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Roy Keane


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We've just had two guys who have worked with Lambert for years sacked for bullying players. It really can't get worse than that. I don't see how this appointment can be anything but better than what we had.

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Roy has hardly distinguished himself as someone who can manage people, so I do wonder how this will all pan out given he will be having a very 'hands on' role with the players. 


I personally see this ending in tears but who knows, perhaps Roy has learned from past mistakes.

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Keane got on well with Fergie for years... until he blew his top. That's the problem with Keane, he is always liable to explode.

He's a perfectionist with extremely high standards, if things aren't done properly or optimally he will speak his mind, he was kicked out of the Ireland world cup squad for precisely that.


I think a clash with Lambert will be inevitable because we hardly play football properly or do things optimally on the pitch. He's a very strong personality and doesn't pull his punches, arguably too strong a personality to be a number 2.  

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Keane got on well with Fergie for years... until he blew his top. That's the problem with Keane, he is always liable to explode.

He's a perfectionist with extremely high standards, if things aren't done properly or optimally he will speak his mind, he was kicked out of the Ireland world cup squad for precisely that.


I think a clash with Lambert will be inevitable because we hardly play football properly or do things optimally on the pitch. He's a very strong personality and doesn't pull his punches, arguably too strong a personality to be a number 2.

Keane player under an extremely volatile manager in Fergie for year and was his captain. They fell out right at the end of a successful career together just as Keane was on decline. Keane then had a varied managerial career with both success and failure. People keep saying that he's liable to a blow up but in his career how many has there been? HE walked away from Ireland as he saw it as an unprofessional set up maybe he can be stubborn but it's because he has such high standards and demands that of those around him. I think as a manager that can be detrimental unless at the very highest level and I think a few top ex pros have found that out. At Villa though he is a coach and if his high standards get more from our group of players we will benefit enourmously from that. He may blow up but seeing as it doesn't seem to be as regular as people make out I think we will be fine!

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At Villa though he is a coach and if his high standards get more from our group of players we will benefit enourmously from that. He may blow up but seeing as it doesn't seem to be as regular as people make out I think we will be fine!

Yes. People seem to be judging him on his managerial record, or because of his apparent refusal to countenance standards below those he expects as a player or manager.

I think the biggest unknown is his coaching ability. yes, he was an outstanding player. yes he played for a couple of extremely good managers and has wide experience as a player and to a lesser degree as a manager, but as far as coaching goes, less so by a distance. Can he sort out defensive shortcomings? can he install a pattern of play that keeps the ball better?

I'd imagine that as Lambert is the man in charge, he won't need to worry so much about discipline, or adherence to the rules and regs - coaches are generally more a link between player and manager, someone the players can have a different relationship with. He's straight talking and no nonsense, sure, but he's probably an amenable chap away from the manager role, and players should respect someone who they'll have seen lifting trophies and in a few cases played against.

I guess the hope is he'll raised the standards of the players, impress on them the need for greater professionalism and a need to improve.

I have no idea if it'll working the long term, but it's not looking like the worst move by a long way. A gamble to an extent, but as someone who Lambert gets along with and who shares the same drive and so on, it looks a decent move. We'll see.

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Keane got on well with Fergie for years... until he blew his top. That's the problem with Keane, he is always liable to explode.

He's a perfectionist with extremely high standards, if things aren't done properly or optimally he will speak his mind, he was kicked out of the Ireland world cup squad for precisely that.


I think a clash with Lambert will be inevitable because we hardly play football properly or do things optimally on the pitch. He's a very strong personality and doesn't pull his punches, arguably too strong a personality to be a number 2.  


Maybe Keane's rough qualities are exactly what is needed at the club on a daily basis? However, I do believe Keane is far more professional (and flexible) than people and the media make him out to be. Personally, I do not see him clashing with Lambert but just offering advice and supporting him.

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I for one like the fact that we've got some fire in team. The likes of Delph, Westwood, Clark, Lowton and such would've been young kids at school when Keane was in his pomp. I dare say the Keane v Viera battles would've been hot topic for them, and now he's coaching them at their team. It could be a horror show, but I'm actually excited by his arrival.


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well i have some doubts about this but to be honest when i think about it he is a high profile name,  ambitious and single minded and driven for success I think we can all agree on that?


The fact that he has joined us over other offers given the shite state we are all in well there has to be some justification for it surely?

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Look at that, just look at that. Already Keane's body language, the folded arms, shows that he isn't fully behind Lambert. And look, he isn't even standing behind him, he is next to him, no actually he is in front of him! There you have it, proof that he is in fact here to take his job and has been appointed by our super secret new owners that even Randy doesn't seem to know about :)

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well i have some doubts about this but to be honest when i think about it he is a high profile name, ambitious and single minded and driven for success I think we can all agree on that?

The fact that he has joined us over other offers given the shite state we are all in well there has to be some justification for it surely?

I think he's joined us over others because he gets what he wants. He's able to continue both jobs and gain coaching experience without any long term commitments.

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Paul Lambert "Roy, who the fudge are those lot?"


Roy Keane " Ermm, that would be Charles N'Zogbia, Darren Bent and Alan Hutton, Paul"


Is it me or has Lambert aged about 10 years in 2 at the Villa? Perhaps managing a club with little money and huge expectations is a bit stressful.

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