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Paul Lambert


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i like his summer business for the most part and am obviously delighted with the first 4 league games, but im not going to go overboard on praise just yet, given hes just finally done what he should have done in the first place - get the right mix of youth and experience and buy players who can physically cope in this league.


he did inherit some good players-  into his 3rd season and half the team is made up of players already at the club when he arrived. yes he hasnt had the financial backing of some, but he has still had over 40 million to spend. more buys like vlaar, like this summers business in the first place instead of wasting money on light weight kids, and maybe we wouldnt have spent the last 2 years fighting relegation.


its hard not to wonder how influential keane has been on the types of players being recruited - this year has seen us not just going for experience - but for big, powerful players who can bully the opposition and like keane play a bit dirty when required- just what we needed

Edited by andym
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It's a big ole club to manage and there are so many aspects to it.

I think lambert had too many balls in the air....Roy Keane looks like the much needed help he has been craving.

It's not to say the last 2 years results have been ok....far from it....but we may have discovered an essential bit of support that PL needed.

We will see.

Yes too many balls...including his own ;-) Edited by Vincenzo
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Weimann, Guzan and Delph have come on a long way since Lambert arrived.

Guzan wasn't at the club in all fairness.

4 of the starting 11 from Saturday were at the club when Lambert arrived. That number may reduce when Benteke is back. That's definitely not half. Closer to a third. All of them good players, those that haven't been consistent (Weimann and Gabby) have had a lot of faith shown in them.

This is his squad. That is undeniable now.

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Weimann, Guzan and Delph have come on a long way since Lambert arrived.

Guzan wasn't at the club in all fairness.

4 of the starting 11 from Saturday were at the club when Lambert arrived. That number may reduce when Benteke is back. That's definitely not half. Closer to a third. All of them good players, those that haven't been consistent (Weimann and Gabby) have had a lot of faith shown in them.

This is his squad. That is undeniable now.

And Vlaar.

To put some perspective, Liverpool changed manager the same time and have Johnson. skirtel, Gerrard, Henderson and Sterling in the team, it takes a while to completely clear out a team.

Edited by Oaks
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Whatever the case, Lambert accepted the brief and took on the challenge. Things now are starting to look up somewhat - we've had 2 seasons of massive overhaul and transition, so hopefully now it's time to build slowly and start doing better in general.

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What did the team cost the last day 15m? And people want him out?


I find it amazing that people forget so quickly how dire the football has been over the past 2 seasons with him in charge?

I find it pathetic that people can't see the budget constraints he's been working under and can't appreciate the fact that the strikers he spent decent money on were both out for the majority of the second half of last season and we were left with a thread bare squad and because of our decent results earlier in the season we still managed to stay up but don't give any credit for the fact that he managed to get results with a crap squad.

Funny that I find it pathetic when people have to come up with the same old excuses to justify dull, passionless drivell as football or say well we beat ManCity but not mention the two thrashings by Fulham!

Anyway we are both entitled to our own opinions so let's leave at that eh?

I think pretty much everyone on here has been disappointed with results and performances in the past two years, that's a given.

Those seasons have gone now, there is no changing the past and we can't have the time back.

So the question is, what does he need to do to earn your support (or at least a stay of execution) now and going forwards?

I'm 'pro Lambert' in the sense that I do not believe he should have been sacked in the summer, but I also think he could be doing better and I expect to see an improvement in results and performances this season. So far he is delivering that.

Had we have started with four losses and played like a pub team, my patience would be wearing thin in the extreme by now, but we haven't and therefore it isn't.

So what does he need to do in the short/medium/long term to get Delboy back on side or is it just a case of you wanting him gone because of past results no matter what the future brings?

Eg if we finish 10th with a decent GD and a better home record, would you then give him a chance IF new owners came in, or would you still want him gone because the two seasons before that were shite?

Where is the tipping point?




The origins of this whole conversation came from someone's suggestion (Trent I think) that Lambert had earned a new contract which was a statement I found ridiculous.I am obviously delighted with the points tally to date and the seemingly improved defensive displays but still worry creatively. I am not going to get carried away because Lambert has shown us false dawns before so let's see how the season goes and worry about contracts for the manager a lot later in the season?

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What did the team cost the last day 15m? And people want him out?


I find it amazing that people forget so quickly how dire the football has been over the past 2 seasons with him in charge?

I find it pathetic that people can't see the budget constraints he's been working under and can't appreciate the fact that the strikers he spent decent money on were both out for the majority of the second half of last season and we were left with a thread bare squad and because of our decent results earlier in the season we still managed to stay up but don't give any credit for the fact that he managed to get results with a crap squad.

Funny that I find it pathetic when people have to come up with the same old excuses to justify dull, passionless drivell as football or say well we beat ManCity but not mention the two thrashings by Fulham!

Anyway we are both entitled to our own opinions so let's leave at that eh?

I think pretty much everyone on here has been disappointed with results and performances in the past two years, that's a given.

Those seasons have gone now, there is no changing the past and we can't have the time back.

So the question is, what does he need to do to earn your support (or at least a stay of execution) now and going forwards?

I'm 'pro Lambert' in the sense that I do not believe he should have been sacked in the summer, but I also think he could be doing better and I expect to see an improvement in results and performances this season. So far he is delivering that.

Had we have started with four losses and played like a pub team, my patience would be wearing thin in the extreme by now, but we haven't and therefore it isn't.

So what does he need to do in the short/medium/long term to get Delboy back on side or is it just a case of you wanting him gone because of past results no matter what the future brings?

Eg if we finish 10th with a decent GD and a better home record, would you then give him a chance IF new owners came in, or would you still want him gone because the two seasons before that were shite?

Where is the tipping point?




The origins of this whole conversation came from someone's suggestion (Trent I think) that Lambert had earned a new contract which was a statement I found ridiculous.I am obviously delighted with the points tally to date and the seemingly improved defensive displays but still worry creatively. I am not going to get carried away because Lambert has shown us false dawns before so let's see how the season goes and worry about contracts for the manager a lot later in the season?



If a manager meets the remit of the Chairman, does he not deserve a new contract?

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The origins of this whole conversation came from someone's suggestion (Trent I think) that Lambert had earned a new contract which was a statement I found ridiculous.I am obviously delighted with the points tally to date and the seemingly improved defensive displays but still worry creatively. I am not going to get carried away because Lambert has shown us false dawns before so let's see how the season goes and worry about contracts for the manager a lot later in the season?



Yes I think Lambert deserves a new deal and yes I would be delighted if he got one, lets be honest that doesn't even get close to being ridiculous in the context of this thread and some of the statements made as recently as the last few pages.


But you are entirely welcome to feel differently, you won't be alone in that. I just wish it was possible to have a sensible debate/conversation without some of the hyperbole that is banded about in this thread and some of the blinkered views. I don't think anyone thinks Lambert is perfect, I certainly don't but I personally get tired of seeing perfectly valid points about the circumstances in which he has managed being casually dismissed as being excuses.

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A contract these days aren't worth the paper they're written on if you want to get rid of someone. I would give Lambert a new contract because of what it says to the players. I'm not sure quite sure he deserves one though but how can a manager ask Vlaar and Delph to sign if he only has 10'months left? Also Keane has a 2 year deal so at least they should be on the same. One thing that Lambert needs to address for me is how he looks at Cup games. I'm still fuming about Oreint and his lack of passion that night. I believe his demeanour rubbed off on the players and it was seen as a formality we would win and yet again we lost to lower league opposition. Contrast this to league games where he kicks every ball. I think by Xmas he will have earnt a new contract but it'll be interesting what Tom Fox thinks as a big thing for him is style of play and brand going together. We will need more 1st halfs against Hull for him to convince him I reckon.

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Not sure what was missing, but the Lambert/Keane partnership is seriously working.


I've said it before but there's a seriousness about them.  They've both won the pinnacle cup of club football and they were both very, very good footballers.


I have absolutely no idea what Vulverhouse and Kars-hole were doing, but they've been shifted out now and replaced by someone who walks into a room and has an authority about him. 


The players we have are mostly young, they will be absolutely inspired by people such as Keane, who was in his pomp when they were kids, watching him and Viera go head to head and fighting tooth and nail for Championships and Cups.


Add this to the experience we have in players like Vlaar (played in a WC Semi 2 months ago!), Senderos (played for big clubs) etc and we're now seeing how to kill games off.


I'd say the final pieces of the puzzle are still out of action, but they'll be along in no time at all, then we can really enjoy this season.

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I believe lambert deserves a new deal, I am satisfied with what he has dobe given the constraints he's had to work under. As for selling the club I think lerner has realised that the club needs to be seen as having assets on the pitch, with a squad capable of making an impact in the top half of the table in order improve its attractiveness to investors.

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I don't think he deserved a new deal at the end of last season. I think most would have found it difficult to justify a new deal after 38 points and another relegation near miss.

Our fantastic start and good summer business for me doesn't change everything from the last two years. What it has done has altered my belief slightly in lambert. Initially I just wanted him to keep us up and move on if new owners arrived next summer.

I think he's currently got the potential to earn a new deal but IMO he hasn't done that yet.

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Hey Lads, Newbie on the site. Greetings.


I must say PL has been given many different instructions over the past 3 seasons. He also hasn't had the best support staff as well as higher level in Faulkner, this structure has been a problem at Villa for longer than 3 seasons. I think with Keane coming in it really has boosted Lambert's support on a coaching level. We may all be speaking to soon, but i think the management all round may be approaching the right formula.


We have all seen what Lambert can do at championship level he knows how to win leagues. Premier league is obviously a different ball game but given time to find his feet and have a stable structure above him could be a really great manager. This season I think he has built a descent squad with options and back-up in most positions. Once Ben is back we have an attacking game plan option with Delph, Westwood and Grealish supporting in the Midfield. When we need a defensive game plan option. We've got a great solid defense, with defensive midfield options like Sanchez as well as hard workers like Cleverly.


All a good team needs is some quality built around decent 'squad players' Ferguson showed us that.


With quite a solid squad and only the premier league to compete in (No champions league or Carling cup) the squad should carry us through well and be competitive in games against the top 6 that have to concentrate on Europe too and could be leggy at times.


I also think younger players that Lambert brought in last season could definitely benefit with the right support players around them. Look at Baker this weekend, he has absolutely shocking last season but look how well he preformed on Saturday. I think Westwood is the same and Bucuna possibly.


All round i am satisfied so far this season and I reckon Lambert might find his feet this season and we should keep him a bit longer.

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What did the team cost the last day 15m? And people want him out?


I find it amazing that people forget so quickly how dire the football has been over the past 2 seasons with him in charge?

I find it pathetic that people can't see the budget constraints he's been working under and can't appreciate the fact that the strikers he spent decent money on were both out for the majority of the second half of last season and we were left with a thread bare squad and because of our decent results earlier in the season we still managed to stay up but don't give any credit for the fact that he managed to get results with a crap squad.

Funny that I find it pathetic when people have to come up with the same old excuses to justify dull, passionless drivell as football or say well we beat ManCity but not mention the two thrashings by Fulham!

Anyway we are both entitled to our own opinions so let's leave at that eh?

I think pretty much everyone on here has been disappointed with results and performances in the past two years, that's a given.

Those seasons have gone now, there is no changing the past and we can't have the time back.

So the question is, what does he need to do to earn your support (or at least a stay of execution) now and going forwards?

I'm 'pro Lambert' in the sense that I do not believe he should have been sacked in the summer, but I also think he could be doing better and I expect to see an improvement in results and performances this season. So far he is delivering that.

Had we have started with four losses and played like a pub team, my patience would be wearing thin in the extreme by now, but we haven't and therefore it isn't.

So what does he need to do in the short/medium/long term to get Delboy back on side or is it just a case of you wanting him gone because of past results no matter what the future brings?

Eg if we finish 10th with a decent GD and a better home record, would you then give him a chance IF new owners came in, or would you still want him gone because the two seasons before that were shite?

Where is the tipping point?




The origins of this whole conversation came from someone's suggestion (Trent I think) that Lambert had earned a new contract which was a statement I found ridiculous.I am obviously delighted with the points tally to date and the seemingly improved defensive displays but still worry creatively. I am not going to get carried away because Lambert has shown us false dawns before so let's see how the season goes and worry about contracts for the manager a lot later in the season?



If a manager meets the remit of the Chairman, does he not deserve a new contract?



If being a yes man is the only criteria then....yes!

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