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Everything posted by djdabush

  1. So I notice The Sun's front page is telling us how the locals have turned on Sadiq Khan with no mention of the anger of May's failure to face up to the residents and The Mail is asking the question of whether it was the push for green targets which led to the tragedy. Now I know it has always been bad but it really does feel like the press is now even more intent on their very own race to the bottom. I will never understand how people can read this tripe and not question it.
  2. Agreed. I have no idea why she promised the free vote, 80% of the public are against it and those that are lobbying for its return are in the tory heartland anyway.
  3. You've not got the hang of this champagne socialism malarkey have you?
  4. Well they have it on the BBC News site.
  5. Not only that they are 2 points off the relegation zone with the team below them playing us next week. That juicy relegation avoidance bonus isn't looking so certain anymore, what a shame.
  6. I'm sorry but that's pretty much the least scientific poll you can find. In fact you can find a different article on the ITV site from less than a week ago which has a poll in which he has a 14% approval rating. I hope you are right incidentally, but I am very doubtful.
  7. Forgot this thread existed. Got my first due in July, took years of persuading to get my wife to agree (fair to say she's generally not a fan of kids). Getting excited but also a little nervous now, the commitment is quickly dawning on me!
  8. Current Labour are all over the place... Probably worth pointing out that the UK hasn't voted in a non-Blair Labour government for over 40 years. Sadly if you are expecting anything other than a tory rout then I think you are going to be very disappointed.
  9. djdabush


    4 years ago I fractured my hip during the Birmingham Half Marathon and had to stop before the end. Yesterday after a lot of hard work and rehabilitation I completed it. Very proud to have done it.
  10. Local radio presenter/commentator/pundit, doesn't hide the fact he supports sha.
  11. Gestede has to start matches, we seem so much more threatening with him on the pitch. Tshibola seems to be the player that we thought Jedinak was. You have to say Newcastle completely Villa'd that up.
  12. That's the deal I got with the 2TB box and paid the extra £30 for the additional mini box. Excellent system, well worth it.
  13. The Smith camp? It was Corbyn who span the whole thing in the first place. If it hadn't been called out by Virgin Trains then it would have entered the public consciousness that the train was absolutely ram packed which meant Corbyn had no other choice but to sit in the vestibule ready to roll out in the future as fact.
  14. Amazing isn't it? I mean, clearly there are many overcrowded trains where people struggle to find a seat and he is right to bring it up as an issue. The fact that Momentum supporters seem to be trying to spin the story (again) is the really revealing part. Turns out Corbyn is like any other politician in the fact the he will bend the truth in order to drum up support, hardly a shock. Just admit that it wasn't quite how it was first presented and move on.
  15. Not sure whether he would ever have been good enough but that injury has finished him off playing at a decent level. Feel sorry for the guy after everything he has been through but for his own career as much as anything else he needs to move on.
  16. Not being a father let alone a grandfather is it the very best feeling because you have all the joys of a newborn baby without all the sleepless nights and nappy changing by any chance?
  17. BBC are reporting that up to half of the shadow cabinet are set to resign to try and force Corbyn out. Here Feels like not only are there huge rifts in the Labour party but also huge rifts within their support. Scary that we have our two main political parties in chaos and UKIP just waiting in the wings.
  18. This result shows that the economic argument in these situations is far less pervasive compared to ideology. I think its almost certain that Scotland will leave the UK now.
  19. Am I the only one who can't wait for this to be over and done with? It brings out the very worst in people and the printed press has been particularly disgraceful. Both sides of the debate just seem to lie and manipulate in the hope of further their own political careers. It's project fear from both sides and it seems such a shame that a massively important decision like this has been hijacked by arseholes like Cameron and Johnson.
  20. Wow that miss by Rodwell, could be absolutely crucial for them come the end of the season.
  21. It was actually a leave.eu branded letter, I assumed everyone had had one.
  22. I've already had a letter from the leave campaign, sadly it was not glossy however and I encountered some irritation whilst wiping.
  23. And they say the Germans don't have a sense of humour, eh?
  24. Dortmund fans making their thoughts clear
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