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Watched Drive last night. Really enjoyed it, thought Gosling was brilliant.

watched it again this weekend.....

it really does improve with each viewing....

the silent moments in the movie are the best for me....

the way Mulligan and Gosling have their own dialogue going on just between them

cool as **** that movie

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Watched Cargo last night, it's a good film that could have been so much more. Great ideas and great atmosphere but the budget didn't match the ambition. The only thing script wise that let it down was the forced romance element which meant a particular scene at the end didn't have the emotional payoff that was intended.

Otherwise a good film. 7.5/10

Going to watch House of the Devil tonight.

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As a bit of a 2000AD geek and someone who was incredibly disappointed with Stallones version, I'm rather looking forward to Dredd.


Think Urban is a decent choice for Dredd (slightly too small you could argue) and as a) The helmet is definitely NOT coming off B) 2000AD Legend Carlos Ezquerra has writing credits i'm cautiously optimistic.

If this one goes well, then I can begin to dream of a sequel featuring Judge Death :)

I was also a huge 2000AD obsessive, and didn't actually mind the Stallone film, as they got the look pretty well spot on. Did Ezquerra actually do much writing on 2000AD? I'm pretty sure the likes of him and Belardinelli just drew the scripts written by somebody else didn't they?

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Watched my week with Marilyn as it's the wifes birthday

It was ok, interesting more than anything else because I know nothing about Monroe or Olivier so wikipedia got a bash after, hard to know how balls to the wall it is about her personality and I spose more her insecurities, decent cast and story and kept the better half happy

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Did Ezquerra actually do much writing on 2000AD? I'm pretty sure the likes of him and Belardinelli just drew the scripts written by somebody else didn't they?

He's credited as being the co-creator of Judge Dredd with John Wagner (they also created the superb Strontium Dog). I think he basically designed Dredds original character along with Mega City One and the technology side and Wagner did the original story lines.

From what I've read, he's more of a 'consultant' on the characters in the new Dredd movie.

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Not that its my kind of movie at all but my daughter wanted to watch after seeing all the "funniest film ever" type reviews so when Bridesmaids popped on Sky t'other day I said watch it with her for a bit of a father / daughter time.

OMFG!! how did anyone ever find this funny, it IS the worst film I've had the misfortune to watch, my daughter lasted 20 mins into the film, I however am so mentally scarred by it, I keep going back to the scene of the crime just to check it was that bad, 5 mins here and there and I need help now arrrggghhhhhh…….

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Watched Safe House this weekend, not bad, nothing major. Also watched Captain America (finally) and 21 Jump Street which was a decent romp, some good self mocking jokes too. Again nothing mind blowing but that's fine :)

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Bridesmaids is a truly truly shit film.

No, it's actually much bloody worse than that

My housemate got dragged to that by his girlfriend when it came out at the cinema, so he had to sit through the whole thing.

His review was much the same as yours :D

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That's a shame, I really like Kristen Wiig on Saturday Night Live and she wrote it I think.

I heard the film was quite funny, by one of my guy friends too. I think he described it as the female version of The Hangover.

I'll probably still give it a watch at some point this week when I have nothing better to watch.

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That's a shame, I really like Kristen Wiig on Saturday Night Live and she wrote it I think.

I heard the film was quite funny, by one of my guy friends too. I think he described it as the female version of The Hangover.

I'll probably still give it a watch at some point this week when I have nothing better to watch.

Nothing like The Hangover, it was hilarious. Bridesmaids is one of the most cringe-worthy movies i've ever sat through. Utter shite!

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Bridesmaids :lol: Well, it certainly wasn't the best film ever. I guess it was made for girls, a little like The hangover for girls, but at least my woman didn't like it at all.

A film that I do like though, is Hysteria, which I saw yesterday. Light hearted, sometimes fun, sometimes upsetting, but still good. 7.5/10. I liked Maggie Gyllenhaal a lot more in this one than in TDK.

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2 films watched last night.

Jeff who lives at home - strange one this, loved the 2 lead characters being Ed helms and Jason segel, it was one of those films where not much is happening so it's very character driven which is my type of film, it's a very short film though at only an hour and 10 mins long. Nothing wrong with it but nothing really stood out. 6/10 for me.

Alpha dog - seen it before and loved it yet again, timber lake is really good, Anton yelchin is great, just a really good film with a powerful ending. 9/10

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Watched my week with Marilyn as it's the wifes birthday

It was ok, interesting more than anything else because I know nothing about Monroe or Olivier so wikipedia got a bash after, hard to know how balls to the wall it is about her personality and I spose more her insecurities, decent cast and story and kept the better half happy

All the Clark family seem to be into sexual boasting. I wonder if he really did shag Monroe...
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doesnt say he did in the film

sorry meant to add the main theme of the film is that monroe is the superstar who wants to be a great actress and olivier is the great actor who wants to be a superstar but whereas monroe idolises and is petrified by olivier he is bitter and finds her incredibly hard to work

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Not sure what to make of 'House of the Devil', was a good film but not as good as Id heard, was a nice tribute to the classic 70's/80's horrors but it lacked something that I cant quite put my finger on.

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Watched 2001 for the first time in a while last night. Nobody makes films like Kubrick did. May watch the Shining tonight to continue the Kubrick appreciation.

In other movie news, reviews for new Spiderman film are dropping. Bit early to gather too much of a consensus on it but the Guardian liked it.

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