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The Video Assistant Referee (VAR)


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9 hours ago, Zatman said:

One of the worst VAR calls ever in the Milan Napoli game. 

Worst thing ti ever happen in football 

used to work with an italian fan and he says the league is still very much corrupted

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12 hours ago, M_Afro said:

The ref’s should also be miked and be forced to talk through their decision making process like they do in rugby. It would bring greater accountability 

trust me, hearing them talk through and further demonstrate their incompetence would anger us even more

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27 minutes ago, tomav84 said:

trust me, hearing them talk through and further demonstrate their incompetence would anger us even more

We have this every Monday with Dermot I agree with every decision the Ref/VAR makes Gallager!

The man is an Amoeba has no backbone!

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I've just seen that Newcastle one on the highlights.  I already knew the score going in so when the foul happened I assumed that Newcastle missed the inevitable penalty.  I am honestly floored by how badly and blatantly wrong they got this one.  It's not even close.  In real time it looked like a pen, in slow motion it looks like a pen, from every available angle it looks like a pen, because it is a penalty.  All day, every day.  If you ever needed to make a case for VAR not being fit for purpose, this decision would be front and centre as evidence.

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2 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

This is a decent indication of the problem, there's a club of referees, they know what it's like to have to suffer the rants from prima donna players, jumped up managers, big crowds, they know what it's like to have people boo you in the supermarket and shout at you in the street, they know what it's like to have to be careful when you get out of the car that people haven't seen you park it and don't know it's yours. It's a difficult life and they're the only ones that understand - so they back each other up, completely, utterly and consistently, everything the VAR does is in the hope of protecting the ref on the field from abuse - that's the problem with it - that it's operated by the same people who referee games. 

Our VAR should either be done by an independent group of officials, recruited specifically for VAR, or on rotation by groups of officials from different leagues, so that one week ours is done by Dutch officials and another by Germans and one week our officials VAR the Italian league and another the Spanish league.

We have to do something to remove this weird comradeship from our VAR decisions, it's killing the idea of VAR and adding a second level of wrong to games - there's no use having a second opinion if your second opinion is your absolute best friend; it's like asking your nan if you look good in a suit - she'll always say yes.

You don't, you fat b*stard.



It was nice to see Shearer on MOTd literally say the VAR is not the problem, the refs are the problem and they are useless.

Strange it was 99% perfect in the world cup and Euro's. I'm guessing because their mates were not in the VAR room and the referees are a little more competent.

Edited by foreveryoung
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1 hour ago, OutByEaster? said:


Our VAR should either be done by an independent group of officials, recruited specifically for VAR, or on rotation by groups of officials from different leagues, so that one week ours is done by Dutch officials and another by Germans and one week our officials VAR the Italian league and another the Spanish league.

VAR specialists who don't have any connection with the pitch refs would be a good start.

Doubling the pool of refs with the absolute best from across the world would also help, and paying them like football players are paid so that the Premier League does get the best refs.

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They just need to remove the stigma around VAR correcting refs. It shouldn't be framed as "a clear and obvious error". It should be framed at giving the referee a better look at something he missed.

It shouldn't be seen as a dig at the ref, just giving him a chance to review his own decision.


As it stands I think VAR is looking for a reason to agree with the decision on the pitch. Which shouldn't be the case. It should be reviewing an incident completely independently of what the on field ref has done. If VAR disagrees with the ref, then he reviews it.

He can still overrule VAR and stick with his decision. But he gets another look at it.


Personally I'd actually like to see more VAR decisions review by the ref and for him to overrule VAR and stick with his decision. it would at least show it's being used properly rather than just for show

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13 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

Is it me or are the wrong decisions getting clearer, more dramatic, bigger?

To play devils advocate slightly, I actually think there are less incidents this season, which is maybe why the glaring ones stand out.

You remember back to last season where every game there were absurd offside calls and ridiculous use of VAR. I think it's definitely calmed down this season.


But the errors that are happening, you're right, seem far more glaring. I honestly can't believe some of the decisions this weekend. The Kane/Xhaka red cards and the Newcastle penalty especially were astonishing

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Watching Gallagher now on SSN. He will not commit to anything that is wrong. He is a waste of time having on to be honest. With the Kane challenge, he just says both referees in the VAR room and on the field are trained the same, so as good as will come out with the same outcome. This is absolute bull****

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3 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

Watching Gallagher now on SSN. He will not commit to anything that is wrong. He is a waste of time having on to be honest. With the Kane challenge, he just says both referees in the VAR room and on the field are trained the same, so as good as will come out with the same outcome. This is absolute bull****

Definitely bullshit. The whole point is that VAR get a better look at an incident that the ref has missed. Give the ref a chance to review it. They don't need to be trained differently, they are just getting a different perspective. There's literally no point in VAR if the logic is going to be "well they're trained the same so they'd make the same decision"

It's infuriating. As I said above, they're too worried about making the on field refs look bad. And the onfield refs are too happy to let VAR make the decision for them. So they're in a neverending cycle of doing nothing.

Edited by Stevo985
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That man City, Newcastle penalty when the keeper takes out the player, screams of something dodgy going on. Surely a professional ref cannot be that bad. Even Gallagher could not defend it. Any top team gets that.

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3 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

This is a decent indication of the problem, there's a club of referees, they know what it's like to have to suffer the rants from prima donna players, jumped up managers, big crowds, they know what it's like to have people boo you in the supermarket and shout at you in the street, they know what it's like to have to be careful when you get out of the car that people haven't seen you park it and don't know it's yours. It's a difficult life and they're the only ones that understand - so they back each other up, completely, utterly and consistently, everything the VAR does is in the hope of protecting the ref on the field from abuse - that's the problem with it - that it's operated by the same people who referee games. 

Our VAR should either be done by an independent group of officials, recruited specifically for VAR, or on rotation by groups of officials from different leagues, so that one week ours is done by Dutch officials and another by Germans and one week our officials VAR the Italian league and another the Spanish league.

We have to do something to remove this weird comradeship from our VAR decisions, it's killing the idea of VAR and adding a second level of wrong to games - there's no use having a second opinion if your second opinion is your absolute best friend; it's like asking your nan if you look good in a suit - she'll always say yes.

You don't, you fat b*stard.



This is absolutely spot on. It sometimes seems like a strange, convoluted form of omertà.



I thought that the introduction of VAR was exactly what we needed to counter the atrocious refereeing in the Premier League, but, for some reason, we couldn't also deal with the people responsible for said refereeing in the process. It astonishes me that Mike Dean, Martin Atkinson, Kevin Friend, and Jon Moss are still officiating top-level games after all these years.

Edited by His Name Is Death
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3 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

This is a decent indication of the problem, there's a club of referees, they know what it's like to have to suffer the rants from prima donna players, jumped up managers, big crowds, they know what it's like to have people boo you in the supermarket and shout at you in the street, they know what it's like to have to be careful when you get out of the car that people haven't seen you park it and don't know it's yours. It's a difficult life and they're the only ones that understand - so they back each other up, completely, utterly and consistently, everything the VAR does is in the hope of protecting the ref on the field from abuse - that's the problem with it - that it's operated by the same people who referee games. 

Our VAR should either be done by an independent group of officials, recruited specifically for VAR, or on rotation by groups of officials from different leagues, so that one week ours is done by Dutch officials and another by Germans and one week our officials VAR the Italian league and another the Spanish league.

We have to do something to remove this weird comradeship from our VAR decisions, it's killing the idea of VAR and adding a second level of wrong to games - there's no use having a second opinion if your second opinion is your absolute best friend; it's like asking your nan if you look good in a suit - she'll always say yes.

You don't, you fat b*stard.



But when we have the german, Spanish, Dutch officials who are the poor bastards that are going to get lumped with ours? 

It is surprising that they haven't gone abroad for recruitment before the aussie this season 

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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

But when we have the german, Spanish, Dutch officials who are the poor bastards that are going to get lumped with ours? 


Best league in the world, mate, they should be honoured.

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I think it is safe to say that PGMOL is not doing what it was set out for, and that is improving the standard of refereeing in the UK. I think he standard of refereeing is probabably at it's worst since I can remember, it appears they are making it up as they go along. I would start at Mike Riley and overhaul the recruitment, training and pay of referees and look into different ways of recruiting new referees as what they are currently doing isn't working. I cannot think of one good referee!

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