit

there was also a leak last week that red skull toys are in production...

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Looking forward to the Avengers film too. I'm still not convinced that they can fit all of the characters in without it being a mess. I just hope the film is more like the Thor and the first Iron Man film.

I didn't really like the Captain America film. Some good scenes but overall I thought it was pretty poor. Chris Evans a good choice though when it comes to casting.

I'm still not convinced by the Hulk casting though. Very good actor yet Norton suited that role in my opinion. Plus I think he's a better actor overall.

I'm not expecting an Oscar nominated film, yet I am hoping they do it justice. It's been a long time coming and I am excited for it. I just have lingerimg doubts about some of it. Fingers crossed that it doesn't end up being a mess.

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I don't have much faith in Whedon to be honest.

And the whole idea is just unwieldy - by their very nature each of these characters are larger than life and you're going to be shoving what we can only assume will be 4 major players backed by 2 other big characters, on screen at once, and thats before you get to baddies (which is blatantly the Skrulls, which in itself just makes me go 'Eugh'). It's asking to be a complete mess, unless you break them up into teams (which I think is likely, it's pretty much what the comics always did, especially when they realised that Black Widow and Hawkeye are effectively useless when you've got a **** godlike being, an angry monster, the peak of human ability and smart mouthed bloke in a suit that makes him damn near unkillable) in which case it's going to be disjointed as it bounces all over the shop.

And then I look at some of the fiddles done to costumes and the like and none of it looks for the better (wtf is going on with Thor's hair? It looks like he's been homeless with only straightners and peroxide for company for a year)... even the trailer managed to make the whole thing look very cheap. I also agree that Mark Ruffalo is an odd piece of casting, more so when you see some of the publicity shots they've done - what on earth have they gone for with that look?

I actually enjoyed most of the films more than I expected to (which made me warm to the idea of an Avengers film, something until recently I saw very cynically), particularly Thor and Captain America, less so Iron Man 2, but I just can't see good things coming from this film.

I bloody hope they do though, cos it'd be a helluva ride if they pull it off.

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a few of the things mentioned about the avengers are answered on total films website feature 50 things you need to know about the avengers

ed norton wasnt asked to play the hulk because he wasnt easy to work with in the last film and they thought he'd be worse just being part of the mix

black widow/hawkeye could have their own back story and they have built in to the story to fit in plenty of hand to hand stuff for them

they also said they thought the main story would be loki after the box thingy from captain america, hinted that red skull would be back but didnt mention the skrulls

the main thing for me is they have to get thor back to earth, lokki in the body of the scientist steal the box, unleash hell smash the city, black widow/HE story, captain america not liking iron man story, thor upset that CA and IM want to kill loki story, plenty of action, its a lot to get in

and i agree with the cistume change comment, i didnt think it was hemsworth at first

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Forget the Avengers though. I want to see a film set in the Age Of Apocalypse. Or better yet a story relating to the origins of Apocalypse, which has been done in comic form.

Failing that I want to see an X-Men film with Onslaught in it as the villain...

For something that isn't Marvel, I would love to see Battle Chasers made into a film. There is plenty of scope there and it would be great to see on the big screen. I would even take an animated film at this stage.

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I knew about the Norton thing, he famously likes to be involved with the production of a film and will make changes to things and generally be awkward - he was never going to work in something like the Avengers where, at the very best, keeping the story going is going to be like spinning plates, you couldn't just let him change things to his liking on his whim.

I don't think there will be much/any backstory for Hawkeye or Blackwidow, Black Widow will be shoved into the mix effectively as 'someone from SHIELD', as they kinda used Iron Man 2 for as much back story as is really needed, and Hawkeye will have similar happen as he already is in cahoots with Agent Coulsen.

The Tesseract has had 2 films of set up and is blatently going to be a/the Maguffin.

The Skrulls will be in it, I'm sure. Saw some on set photos with very alien looking guns and blokes done up in CGI capture suits meaning they're playing 'something' that isn't human. Plus the Skrulls have been an Avengers enemy before, and the trailer has numerous things that could be nods to Skrull involvement. They are shapeshifters, which could explain quite why Thor and Cap go at it in the trailer, and there are the numerous lasers and explosions the trailer shows.

I think they will absolutely fly through the set up for the Avengers, they'll use the tensions between the big egos to underwrite the main plot.

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see the things that piss you off thread im sure ive moaned about it at least 4 times!

award season films for some reason get released weeks if not months behind the states -

war horse - uk 13/1/12 us 25/12/11

the descendants - uk 20/1/12 us 18/11/11

the artist - uk 13/1/12 us 12/10/11

j edgar - uk 20/1/12 us 11/11/11

moneyball - uk 25/11/11 us 23/9/11

even 50/50 uk 21/11/11 us 30/9/11

i dont know why they do it, as soon as the award season is over they start dropping down to around a week apart and then come summer its pretty much same day

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i watched fast food inc, it was good, wasnt overly preachy and trying to make you feel bad about what you eat, instead it looked at how most people dont really have a choice but to eat shit food

tracked how farming techniques have changed over the last 50 years, i think it was interesting because it was america where farmers are basically being held over a barrel by huge companies who tell them how to grow what they grow, even the one soya company suing farmers left and centre was interesting, so was the way all these huge food companies have got themselves positions in government bodies so its turkeys voting for xmas when it comes to labelling what they are doing

of course its one side of the coin because none of the big companies would be interviewed

gasland or man on wire tomorrow night, working my way through the best documentary need to get hold of restrepo

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