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Paul Lambert


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Hi George,i'll say it again,[edited by mods]We are very much still for sale.Anyhow,this is off topic in this thread.I passionately believe that Paul Lambert should have been sacked back in May,that he wasn't,showed we had a gutless,disinterested Owner.That he was then given a new 4 year Contract in September was as bad a decision in my eyes as hiring AM back in 2011.Randy and Paul are dropping us to new depths of despair as each week passes.I anxiously await both leaving our great Club,whenever that may be...

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It bothers me too.


And me.


It's the elite Rugby Union club competition on England. 


Maybe that's the way forward, we might do better at another sport?  :(



Well people do seem to want Tony Pulis :)

So has Lambert broke the record for the amount of records broken? :P


I believe the club were going to research this but couldn't afford to spend the money.

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Hi George,i'll say it again,you are lying.We are very much still for sale.Anyhow,this is off topic in this thread.I passionately believe that Paul Lambert should have been sacked back in May,that he wasn't,showed we had a gutless,disinterested Owner.That he was then given a new 4 year Contract in September was as bad a decision in my eyes as hiring AM back in 2011.Randy and Paul are dropping us to new depths of despair as each week passes.I anxiously await both leaving our great Club,whenever that may be...

You are out of order. The club will, of course, be sold one day but it is not for sale at the moment. You took this off topic. I also want Lerner and Lambert gone by the way. We have have to put up with half of that happening short term.
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It bothers me too.


And me.


It's the elite Rugby Union club competition on England. 


Maybe that's the way forward, we might do better at another sport?  :(



I beg your pardon. I am from Ireland - I know nothing.

It bothers me now too!  :)

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Perhaps the club has been taken off sale since a potential buyer may have already been found and some sort of gentlemen's agreement in place??


Bit like the whole 'Cleveland Browns helmet' being in Doug Ellis office to ward off any other potential buyers at the time, scenario.

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Despite my best intentions to stay on topic,i feel entitled to reply to George.If you look back,you initially mentioned we weren't for sale a page or so back,so you were the person to take this off topic not me,so even more lies from you.So,once again,i will say,we are very much still for sale.Anyhow,I have no intention of replying to anymore nonsense and lies that you most likely will respond with.I want Lambert out so badly,he is utterly out of his depth here.The performances/results in his time here have been despairing,the majority of his signings have been poor,he continues to play the same formation and time after time after time the performances have been poor to shambolic,so I very much look forward to this fraud eventually getting the sack.

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Just reading the Delph thread and someone commented that there is just so much negativity around the club. What a difference a couple of months makes. Things were looking up after a good start had followed what appeared to be a decent summer for us in terms of bringing in the experienced players we clearly lacked.


It is normally the case that teams can thrive off some positive momentum. The opposite has been the case for us. It is the first time since the back end of 12/13 that we had gathered some forward momentum and for it to have gone into such dramatic reverse is shocking.


As much as it pains me the finger has to be fully pointed at the manager. He couldn’t have wished for us to make a better start and it was his job to ensure the players fed off of that. Of course given the fixtures it was to be expected we would lose a few games but the manner of some of those defeats more so than the results was worrying. It quickly became apparent in all the games that as soon as we went a goal down it was game over. There was simply no belief in the players that we could get back into games and given the positive start we had made to the season that should never have been the case.


We lack a backbone and the players seem to lack an inner belief that when the going gets tough they will roll their sleeves up and go hell for leather and really get stuck in. This has been the case for a very, very long time now. Perhaps it could be excused when we had a side made of young and inexperienced at the top level players. Now that is not the case.


I hope we get a result tomorrow but I just don’t see it and the same goes for against Southampton next week. Whether some like it or not, and I personally don’t although I fully understand it, but we lose tomorrow then the atmosphere against Southampton next week will be poisonous and the knifes will be out for Lambert again.


There needs to be an acceptance that there will be no massive turnover of players in January and therefore what it needs is a manager who can consistently get the best out of the current crop. Despite being the man who has put this squad together Lambert it is now sadly blatantly clear is not that manager. I hope he goes before things turn really vicious against him as for one I personally like the guy and more importantly the longer he stays now the more damage that will be done.

Edited by markavfc40
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I think that the main stick to beat Lambert with (despite his poor record) is his lack of enthusiasm.  Regardless of whether we win or lose, he has the same kind of demeanour.   I imagine his highs and lows are never far apart.


Managers like Carlo Ancelotti for example, never get too emotionally invested in wins or losses, but the key difference is that his teams win most of the time, the motivation for the players kind of looks after itself.


But with Lambert, we're a team that often looks like we'll never come from behind again.  We don't have many leaders who can really rally the troops, either through vocal communication or an inspirational performance.  He celebrates when we score, which is always good, but I want him to raise his players games by being there with them.  Our players aren't gifted enough to turn up and win games, we have to get ourselves going. 


If Lambert had MON's personality, he'd be a much better manager.


He just kind of seems a little.. uninspiring... which is bad when we have a team as mentally meek as ours.

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Just reading the Delph thread and someone commented that there is just so much negativity around the club. What a difference a couple of months makes. Things were looking up after a good start had followed what appeared to be a decent summer for us in terms of bringing in the experienced players we clearly lacked.


It is normally the case that teams can thrive off some positive momentum. The opposite has been the case for us. It is the first time since the back end of 12/13 that we had gathered some forward momentum and for it to have gone into such dramatic reverse is shocking.


it really didnt help our positive start that we ran into a brick wall of Arsenal, Everton City and Chelsea. If only the ffixtures had been a bit kinder I think it would have probably continued

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Just reading the Delph thread and someone commented that there is just so much negativity around the club. What a difference a couple of months makes. Things were looking up after a good start had followed what appeared to be a decent summer for us in terms of bringing in the experienced players we clearly lacked.


It is normally the case that teams can thrive off some positive momentum. The opposite has been the case for us. It is the first time since the back end of 12/13 that we had gathered some forward momentum and for it to have gone into such dramatic reverse is shocking.


it really didnt help our positive start that we ran into a brick wall of Arsenal, Everton City and Chelsea. If only the ffixtures had been a bit kinder I think it would have probably continued




As I stated further down the post you quoted given the fixtures then it was expected we would lose a few games. We didn’t just lose though as soon as going a goal down in each of the games we have lost recently it has been game over including against a dire QPR and an at the time out of form Everton. The players simply have no belief that they can turn games around and given the start we had, which should have given us a lot of confidence, then that should not be the case.


For whatever reason the manager has not been able to instil any belief in the players and a fighting spirit and that to me two and a half years into his tenure is totally unacceptable. I can’t tell you the last time we went a goal down and came back to win and I would imagine you could count on your one hand the amount of times it has happened since Lambert has been here.


I have been going to Villa Park for over 30 years and one thing the crowd demands and will feed off is the team having a right go. We just haven’t done that anywhere near enough under Lambert. The crowd will feed off seeing the lads get stuck in and it is then a two way thing and the whole place is lifted. Villa Park is a great place to play at for home players as long as you put a shift in and have a real go. Conversely if you don’t then the atmosphere will work against the players and make it a difficult place to play at as has been shown all too often over the last 3 or 4 seasons.


Lambert to me promised so much when he arrived. He came with a reputation for sending his teams out to have a right go regardless of opposition and happy to concede a couple of goals in search of scoring a few. For a long time now he has sent us out not to lose and that is reflected by the fact as soon as we concede we look totally lost and happy to throw in the towel. The whole team lacks any spirit and a pair of balls and that for me now sadly will only come from a change in manager.

Edited by markavfc40
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Lambert's always come across as being frightened in his time here. Frightened of what? The size of the task? The pressure? I don't know, but his players' attitude seem to reflect his leadership: weak, scared, confused. Ability aside, we all know we have rubbish players but the most worrying aspect as Lambert's tenure has just been the serious lack of effort in a substantial amount of games. It's important to not forget the back end of last season, which was just soul destroying to see a Villa team lack any sort of heart, it was so horrible to see, and after a decent start with a small bit of momentum, we're just seeing the team drop to these levels of laziness and complacency again, which I will just never be able to accept. 

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