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Emiliano Martínez


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1 hour ago, ChesterDad said:

It’s not though is it? His antics were there for all to see - The World Cup final is watched by billions world wide, the world and his dog have their opinion on this matter. I also think these days commentators and pundits are much more forthright in their views and are prepared to tell it as it is. Imo 

It’s always been there for all to see. It’s only now everyone can express an opinion on social media.

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1 hour ago, ChesterDad said:

It’s not though is it? His antics were there for all to see - The World Cup final is watched by billions world wide, the world and his dog have their opinion on this matter. I also think these days commentators and pundits are much more forthright in their views and are prepared to tell it as it is. Imo 

So why aren't any pundits talking about how Mbappe had it coming to him after trash talking South American football prior to the World Cup?

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2 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

Don't get me wrong, in an ideal World we keep him. I more than understand his importance to the team as both a character as well as " glue ".

I don't want to lose him at all. However I believe there comes a time when we need to do a Value Vs Potential Vs Finances etc analysis and decide what is ultimately best for the club as a whole.

Seeing murmerings today that there is some sort of " gentleman's" agreement which permits him to talk if an " elite " club come in for him.

Anyway we shall see.

Watkins and McGinn should go long before Emi. Both had done well for us but reached end point imo and given their ages probably the correct time to cash in with the values and contract length.

We shouldn't even thing about selling Emi before we have the fun of a penalty shoot out with him doing his stuff in our colours.

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20 minutes ago, a-k said:

So why aren't any pundits talking about how Mbappe had it coming to him after trash talking South American football prior to the World Cup?


selective views.....all french related opinions will be loaded against him.

They don't like it back.

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1 hour ago, maqroll said:

I think that if Brazil beat England in the final for example, and Ederson did the pelvic thrust onstage, had a mocking "moment of silence" for Harry Kane and carried a Harry Kane doll with him around Rio de Janeiro, many Villa fans would probably take a different view. The Emi antics are unseemly and not in a great sporting spirit. I can excuse on field antics. But the post game and parade stuff is just not winning with class. 

England fans and the press might be peeved but I doubt any other fans in different countries would care. Which is why I find the OTT criticism of Martinez in the UK press a bit weird. I guess its something to talk about for them though, until the Premier League resumes. After that it'll soon be forgotten about. 

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4 hours ago, theboyangel said:

None of this furore over his ‘antics’ would’ve happened if he played for a ‘media appointed big club’ 

The press report nicely on who they like (see Southgate, Messi, Mbappe et al) but if you’re at an unfavourable club it’s open season until you move on to an elite club.

I don’t see the need to ask every manager about Martinez in the recent press conferences.. it’s targeted and demeaning to the achievement. 

where’s the continual bad press over Ronaldo effectively being sacked by ManUre, then acting like a complete child throughout the biggest footballing tournament and now being shunned by elite clubs, all and sundry?

Nope, not a sausage because he’s Ronaldo.

however, little old Villa and their players can be smacked with a stick all day long. 

I have stopped watching Sky Sports News as they’re all bunch of words removed. 

spot on.

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1 hour ago, maqroll said:

I think that if Brazil beat England in the final for example, and Ederson did the pelvic thrust onstage, had a mocking "moment of silence" for Harry Kane and carried a Harry Kane doll with him around Rio de Janeiro, many Villa fans would probably take a different view. The Emi antics are unseemly and not in a great sporting spirit. I can excuse on field antics. But the post game and parade stuff is just not winning with class. 

If Harry had of made derogatory remarks about South American football, in an effort to get in their heads.....Ederson would possibly have done the same.

what goes around, comes around.....trouble is folk have selective and short memories.

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I have heard Villa fans making comments in the past, of us being too nice as a team....almost apologetic.

saying " we need to be more streetwise"....meaning more Shithousery, at times.....Winners do.....On close examination all the top teams have their dark moments.

I am not suggesting it precedes us and we become another Wimbledon......but we need to mix it, when we need to.

I understand those folk, that baulk at it, and I don't want it to become an every match occurence......but like United under Fergie, I want us to give as good as we get, and not roll over.

We all love, the finer elements of the game and in an ideal world, thats all it takes.....but sadly, it don't and we have to be ready for it too.

Edited by TRO
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1 hour ago, ChesterDad said:

It’s not though is it? His antics were there for all to see - The World Cup final is watched by billions world wide, the world and his dog have their opinion on this matter. I also think these days commentators and pundits are much more forthright in their views and are prepared to tell it as it is. Imo 

They was, and opinions will be formulated to fit what someone wants to interpret from it.

If someone, has no interest in his club or his country, they will make of it what they will and follow a narrative.......If someone likes his club and dislikes France, they too will make of what they will,and follow their narrative hence a divisive view.

There are rules in Football, enough to keep  the most avid reader content.....He got booked, by the referee, thats it.....rules applied.

Its all hot air now, its happened, and controversial events have happened before, and been equally divisive, by the same principles.

Personally, for reasons based on the above....I couldn't give a kippers dick.

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The problem with this entire Emi bashing thing is that the pundits had already declared that the new king of football was MBappe. They were all ready to anoint the new king after the World Cup final. Unfortunately for them both Lionel Messi and Emi had different ideas. The pundits still adore Messi and had waxed lyrical about him throughout the competition so he was untouchable, plus he played for the mega rich PSG. They needed someone to blame, step forward Emi from little Aston Villa. 

Hopefully Unai Emery uses this theme to motivate Emi and his team mates. He can generate a siege mentality in a similar way that Fergie did at Man U for years. The press keep saying Unai is going to have a word with Emi.. I hope that is, “Well done Emi, keep up the good work, stuff the anti Villa press. We’ll look after you. Mr Sawiris and Mr Edens are delighted for you and with you.”

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2 hours ago, MakemineVanilla said:

My view would be that the British press are happy to slag off players who play for PL clubs, of middling status, but reluctant to do it for bigger clubs and higher-status players.

So when Mbappe mocked Kane for missing the penalty, there wasn't a fuss because they didn't want to sound like bad losers, but now they feel free to have a go at Matinez for mocking Mbappe, because he only plays for Villa.

Bruce Grobbelaar was always praised for his antics during a shoot-out which won Liverpool a trophy.


I bet if was the other way around and Lloris did it then it would be fine

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2 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

The problem with this entire Emi bashing thing is that the pundits had already declared that the new king of football was MBappe. They were all ready to anoint the new king after the World Cup final. Unfortunately for them both Lionel Messi and Emi had different ideas. The pundits still adore Messi and had waxed lyrical about him throughout the competition so he was untouchable, plus he played for the mega rich PSG. They needed someone to blame, step forward Emi from little Aston Villa. 

Hopefully Unai Emery uses this theme to motivate Emi and his team mates. He can generate a siege mentality in a similar way that Fergie did at Man U for years. The press keep saying Unai is going to have a word with Emi.. I hope that is, “Well done Emi, keep up the good work, stuff the anti Villa press. We’ll look after you. Mr Sawiris and Mr Edens are delighted for you and with you.”

Well Said Dave.

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6 hours ago, theboyangel said:

None of this furore over his ‘antics’ would’ve happened if he played for a ‘media appointed big club’ 

The press report nicely on who they like (see Southgate, Messi, Mbappe et al) but if you’re at an unfavourable club it’s open season until you move on to an elite club.

I don’t see the need to ask every manager about Martinez in the recent press conferences.. it’s targeted and demeaning to the achievement. 

where’s the continual bad press over Ronaldo effectively being sacked by ManUre, then acting like a complete child throughout the biggest footballing tournament and now being shunned by elite clubs, all and sundry?

Nope, not a sausage because he’s Ronaldo.

however, little old Villa and their players can be smacked with a stick all day long. 

I have stopped watching Sky Sports News as they’re all bunch of words removed. 

Whilst I agree in the overall view, in THIS case, I think Emi deserves any criticism.

I love the guy, and I wish he stays with us forever, and I think he’s hilarious.

BUT… this Mbappe business lacks class no matter what angle you throw on it - and any subsequent criticism is fair game.

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7 minutes ago, Talldarkandransome said:

I've seen players do much worse, deliberate fouls, career ending tackles.

All Emi did was the equivalent of 

Ner ner ner ner ner


the Wales goalkeeper nearly took an Iranian guys head off and nothing has been said. Its farcical and Villa fans getting on the anti Emi bandwagon for insulting a millionaire should be ashamed

Here is Mbappe insulting Haaland with team mates after winning a Last 16 Champions League gameHilarous Video - Mbappe and Co. mock Haaland - ronaldo.com

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21 minutes ago, Farlz said:

We need more shithouse wind up merchants like Emi.

The amount of tears he has caused has been absolutely fantastic. 

People moan we are soft then when our player becomes one of the biggest wind up artists in the world they complain its bad for our image

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