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The Film Thread


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Argh, Jurassic park and Pulp Fiction could both be in mine too!

Jurassic Park was the first film that I was completely in awe of. I was only...10...maybe, when it came out. So just the right age to be into Dinosaurs, and I just thought Jurassic Park was the most unbelievable movie ever.

I still maintain it has the best film music ever.

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I still maintain it has the best film music ever.

That's not a bad shout, actually. To this day I struggle to walk past a shelf of toy dinosaurs without picking one up and singing the theme tune.

(Because I'm always walking past shelves of toy dinosaurs, you see.)

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I'd vote for Transformers again for that.... Stan Bush, Weird Al Yankovic..... whats not to like. The OST is actually really good if you like cheap 80s synth rock.

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My entire routine at the gym is set to selected songs from the Transformers soundtrack.

Cardio/warm-up - The Touch

Upper body - Instruments Of Destruction, Dare, Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way

Lower body - Hunger, Autobot/Decepticon Battle

Cardio/warm-down - Dare To Be Stupid

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Hmm, time to rub my chin and furrow my brows.

1. Apocalypse Now

2. Withnail and I

3. Lost in Translation

4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

5. La Haine

Apocalypse Now is No. 1 by a fair distance, the rest are really the films I can watch and rewatch, rather than what I consider to be the best.

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Currently mine are

1. No Country for Old Men - Great film, just brilliant.

2. Hot Fuzz - Brilliant no matter how many times you watch it, just makes me laugh,

3. Pulp Fiction - Just iconic, and very very good

4. The Dark Knight - Dark and action-filled, great watch

5. The Incredibles - Say what you like, it's a near faultless film suitable for everyone.

Then you've got Blues Brothers, True Grit, Jurassic Park, LotR, Fight Club, Anchorman, Bladerunner, Toy Story, I could go on.

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the good reviews that cabin in the woods is getting -

is it a good film or a good horror film? IMO horror films are shite, usually boring with cheap thrills and no story, paranormal activity and saw for example bored me to tears

might go see it tonight because the gf wants to go to the cinema but wont watch the hunger games or marley

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General word on Cabin in the Woods is... well, firstly the less you know about it the better.

Second, which somewhat undermines the above, is that you will get more out of it the more you know the horror genre.

It's not comparable to Saw (which is torture porn) or Paranormal Activty. It plays more on the old school horror films that came out of the 70s and 80s. Joss Whedon, who IIRC wrote it, calls it a love and hate letter to horror.

By most accounts its pretty good, and I think it's more or less the best release of the last week.

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