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Everything posted by djdabush

  1. If you are the betting sort then you can currently get 4/1 at a lot of places on a Villa win. Given the form of the respective teams that seems pretty generous to me.
  2. What do you value Guzan/Given at out of interest? TBH, I think all keepers are only as good as the back 4. Familiarity breeds content. Or contempt, even.
  3. That might be slightly short sighted considering Everton's last result.
  4. Well at least Joe Lolley has scored.
  5. At what point do people start enjoying our wins instead of coming to slate a former manager (who for however bad our football was under him, was one of the reasons we got to the final)?
  6. And Westwood mate. Solid and barely if at all put a pass wrong. Put in an exceptional block in the second half which he needed treatment for. Hope he has put a few doubters in their place. Too right, can't believe I missed him out, had a fantastic game too.
  7. The game was won in midfield- Gerrard, Henderson and Allen were anonymous, Delph, Cleverley and Grealish were superb. Absolutely, thoroughly deserved.
  8. Kanye west tbf with that many stages if you don't like the headliner you'll find someone else but at e moment it looks poor My missus, it's not just at ATMs either it's paying for stuff, we'll be queuing to buy something for 5 minutes, not until she hears the words "that'll be £x please" will it occur to her to get her card / money out, it's usually followed by "I might have hat in change" a good minute of looking "no sorry I haven't" it's infuriating Even worse are people who check balances on about 10 different cards, each with a mini statement and then realise that they don't have any money on any of cards and leave with nothing.
  9. Anything to recommend on Netflix/Prime Instant video? I'm struggling to justify my subscriptions at the moment.
  10. Judging by his missus, I'm guessing Sinclair must be considered one of the better looking ones.
  11. I see Ivanovic apparently got hit by a missile at Loftus Road today with bottles and other objects being thrown on the pitch. I await the BBC's 'back to the dark days' comment piece later on then.
  12. They probably only need one win which sadly they should get against Newcastle who are are on their annual April early summer holidays.
  13. "Just got to try and win football matches m8." To be fair, his win ratio in second to none.
  14. His tactics frustrate me and his substitutions often baffle me, but if he keeps getting results then frankly, who cares? We'll see what happens in the long term but I'm impressed with the results he's getting.
  15. Everywhere is reporting it as a second yellow, just think it wasn't shown on TV. The takle definitely worthy of a yellow, just frustrating that there were several fouls on Villa players leading up to it.
  16. great quote in fairness why? dont understand people who get happy over quotes like this. Its obviously bullshit and just saying it because he works here. He would choose spurs over villa every single time. (Dont know if i misreading the quote though) What can he do though? He's been asked so much about Spurs this week and he'll obviously know that Villa fans will only read the quotes and start to get annoyed at him constantly mentioning Spurs. Of course he'd still prefer to be Spurs manager right now but now he's our manager he's bound to put a positive spin on it. At least he's no way near as reverential as Houllier was about Liverpool.
  17. Injured during the u21 game by the sounds of it. It's a shame but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see him in the first team again.
  18. Managed to drop my N4 and smashed the screen so its pretty much unusable. Good news is that it's an excuse to upgrade the phone. Any advice on a phone to buy outright which doesn't cost the earth?
  19. Gil doesn't fit into Sherwood's rigid 4-4-2 formation so I can't see him playing much. A real shame.
  20. Yep, haven't had a huge amount of time to play it but it's better than the 2013 version of Sim City in pretty much every single way.
  21. On for winning the league with Villa in my first season, a lot depends on the tactics you use and the instructions you give. If you don't mind getting a little 'help', look at the FM Base website, there should be something there which will work.
  22. What would Dave Kitson know about the ongoings at Villa though?
  23. Funny that, I thought that people blamed Lambert for not getting the best out of a team that is much better than it is showing. Now Sherwood is in, it's a poor squad which he needs time to rebuild. I wouldn't mind but he doesn't have a transfer window to build a squad to keep us in the league, the owner wouldn't stump up the cash even if he did and he has no proven record in the transfer market. My main hope with Sherwood was that he could come in and provide a quick lift to the club and players and in the short term at least we could potentially retain our premier league status. Perhaps we'll see the improvement in the next couple of weeks but if not we are in big trouble. The words of warning from Spurs fans were that he was tactically naive and stuck rigidly to 4-4-2. I think we can already see this in practice.
  24. Allardyce? I don't know if there were any enquiries made but to be honest he would have been a pretty solid appointment.
  25. How about comparing him to a player who he is competing for a place with? When he was 18 Kieran Richardson had played 9 times for united and scored for them. I think it's well worth bearing in mind that there are many young English players who show an enormous amount of promise but never really live up to their potential. From what I've seen of Jack, he definitely has the opportunity to be a very exciting player for us but at the moment it's way too early to say how his career will progress and I've not seen enough from him so far to suggest he deserves a first team spot anytime soon.
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