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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. T-Dog

    Matty Cash

    Mistake for the goal, but a menace going forward. I said to my mate, he seems to be one of those players that plays better when it's a more intimidating atmosphere, whereas some of the others seem to shrink away from it.
  2. They set up to stop our midfield playing, they didn't allow the half turns in the first half, and they cut off all the passing channels. Granted, he was poor, but I think we played into their hands a little bit with how they set up. Neither SJM or Dougie had a good game, for the same reason.
  3. And also, what the **** was he playing at before Dougies pen? Why get involved with that shit at that stage in this game?
  4. He was shite, where is all this praise coming from? I've never seen a player bottle so many 50/50s, make so many poor decisions. The fact that Rogers looks the better player says everything for me. Expect a lot better from him in these kind of games.
  5. Hmmm a lot of food for thought there, thank you
  6. T-Dog

    General Chat

    Anything in the back pocket (ooer) is dangerous. I'm strictly a front pocket man.
  7. A girl I was seeing a couple of years back argued that even if you lived the perfect life, it couldn't not be selfish. Even if you gave everything you had, time, energy, love, money, effort to everyone else, you're still doing it as an act of self interest. It's a hard thing to not argue. Nice girl, bit mental in the head, but a cracking pair of tits.
  8. Diaby - MOTM? Absolutely no way. Took his goal well, every other touch he looked like he was playing in flip flops. Gotta be Cashy or Rogers for me.
  9. Apart from the smoking weed, this is how I'm feeling I think, just living a life of chaos all of a sudden. I don't really know how it works but my mindset is definitely not what it used to be.
  10. T-Dog


    Great reply, thank you
  11. No. Spicy ketchup, maybe. Not vindaloo you animal. Although, a vindaloo full of breakfast food, on an evening... Bacon, sausage, tomatoes, hash brown (not chips), possibly an egg, but would have to be boiled. I'm in.
  12. He's the most flip flop plastic rat in the media for supporting teams. I hope we finish 5th now just to prove him wrong. (I don't, but I do dislike him and his opinions)
  13. I think Ronnie's resurrection shows most of the fatigue in the sport is mental fatigue. There aren't very many 'healthy' looking snooker players, never have been.
  14. Incredible work. Don't demonise bread, unless you're eating 10 slices a day. It's very easy to replace those carbs with other equally shit calories. Some may say buy better bread, not really my ethos, but I get it, but if you're doing bread, pack it out with protein and salad. Two pieces of bread with a massive load of piri piri chicken and salad in it is a great lunch. Two pieces of bread, covered in butter and dipped in gravy, less so. And, never trust a swimmer. I'd rather paint the garden fence than swim. I fell off every single routine (not just the gym, but literally everything) after a festival in Feb, but back it on Monday. I've give myself a few days to get everything else in check so I don't need to need to worry about much else, and then it's back to the 5am Power Hour, leeeeet's goooooooo
  15. Anyone playing this years game found that there seems to be a big 'memory leak' the longer you go on into it? I've never noticed it before, but it feels like every season it's getting ever so slightly slower, everything from loading the Scouting screen, the post match press conference to the main menu and to loading the next game. I know it's pretty data heavy, but CPU stats seem absolutely fine when I look at the usage. It definitely felt quicker at the start of the career, and even our network game seems to whizz by when compared to my one player game.
  16. Roasties have a much better place on a breakfast over chips. Although, if you've ever (middle class siren) made a potato rosti with your left over roasties, and had that with your breakfast, that is a game changer. Some diced onion, bit of garlic, couple of runny eggs too, get in me you dirty bastard (kw)
  17. Genuine question - Is that sarcasm? Didn't he get called out for being quite "handy with the inhalers" for Sky? 1% better by doping, isn't 1% better, it's 100% cheating (not that he'd be the only one in cycling tbf)
  18. T-Dog


    Whilst the point about running in Zone 2 is true, I thought it was proven that the overall difference was considered almost pointless unless Calories consumed was restricted too? (This was a long time ago, but I'm sure there was a whitepaper on it). For someone running at Zone 3 and eating normal food, the overall % of 'fat' calories burnt was usually lower, but overall calories burnt was higher, which meant the total 'fat' calories was about the same? I might be wrong, but I definitely remember reading something about it, but this could've been 10+ years ago. But also, there's a million other reasons to run at Zone 2 anyway, not always, but definitely embrace it. Running at that Zone fixed so many problems for me, with injury, stamina, even just the desire to run.
  19. I'd bite Wolves arm (leg I guess, being a wolf) off if Lemina became available for a reasonable price. He does come across as a bit of an arse, but I rate him.
  20. Completely unfair. Olsen was a much better option in attacking midfield.
  21. What are the chances - https://www.facebook.com/groups/175343340898765/posts/677014044065023/ And if there's no supporters clubs out there, you know what to do! Anyway, I've took this thread off topic now, my apologies.
  22. Hey, we don't speak ill of Ronnie. TBF, I'd be surprised if he didn't retire soon anyway, I know he's mentioned a few times it's barely more than a job at this stage.
  23. I agree with that. It did absolutely smack hard in a couple of places, but it also wasn't without it's delights too. And, although very dark, there's nothing that hasn't been shown in other TV and Film before. I will say, it's really not my genre at all, I like Come Dine With Me (yes I said it) - but it had me hooked.
  24. You're very welcome. And excellent choice picking Villa. I'm not sure entirely where you're based, but I bet you have a supporters club somewhere near you.
  25. Not so much Villa, altho we are mentioned, but "Who Are Ya" by Kevin Day is worth a listen/read - It was on Audible not too long back, but was basically gives a very succinct, humorous take on every club in the football league, from their origins to their biggest scandals/achievements.
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