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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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It's not promising, IMO, that we have begun the negotiations with a threat, totally lacking in credibility, to withdraw security information and funding and potentially leave Europol. 

EDIT: To make that sentence a bit clearer, it is the threat to withdraw security information that is lacking in credibility, rather than the threat to leave Europol, which will presumably be a necessity. 

Edited by HanoiVillan
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1 hour ago, Chindie said:

Downing Street doing it's best impression of Magritte.

Ceci n'est pas une threat.

Theresa May has denied this, saying "Je ne Magritte rien"

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You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, than Twitter today. 

Thick words removed everywhere celebrating something they know practically nothing about. 

I'm pretty sure they are going to reap what they have sowed and selfishly that makes me feel a little bit better about it all. 

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5 minutes ago, Enda said:

The funny thing is this encapsulates the so much of Leave thought-process pretty well.

It's not "You know what, I think the cost of the single market is too much". No, the logic is "Red, white and blue Brexit. We're British, we've won wars, f*ck yeah."

As a rational person, I find the whole thing amazing.

As i said back in June, Brexit is basically Britain rejecting getting over itself.

I have to hope it comes good, because I'll be one of the people that is hit by it, but can't say i think it will at all. I suppose the one upside of it going wrong is the slight joy i could take in pointing at the Leave vote and thinking 'you wanted this! Reap the rewards'.

As for coming together? No.

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9 minutes ago, Chindie said:

I have to hope it comes good, because I'll be one of the people that is hit by it, but can't say i think it will at all. I suppose the one upside of it going wrong is the slight joy i could take in pointing at the Leave vote and thinking 'you wanted this! Reap the rewards'.

As for coming together? No.


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5 minutes ago, ChrisVillan said:

You'd have to be a special kind of arsehole to actively celebrate it. 

Surely you'd expect the more than 17 million who voted for it to be quite pleased today? 

Oh, I see...  nevermind. I'll just pour another drink and carrying on celebrating.


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