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The Video Assistant Referee (VAR)


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For VAR to operate properly in this corrupt league, you would need a club rep with a lawyer from both teams in the VAR booth and each match would take at least 6 hours,

VAR needs to be binned and referees managed correctly and with penalties and fines for there performances, the penalties should be severe enough to block potential brown envelopes.


edit, football is a simple game that's been made over complicated for a reason, as in all things corrupt just follow where the money is going to.


Edited by Phil Silvers
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I think it was nearly 3 minutes to make that decision yesterday, 3 minutes to decide whether they can get away with not giving the penalty, not 3 minutes to work out if it was handball. We question it with replays on our laptops, tablets. These bunch of clowns at Stockley park have 50 inch TV screens in front of them, watching from every angle, if they can't get that right, I'm not sure what they are even doing in there. Anyone who watches alot of football, never mind a qualified referee, with the equipment they have there could make nearly any decision within 30 seconds surely. I think also that the ref didn't go and view it on the monitor speaks volumes, as he would have had to then take full responsibility of a corrupt decision.

I said before, with the money Newcastle now have, you start to watch how many decisions now start to go there way. It's actually already started with the offside when we played them.

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2 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

I think it was nearly 3 minutes to make that decision yesterday, 3 minutes to decide whether they can get away with not giving the penalty, not 3 minutes to work out if it was handball. We question it with replays on our laptops, tablets. These bunch of clowns at Stockley park have 50 inch TV screens in front of them, watching from every angle, if they can't get that right, I'm not sure what they are even doing in there. Anyone who watches alot of football, never mind a qualified referee, with the equipment they have there could make nearly any decision within 30 seconds surely. I think also that the ref didn't go and view it on the monitor speaks volumes, as he would have had to then take full responsibility of a corrupt decision.

I said before, with the money Newcastle now have, you start to watch how many decisions now start to go there way. It's actually already started with the offside when we played them.

This exactly what is happening and its all too obvious now, they are testing the waters with it to see what they can get away with and they will eventually be able to control results for whatever reason.

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14 hours ago, Jono62 said:

Because they are a Sky 6 side. If it was Everton, they would have given a pen to Man City.

They only go in detail when it's an non Sky 6 side.

I’ll just put this here for all to see how much of a joke it is. 



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12 minutes ago, MessiWillSignForVilla said:

Then why is the solution always to get rid of the technology all together and not the shit refs?

the ‘technology’ is literally just a video, they come hand in hand. No one saying ‘get rid of VAR it doesn’t work’ thinks video replays are the problem.


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32 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

I think it was nearly 3 minutes to make that decision yesterday, 3 minutes to decide whether they can get away with not giving the penalty, not 3 minutes to work out if it was handball. We question it with replays on our laptops, tablets. These bunch of clowns at Stockley park have 50 inch TV screens in front of them, watching from every angle, if they can't get that right, I'm not sure what they are even doing in there. Anyone who watches alot of football, never mind a qualified referee, with the equipment they have there could make nearly any decision within 30 seconds surely. I think also that the ref didn't go and view it on the monitor speaks volumes, as he would have had to then take full responsibility of a corrupt decision.

I said before, with the money Newcastle now have, you start to watch how many decisions now start to go there way. It's actually already started with the offside when we played them.

Stockley Park yesterday, review for penalty comes

Anybody want a cup of tea? Set the timer for three minutes That should make it look like we’re looking at it, Sugar milk?

Timer goes off. Be a good lad and pass me the chocolate digestives and press that button that says no penalty

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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

You’re desperate to find some sort of defence in my posts. 

Several times I’ve said that decision yesterday was appalling. It’s ridiculous. 

All I’m saying here is that IN THIS CASE it was the shit referees’ fault and not the technology’s fault. 

Am I wrong? VAR gave them the opportunity to review a shit on field decision and should have resulted in them overturning it and rightly giving Everton a penalty. 

The technology and the refs go hand in hand. VAR isn’t just the technology. And as it stands VAR is completely shit. I hate it, everyone hates it. I’d happily see it gone tomorrow. It’s ruined part of football and is completely unfit for purpose. 

All I was doing here was separating the technology, which in this case worked perfectly, with the people using the technology, which in this case failed completely. 

If you want to take that as a defence of VAR then be my guest

Well sorry but it feels like every time there’s a ridiculous decision you’re quick to come on and offer a defence.

IIRC you were also fully in favour of introducing it in the first place so it’s left me feeling like there’s at least some part of you that’s desperate for it to succeed.

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1 hour ago, bannedfromHandV said:

Well sorry but it feels like every time there’s a ridiculous decision you’re quick to come on and offer a defence.

Show me where I’ve defended yesterday’s decision. I’ll wait. 

1 hour ago, bannedfromHandV said:


IIRC you were also fully in favour of introducing it in the first place so it’s left me feeling like there’s at least some part of you that’s desperate for it to succeed.

Of course I want it to succeed. Why wouldn’t I want something introduced to football to succeed?

Its not succeeding though. And I’d rather it was scrapped altogether


I think you’re reading what you want to read

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