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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. Nice touch here from Tim Burgess.
  2. I'm going to Edgbaston tomorrow and will be one of the 'outnumbered' in the crowd as it appears there will be two Indian fans for every England one. This will be rather strange as normally for England games at Edgbaston it's the opposite way round. Tickets are going for silly amounts of cash. Even so there is no way i'm going to part with mine and miss what will surely be a special sporting occasion, regardless of the result. Incredible really. Tickets for England's World Cup showdown with India at Edgbaston on Sunday have been changing hands at six times their face value. The match between Eoin Morgan's team and the opponents who displaced them at the top of the one-day international rankings earlier this week is a 24,200 sell-out. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/cricket/article-7193733/Hit-six-Fans-pay-thousands-India-tickets.html
  3. OK, perhaps the use of the word 'friendly' was pushing it a bit. However, games in a World Cup mean everything above any other matches and England are choking it when it matters. And now we have Johnny Bairstow coming out saying 'we are all waiting for England to fail'. What a complete and utter loads of crap that is. The whole nation wants England to succeed and going into this tournament they had the best ever chance of doing it for the first time ever with the team/squad they have. 'People were waiting for us to fail. They are not willing us on to win, in many ways, they are waiting for you to get that loss, so they can jump on your throat. It's a typical English thing to do, in every sport. Article here with comments and opinion from Michael Vaughan I understand they may be missing Jason Roy, however, there is enough talent there to still do the job without him. One player does not make a team. I dont think blaming the pitches is right. The pitch is the same for both sides. Morgan, Bairstow, Buttler, Ali, have all given their wickets away cheaply playing shots they simply should not be playing. And it's not just about the batting, some of the bowling and fielding has been lamentable. The failure to chase down 232 against Sri Lanka was desperate with a middle order collapse. As you say, lets hope they turn up at Edgbaston tomorrow, because they need to for sure.
  4. Citizen Khan....it's that bad it's funny
  5. Give us a clue... smoking, beer, sex, drugs, Wednesday's ????
  6. I guess it depends where your starting point is, but If it were me, i'd be getting the train there and still stay overnight. If you have a rail card you can save a 1/3rd on the price. A two together card is £30. No pressure with the train, you can sit back and relax. As they say, let the train take the strain. It's a great way to start the holiday and after all it is your honeymoon.
  7. Exactly this...... Number one in the world playing ''friendlies''....the dogs bollocks when it matters, Pathetic
  8. I am convinced there is an attitude problem with England. The 'Charlie big spuds' type of attitude. I think they think they are better than they are and the application is all wrong. I hope i'm wrong with that though.
  9. @OutByEaster? There are some good ideas in here and in particular about fan park stuff like the box park at Wembley. The club may argue that there is the Holte Suite but this only caters for season ticket holders. Are these ideas going to be fed back at the next fans meeting with the club or before then?
  10. I'm in this position. At the age of 55 i would say keep the house. It will be more valuable to you in the long run. If you keep the house you will have the option of taking equity out through equity release at a later stage. Means you get to stay where you want/like to live. Alternatively you could sell up at a later stage and then rent. Renting has it's positives but a lot of that comes from how good/reliable the landlord is. You could be chopping and changes properties on a regular basis.
  11. A one hour set from Fatboy Slim from this years Isle Wight festival. Watch it on your TV through the soundbar and play it loud. Fatboy Slim works the crowd a treat and plays a blinder..... eat, sleep, rave, repeat
  12. you have not answered anything there on what is unique and you've taken my response to your post as an assault on you and therefore lets have a go back. Who said move to Washwood Heath? Who said move to a soulless industrial estate (arguably we are already in one). I have said in a previous post that both Aston and Witton are dumps which have been neglected by the City Council. What is there? Please dissect what i have said as your response does not stack up with mine. but hey, lets move on.....no pun intended
  13. https://www.expressandstar.com/sport/football/aston-villa/2019/06/21/aston-villa-told-they-are-compliant-with-efl-financial-rules
  14. Unique does not make it good and what does make it unique? Two old out dated stands with dire facilities and dire concourses? A Trinity Road Stand that many on here do not like? The surrounding area being a dump? I guess thats unique? Has nobody ever moved house to a better location and improved their standard of living? We have done it once before in 1897 when we moved from the Upper Grounds. Our world renowned heritage come from the illustrious history not the bricks and mortar. Moving grounds would not take away that history and heritage and it would not make us just another ordinary football club. The history and heritage will always be there. Moving would just be yet another chapter in that long and illustrious history.
  15. If/when we gate crash the Sky 'big 6' as is evident now we will sell out every week and the ground will be nowhere big enough at 42k. We will need a far bigger stadium. I am all up for a new stadium and a move closer to the City centre but still in Aston, say by the university area as an example. Things change and it would be a fantastic opportunity. Villa Park as it stands today is nowhere near the ground it was originally, every stand have been redeveloped. The North Stand and Doug Ellis Stands are dire. The facilities in there are dire. Try getting any refreshments or worse still try getting to the toilets. Aston and Witton are dog holes and have been neglected by the City Council for donkey's years. It is starting to see some re-generation but this is in the way of yet more factory units. Other than Aston Hall and Villa Park there is sod all there !!! Anyway, this is for the old timers around.....
  16. if you have a VPN you can use a UK server to get iplayer on your laptop or smart tv.
  17. Now this would be hilarious.....please please please and pretty please !!!!
  18. I'm very late on this one but having read about it on VT and in various newspaper TV sections and now i have SkyQ, I've just started watching The Wire with Mrs imavillan.. @Stevo985 & @The_Rev Spot on about giving it a few episodes. I guess it's like a book, it takes a few chapters to really get into it. On to episode 7 of the first series and now i'm hooked on it. The characters and storyline is coming alive and it's all making sense. Although the language is rather ripe in that particular episode with lots of SYNT from one of the dealers. That said though, i'm having to watch it with subtitles on as the American slang street dialect from the drug dealers is something else. Thats my binge tv sorted for a while to come.
  19. The bit in bold is stretching it somewhat. He certainly didn't earn anything at the Villa If he is an alchy then yes he needs help, but that only comes from within and recognising you need it. Others can help and guide you but ultimately you have to accept it and take responsibility. I Reckon we'll be seeing more pictures and stories in the future. He gets no sympathy from me.
  20. Bury are currently looking for a new manager......
  21. I love a Brazilian...... and footballers
  22. mmmmm......wonder what went on there then??
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