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Tony Xia (no longer involved with AVFC)


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15 minutes ago, hooter said:

Try "only five/six/seven/eight years ago they were Champions league semi-finalists". I hear you.

But the only way we've ever shifted the bastards that owned us was eventually by some occasionally innovative positive action, largely organised online. One lot in particular were very sensitive to negative PR. 

Maybe Xia is.

You might want to find out who owns the advertising hoardings bordering the ground for instance, because Villa won't.

We had a very resourceful group of fellas crowdfunded for this...

https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.dailymail.co.uk%2Fi%2Fpix%2F2016%2F02%2F15%2F19%2F313DEF9F00000578-0-image-a-65_1455563317064.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fsport%2Ffootball%2Farticle-3448294%2FLeeds-fans-project-messages-slamming-Massimo-Cellino-Elland-Road-stadium-bid-unwanted-owner-out.html&docid=QoR5WJCsbDPGQM&tbnid=HQKWIXQhJ9HZ0M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjtkpiPt4vcAhXLAsAKHRO3BnkQMwg8KAQwBA..i&w=636&h=382&bih=837&biw=1670&q=cellino out&ved=0ahUKEwjtkpiPt4vcAhXLAsAKHRO3BnkQMwg8KAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8

Ok, fair. I've misconstrued your and @WaccoeOnline's intentions, through my own filter of hurt at our crap situation. 

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6 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

You constantly prove my analogy in nearly every post on the Xia thread. Nothing else is needed. 

But if you know which analogy was constantly proven - you could share it no? Nothing nasty about asking that shuuuurely?

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1) Another few quid off the Grealish fee, never admit you have to sell you muppet 

2) Bruce is going nowhere, not sure how I feel about that yet

3) He ain't selling but is looking for suitable investment. Suitable silent investment I guess as he still wants full control

4) He has dictated it to someone else to actually write. No broken English or emoji's

5) Come on England

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2 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

How am I defending him?

I’m stating a fairly blatant fact. He needn’t have bothered posting the open letter, because, as shown in this thread, many fans have already made their minds up and will just take it as more lies, because of the things we cannot deny (missed tax bill, sacked CEO etc) and because of what the oh-so-truthful media have told us (we’re going into administration).

Do I believe everything Tony says? No.

Do I believe everything the media says? No.

Am I going to jump on Villatalk to insult Tony after every new revelation that comes from the club. No, because I’m sure there’s more to it than ‘Tony - bad. Everyone else - good’.

I personally think the letter is helpful in that it explains a few things at least (or explains what Tony’s view is, anyway), such as Bruce is staying, Xia isn’t selling up, we are bank loan free (but the wording seems purposefully specific), the EFL have no issues with Round & Wyness going, Xia is acting CEO and not Ho and loans have been converted to equity.

Sorry if me choosing to interpret an open letter with an open mind, whether I conclude good or bad points, doesn’t fit your image of all Villa fans having the pitchforks out at every opportunity.

He has told lies. People call him a liar. You take offence to a liar being called a liar. That's what i am questioning. 

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9 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

Neither. You didn't defend him hence my post was aimed at those that did. 

Hope that clears it up. 

Show me where I defended him Jonah.

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10 minutes ago, NoelVilla said:

Im not convinced we are doomed and will go bankrupt. Not enough information for me to make that conclusion. Am I defending him or in the grey area?

How much info do you need before you accept he’s a conman?

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Just now, DCJonah said:

He has told lies. People call him a liar. You take offence to a liar being called a liar. That's what i am questioning. 

Does a lair lie 100% of the time? Is that the way your mind works? That seems like a pretty flawed logic to me, and is what I was disagreeing with. Nothing in my post was defending Xia.

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Just now, DCJonah said:

You got defensive over the fact people called him a liar. 

I stated a fact. Why is that getting defensive?

It’s not defensive to state the blatantly obvious.

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44 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

I **** hated lerner but to his credit, he actively looked to sell knowing it was for the best. 

I genuinely think Xia will hold on no matter what. 

He does seem determined to stick around like a captain going down with the ship doesn't he? As far as Randy is concerned he does not come out of this with a clean slate because he sold to our present owner as did Deadly to him and they appear to have sold for the good of themselves rather than for the good of our club. All three have done an abysmal job as so called custodians of our football club.

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1 minute ago, Rob182 said:

Does a lair lie 100% of the time? Is that the way your mind works? That seems like a pretty flawed logic to me, and is what I was disagreeing with. Nothing in my post was defending Xia.

No, but being a liar means it pretty fair game to have official statements questioned IMO

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13 minutes ago, NoelVilla said:

Im not convinced we are doomed and will go bankrupt. Not enough information for me to make that conclusion. Am I defending him or in the grey area?

Because you are not (yet) 100% convinced of our pending doom, you are defending Xia, defensive yourself, part of a fan club and presumably will always be these things because if you ever have shown one opinion, you will always show that opinion without fail.

Something like that Noel. It’s great fun, whatever it is.

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Just now, DCJonah said:

No, but being a liar means it pretty fair game to have official statements questioned IMO

You've just proven my long standing analogy that we all know very clearly without me repeating it as we all know it, very clearly, without repetition. 

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1 minute ago, DCJonah said:

No, but being a liar means it pretty fair game to have official statements questioned IMO

Which is exactly what I’ve said in my post. Having statements questioned is different to outright dismissing every point raised I them, which is what I’ve seen on here.

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1 minute ago, Rob182 said:

Which is exactly what I’ve said in my post. Having statements questioned is different to outright dismissing every point raised I them, which is what I’ve seen on here.

I don't think that's the case at all. I think one or two posts may have done it. Everything else has raised valid concerns and questions given everything we know. 

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