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Everything posted by LakotaDakota

  1. Even as a jock with a soft spot for Burns it is hard to disagree with this, I thought that there was maybe 1 round he nicked (somewhere around the 8th/9th) but it was obvious he didn't stand a chance from round 1. From the tale of the tape there is 1/2" difference in height & 1" difference in reach but Indongo looked like a big gangly awkward southpaw that Burns just couldn't cope with. Perhaps the person who did the measuring also did the scoring on that third card
  2. Glad to see someone else likes it. I hadn't bothered with it last year but watched all of s1 and the 7 of s2 that were out at the time in 2 days & now waiting for the s2 finale this week. Even bought the books but haven't got round to starting them yet.
  3. Well he has just signed a new deal with netflix for another 4 movies despite still having one of his original 4 movie deal to go. The first 3 (The rediculous 6, the do over & sandy wexler) have all been pretty bad but i guess people(Including myself who has sat through them all) must be watching them or Netflix wouldn't be paying him millions to bugger about with Rob Schneider & David Spade all day every day. I'll end up watching the next 5 too as despite probably knowing better there is always the hope of something great turning up
  4. One of the few modern games to feature 4 player splitscreen There are 200 official tracks, most are about 30 seconds to complete with some upto 2 mins of so. The target is getting round each as fast as possible, shaving off time everywhere you can. You will constantly hit retry on the same track over & over trying to get the perfect run. Some of the gold medal times are VERY difficult and the game can be incredibly frustrating in places. There is also online multiplayer pitting you against upto 100 real time ghosts and a track editior/creator effectively giving you unlimited tracks to play. It is very easy to lose an hour or two even on the first couple of tracks which can both be done in under 30 secs
  5. It also runs roms from an SD card if you're that way inclined. There is lso a rather nice handheld (GPD XD) that looks like a 3ds that does the same & will play everything upto & including dreamcast/ps1 stuff just have a look on funstock if you want more info
  6. Well we had 51% posession today, People happy now we had more of the ball? Would much rather have had 30% of the ball & nicked a 1-0 win with the ball bouncing in off bakers arse
  7. We have won more games under Bruce than we managed for the entire past 2 seasons combined and people are complaining it's a bit boring? Was it any better getting shat on every other week and having the odd good/unexpected win thrown in here & there for the past few years? In all honesty i through he had completely lost it in Jan/Feb but he managed to turn things around and has shown enough since then to think that we should be fine next season. We had pretty much an entire new team/Squad mostly signed late on in August, changed managers a couple of months later, Lost our only real goalscorer for a month & replaced half the team again in Jan. Since then we have barely conceeded a goal despite playing a keeper that everyone thinks, or at least thought was absolutely shite and won 8 of 10 games along the way. This group of players is actually starting to become a team. Full pre-season and a couple of squad additions and we'll be fine. The crap coming down from the prem this year will be no real cause for concern, Sunderland have one player, he will be gone, Boro have players even we deemed to be too crap and Swansea will have their 3 or 4 good players snapped up quickly
  8. It is £12 as part of the microsoft spring sale at the moment if you have an xbox one
  9. To me it just seems a strange time to release it. 4 years into the xbox one cycle, a Year after a redesigned slim & pretty much 50% price drop with slight power boost & 4k blu-ray playback it just seems a little unnecesary and i am talking as someone who has 2 xbox one S consoles & PS4 already hooked up to 4k TV's. I will more than likely buy one anyway (didn't bother with the PS4 pro as there didn't seem to be a great deal of difference although if that had a 4k blu-ray drive i may have) but can't help but think they would have been better off waiting 18 months or so and launching a proper new console with exclusives rather than just making stuff a bit shinier for those that want it.
  10. Said this in August Now they have managed 3 more points than we did so far but there is still a week until easter and they have 2 games to play before then
  11. reviews starting to appear & not looking good. Crap controls & camera, boring/tedious/unfinished levels... Every level seems longer and more arduous to get through, the gimmicks each world is built around fall flat. The tropical setup of the first world is nice, it undercuts the general bland environment that is the game’s hub world, but then as the ice realm opens up and you start to think… hang on, there’s just less to do here. The level is bigger, there are the same tokens and collectibles to unearth and sniff through… but largely it just takes longer. It never gets any more enjoyable or any more fun. What doesn’t help is the game’s awkward controls: if you persevere through some of the more tedious mini-games and occasionally badly-designed tasks you have to do, you may end up getting put off by just how annoying some of the platforming can be when navigating from one place to another. http://www.xboxachievements.com/game/yooka-laylee/review/
  12. Not too often a keeper gets an assist. Awful from Norwich for the 2nd goal.
  13. Bad start to the weekend for Tony, Hopefully todays result can cheer him up "EXCLUSIVE: In a crushing blow to fans of The Expendables, Sylvester Stallone has washed his hands of the franchise. He has withdrawn from taking part in the fourth installment, even though, sources said, it would have meant the biggest upfront payday in his career at north of $20 million. The reason? He and Nu Image/Millennium chief Avi Lerner could not find common ground on a new director, on the script and on certain qualitative elements of the film" http://deadline.com/2017/03/sylvester-stallone-departs-the-expendables-franchise-1202057171/
  14. more today.... Melina & Victoria so far
  15. Exit polls showed a disappointing night for Brexit & Trump...
  16. EA access/Origin access 10 hour trial is out tomorrow (likely to be afternoon UK time). Single player progress is limited to the tutorial/first mission during the trial but you can either replay to explore etc or play multiplayer for the remainder of the time
  17. *Shudders* Can't help feel that todays team would look a lot better with that chap we sold for 4.5 million in the summer who has scored 17 goals this season down the left
  18. Here's hoping his daughter is soaking wet again...
  19. Anyone tried licking the game cart yet? They have all been specially coated in Denatonium Benzoate which is really, really bitter to try and prevent kids eating/swallowing them. (It is harmless/non-toxic but it is the stuff used in animal repellent, soap, shampoo etc so doesn't taste good) Not sure why they haven't done this for years on ds games etc as the amount of those you see with teeth marks in them if you buy used games is quite scary. Go on, You know you want to give it a try now you know about it
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