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The Thread of Dreams


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Dream last night:

I was waiting for a train at Four Oaks station. It was cancelled so they put on a bus service instead. I got on the bus. 

Glad to see my dreams are going back to being as dull as my life. 

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  • 6 months later...

I actually dreamt I was posting on the forum last night and getting involved in a heated argument with a few posters over the merits of a particular car over another. 

I won't name the posters as I will be monitoring their behaviour to see if they become as aggressive on here in real life as they are in my (sad) dreams! 



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I have real issues with sleep.

Sleep paralysis, apnea, just acting weird generally and last night I experienced exploding head syndrome for the first time; twice in a night.

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I had a real **** up dream last night, my dreams have always been **** up, I used to keep a dream diary, I dunno what happened to it now though, I might need to start one up again.

Anyway last night was **** up even for me, I was in a house and there were about 6 other people in there and I was basically hiding out and killing them one at a time, I don't mean like PG stuff either, one girl (no idea who she was) got a coat hanger through the eye ball, a few of them got stabbed, one of them got choked out whilst I was stabbing them in the back with a steak knife, I can actually remember going for the spine, anyways I got all of them apart from one, this last person saw me and looked terrified, I chucked them the knife that I was holding and told them to kill me because 'I had accomplished everything I had set out to do'

I woke up with one half of a **** jolt, I mean that's major league **** upness

It was only about 15 minutes before I was due to wake up anyway so I'm guessing I was in a pretty light sleep but jesus, made me ask a few questions about my state of mind that did

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2 hours ago, Xela said:

I actually dreamt I was posting on the forum last night and getting involved in a heated argument with a few posters over the merits of a particular car over another. 

I won't name the posters as I will be monitoring their behaviour to see if they become as aggressive on here in real life as they are in my (sad) dreams! 



A Granada over the Rover SD1, you word removed :D

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4 hours ago, Xela said:

I actually dreamt I was posting on the forum last night and getting involved in a heated argument with a few posters over the merits of a particular car over another. 

I won't name the posters as I will be monitoring their behaviour to see if they become as aggressive on here in real life as they are in my (sad) dreams! 



**** tell us you prick! ;)

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I was once on doxycycline, which was given to me as anti malarial prior to leaving the country. One of the unlisted side effects of doxycycline are these things called " doxy dreams".

One night, I dreamt about these small, purple, long haired dogs, and they were called pigeon dogs. Because they were so common, and roaming everywhere, they were considered vermin, and people out of habit would kick them on sight. What developed was the story of their plight to be considered a number among God's beautiful creatures, and for everyone to hold pigeon dogs in a special place within their hearts.

It was kind of Disney meets Watership Down.

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20 hours ago, Sid4ever said:

A Granada over the Rover SD1, you word removed :D

Not even a Vitesse or Vanden Plas could tempt me :D

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I had a dream last night that there was a massive earthquake that leveled the whole of the UK, I slept through it though, but when I woke up everything was pretty much the same, we all got sent home from work, the only thing that changed was that the bull ring was on its side so me and a lad from school (who I haven't seen in 16 years) set up a business where we helped people get into the bull ring.

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22 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

I had a dream last night that there was a massive earthquake that leveled the whole of the UK, I slept through it though, but when I woke up everything was pretty much the same, 

I guess you live in small heath then?

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I had the worst nightmare of my life two nights ago. But I can't remember what it was that spooked me. The dream lasted at least 4 hours, with me in several familiar places, like childhood places, and relative's houses, etc. In each scenario, I'd end up being confronted by a faceless something/someone, and they would slash me to death. But it wasn't a traditional villain, or anyone I know...it was something maybe from within myself...I don't know what it was, but the atmosphere of the dream was total dread, and extreme evil.

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On 15/06/2017 at 05:50, maqroll said:

1-  I'd end up being confronted by a faceless something/someone, and they would slash me to death.

2- ut it wasn't a traditional villain, or anyone I know...it was something maybe from within myself..

3- I don't know what it was, but the atmosphere of the dream was total dread, and extreme evil.








Maqroll. I have the same nightmare. Over to you Bruce and the boys. 

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Last night I had the most realistic dream ever!

I dreamt it was the start of next season and I was playing for Villa.  The first game was against blues and in the line up alongside me was a couple from the the youth team who'd been promoted to the senior side...

One was a very athletic winger called Vince Beef and the other was a central midfielder called Matthew Lettuce!!  Weirdly I can't remember anyone else in the side other than Andre Green and Alan Hutton :blink:

Anyway, the game started and Beef was absolutely battering them on the right wing.  Then I threaded a lovely through-ball to Lettuce who sailed one right into the top corner from the edge of the area!  So vivid was the dream I can actually remember celebrating with him, followed by a mass pile on with the other players, and then watching the replay on the big screen thinking "ooh what a lovely assist by me!" :P

I put us 2-0 up with a direct freekick inside the area, following a pass back.  They then pulled one back after some truly dreadful defending from Hutton, immediately after which Bruce got the entire side doing syncronised stretches on the sideline before the game restarted!!


Anyway, what that all means (other than I'm never eating from that curry house again) I haven't a clue!  Pretty entertaining stuff though!

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