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Ive never liked the entire final act of Fight Club. Once the Project Mayhem stuff takes the scene my eyes glaze over. Great film still mind.
Agreed. Surprised they got away with that "subliminal" knob at the end as well.
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So I agreed to go with my Monstrous Regiment of Women to go and see the final H*rry P*tt*er film tomorrow night.

I suppose I'll either enjoy it or get a decent kip.

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It's not out yet is it?

Can't wait for it though, Gosling is the best upcoming actor atm imo. He was brilliant in Blue Valentine, Half Nelson and Lars and the Real Girl.

I have just watched 'super'..... Quality film, great fun!

Kinda similar to kick ass but funnier in places.

Watched that last week too, I'd agree about it being funnier, just didn't like the ending too much.

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It's quite good, although certain parts of it were just out of reach in my eyes. There is one fantastic scene in it though when the woman is creeping in the house. Just watch it and see as that scene is worth it.

On another note, that 'Drive' looks great. I'm a big fan of Gosling too and would say he is my favourite actor. He even made 'The Notebook' watchable. Well, kind of...

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The Lovely Bones is on the box tonight, worth a watch folks?

having read the book, absolutely not, easily one of the worst book to films ive ever seen, bottles the opening (in the book she dies on the 2nd page not half way through) misses out alot of the more interesting parts of the book and seems to favour flashy CGI boats in bottles rather than the characters depth

watched bridesmaids today, was ok, not as good as horrible bosses IMO, 2 of the characters (the drippy one and the one with 3 kids) arent needed, most of the laughs come from the fat one and are pretty cheap laughs

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The Lovely Bones is a truly grim film. It effectively advocates a young girl being murdered as not being the worst thing in the world. It's a pretty grim concept to start with but the tone never really settles on the right note. Considering the film is about a girl being murdered it doesn't seem that bothered about it.

Mark Kermode was bang on as well when he citicised it for it's portrayal of the 'afterlife'. Its one of those concepts that doesn't translate to film terribly well. It either becomes twee or boring. Jackson manages both.

It's an absolute pup of a film.

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