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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. It took us by surprise, we weren't being rascals at all, but from memory, 2 pubs, maybe 3, checked the ID to see if we were Villa. There was two middle aged men, not a group of ten teenage snotters. Kings and Queens again tho, cracking boozer. Also, Brighton 360 - Nah, I'm scared of hights, and that shit was **** high. Never again.
  2. I've no problem with a player being tired, I do have a problem with a player being a faff. I don't think he's tired, I think he's had his head turned. I like the bloke but he's fallen off so much recently. He's a Brazilian international and he's playing like a fart in a Smarties tube at the minute.
  3. This this this this and this again. A diamond in the rough, picked up by a top jeweller - I can see this being one of the best signings, one of the best relationships, we've ever EVER had. Let's do this
  4. Is that true? I didn't really get the ID thing but if that's for real, that's mental
  5. T-Dog


    Loving all this, thanks fellas. Got Goldeneye working, got two N64 USB controllers landing in the next week or so. How easy is it to set up a Raspberry Pi emulator? I've never used RP.
  6. IMO - He's riding this gravy train and is ready to skip. Don't dislike him, but **** me he's been shite since he come back
  7. We spend what we waaaaant WE SPEND WHAT WE WAAAAANT
  8. Weird dynamic that, because I got it too - The reason lit up again was because of the ref being a nob. He made so many horrendous decisions the start of second half, it lifted the crowd
  9. Just a thread to share appreciation for the fan, the life saver, and everyone else involved last night, Nothing but love, football is a game
  10. I may have said last night (I'd had a beer or too, don't judge)... Regardless of money spent, reputation, previous career history, current performances........ Rogers or Diaby? Rogers is the signing of the season.
  11. T-Dog

    Carla Ward

    Unai Emer-she How much is a wig and some nice make up?
  12. Mods, shut this down if this is inappropriate Just a breezy thread to talk about teams that might be relegated, maybe tomorrow, maybe in ten years. Let's celebrate those relegations that you love to see Que Sera Sera
  13. I think if Emi is in goal, we don't talk about Lenglet. Wasn't the best on the night, but was on par with Konsa too. Wasn't a skill thing, he's a good player, but if you're gonna call him out, Konsa had one his worst games for us too, and Digne looked like he was running in concrete thigh highs in the second half. Torres is class, Lenglet isn't far off, two good players, two different roles.
  14. Am a fan of his (when he's firing) but not sure about that. We aren't reliant on Youri, and he should be doing better.
  15. But to answer your question, Kings and Queens, cracking boozer for sport
  16. Not sure when you land, but The Kings and Queens is a cracking boozer for sport, beer and a £6 burger in a backet. Two floors, loads of beer, pool tables and a huge screen last time we went down (last year I think). It's rough and ready but it's a corker. I will say, last time we went down there, after tea time we got ID'ed a lot in town, not for age (none of us look less than 40 years old) but ID'ed to see where we were from. We weren't being nuisances, we'd had 5/6 years in the same boozers. so it come as a bit of an odd one. So any bar after tea time, turn up and pretend be an Ozzie or something. Also, if you can get dinner in the Camelford Arms, it's spit and sawdust, it's well kept beer, and it's a plate of food that you'll love and never be able to finish. The interior is a Banks's pub from the 80s, the beer is gold plated. the food will make you jizz. Drop me a DM if you wanna link up, I'm coming down as a rascal on the prowl but I'm with my boy, his wife and his nipper. Otherwise, have it pal, and have it hard. It's a wonderful place, it's full of lovely people, lovely beer, lovely food, and three points for us
  17. Are the public transport companies not private? How does that work? Someone with tax payer money sending it off to private companies? I might be getting this wrong, I genuinely don't know how this works.
  18. T-Dog


    Yeah, I've found a couple of usb N64 controllers, I think that might be an answer. My housemate is begging for 4 player Goldeneye sessions (ooer) but if this shit works out, I'm genuinely excited. Thanks Spuds lad
  19. T-Dog


    Assuming you're on PC - How do you map controllers for those games you already own? I think that's my biggest gripe, the controller thing. Not gonna lie, N64 games, back in the day, they were the best multiplayer games by a **** mile
  20. T-Dog

    Matty Cash

    I hear you, and I don't disagree. There's work to do still, but in the final third he's a much much better option than Konsa going forward, and I love Konsa. You can teach someone how to cross a lot easier than you can teach someone how to get into the right position, technique is easier than mindset. But also, I get why people call him out. I think he's a winner, I think he's a decent defender to things to work on still, I think he's a good option, and also, I think he's one of those players that turns up when it really matters. We're lacking that. Not saying he's the best RB in the world, but he's very good and there's a lot to enjoy about him, and I'd like to think he can crack on.
  21. Mrs Browns Boys is number one Little Britain is now, and has always been, absolute knucklehead pap, how it got that popular I'll never know. It's worse (and a lot of their previous stuff) than Bernand Manning with a hangover. Worse than terminal. Also, everything, and I mean everything, Katherine Tate has ever been involved with. I'm sure she's lovely. but no, she's got the reverse Midas touch, I've never seen a thing she's been involved in that isn't utter shite.
  22. Yeeeeeee, wasn't that a business decision that? I'm sure there was something off about that last series
  23. I don't give a **** what your political or religious or financial stance is, nobody, NOBODY, should die for it. I have my opinions on what's going on, but it falls into the trap of 'we want, they don't, let's do our thing' and I **** hate it. There's enough knowledge, resource, raw materials, technology on this planet for everyone to live together in harmony forever, travel space, learn from each other. But we're here going 'nah mate, that land is mine because it's in a biblical text' - Nah, get ****. This world isn't for that mindset. And that's every religion, I don't give a single smoke about your learnt upbringing, humanity is humanity, wake up and be a **** legend to everyone.
  24. T-Dog

    Formula One - 2024

    I remember that weekend so well, I was a kid, didn't really understand the sport, but my step-dad and grandad were well into it so it'd always be on. I was stopping with my grandparents that weekend and remember my grandad explaining what happened to Ratzenburger, he was very shook up by it, I'd never seen that before. When it happened to Senna, he was numb to it, literally silent. Not because it was Senna, but because the whole weekend was so tragic. It's mad. So tragic for so many people. I don't know the history of that track before nor after, other than they changed a couple of corners (I may be wrong) but shit that was a bad one.
  25. T-Dog

    Ice rink

    Muffin compares, muffin compares to yooooou
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