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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. That's what hash browns are for my man
  2. Cheese on a bacon sandwich is Top tier. Especially Mexicana cheese.
  3. Sausage, waffles and.... WHAT? That in itself is absurd!
  4. I may have asked this before, but what 'non traditional' food item would you add to a 'traditional' full English breakfast?
  5. Ipswich away? FFS, that's not a journey for a train, tractor shagging rocket polishers.
  6. Would it be okay to discuss in the DMs? Ta
  7. The chipshop down the road from me has a huge Lib Dems poster in the window for the local elections. I never thought a chippie would be Team Lib Dems, more oldskool Labour. Unless it's a chippy on the river, in which case they'd definitely be Tory. It does beg the question, who would other High Street eateries vote for? Greggs gotta be Labour. Subway probably some kind radical hip left party. McDonalds probably MAGA.
  8. On my arse at the minute, I can only link it to the court case, recreational raving and quite a high alcohol content since Feb. Shit is getting on top, and I mean, proper on top. In a weird space at the minute. I'm a man with a lot of control and routine in his life, and for nearly 3 months I've been living nothing but chaos. Don't really know the answer at the minute.
  9. T-Dog

    General Chat

    Rise again tomorrow sunshine, bring as much positivity to everyone else as possible can, it'll get paid back 10000 times over the next weeks. You got this Sir.
  10. He's literally the worst pundit on the planet. Biased, thick AF, no tactical knowledge of the game. How he's survived Sky's recent cull I'll never know. word removed.
  11. T-Dog


    I think there's a lot more than that. Something over there ain't right. But also, I hate Klopp, he's a word removed, so I'm very happy how this season is ending for him.
  12. Felt like a proud dad seeing this earlier. I'm glad he got a chance in the Premier League, and he's one of those players that I'll follow forever. He's in the T-Dog Hall of Fame forever.
  13. Preach. 14 years kicking the shit out of a puppy and then being the bloke that 'saves' it. Nope.
  14. T-Dog

    Ice rink

    If that's a naan bread, I'm calling it - Dobernaann. Don't @ me.
  15. I disagree, every time Olsen is on, the rest of the team shit it. It's not Olsens fault, but it's a complete change in tactics and mindset. It's something that can be worked on, trained into a player.
  16. Posted elsewhere - Emi is critical to the way we play, he's there to pick the ball up, he's there to organise the defence, he's a ball player. Olsen isn't a bad keeper, but he isn't everything else that Emi is.
  17. Obviously he's the best keeper in the world, BUT it's also important to realise that the rest of the team look like they're shitting themselves when Emi isn't there. He's always a calming influence, he's always available, he never misses a pass, a catch. Olsen, I don't think he's a bad keeper, but I also don't think he's half the option that Emi is. Emi is critical to how we play. Olsen doesn't fit that brief.
  18. It was a poor clearance, but you gotta think in 99/100 occasions the keeper is in a position to receive the header back to them. Why is Olsen there? There's TWO defenders chasing that back, would Emi be standing outside his box? I doubt that. Yes he should have stuck in row Z but also he's probably had a panic going '**** hell Olsen, what you doing there, you sausage' and flapped.
  19. T-Dog

    Unai Emery

    Let's be fair, Chelsea absolutely played us off the park at Stamford Bridge in the cup, Palmer in particular was absolutely superb. The plan today, IMO, was to keep it compact, stop Palmer and Gallagher playing their game, and hit them on the break. It worked for the first half, there weren't many moans about the setup and selection at half time. I do feel like he could've brought Duran on a bit earlier, to at least give us someone to hold the ball up, but Oli is as good as anyone at that and he had one of his worst games of the season tonight unfortunately. At the start of the season, would we have taken a point against Chelsea? Yeah, I think I would have. At the end of the day, it's 1pt closer to Champs League than we had yesterday.
  20. Has a young keeper ever had so much praise? They bloody love him. Fair play kiddo!
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