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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. As proper supporters, what can we say and do but to apologise and put the crowdfunding page up??? As you can see we are all appalled by this and wish it had never happened. I'm sure i'll be speaking on behalf of everyone on VT in sending sincere apologies to everyone on the bus and to all of the DCFC fans. If you know of anyone who was on the bus please pass on the message and also pass on the message on in your forum. Once again apologies for the mindless few.
  2. I think you can put that down to a huge consumption of alcohol before the game, giving it it loads before the game, giving it loads during the game, (i only heard the Derby fans once, and that was when they scored) giving it loads after the game, loads more consumption of alcohol after the game.......... put that all together and it = exhaustion !!!!!
  3. That’s the end of this thread then.....great.
  4. I Wonder what Joe Bryan thought about the game and how he's feeling
  5. JJ Moons (Wetherspoons) £2 a pint of bitter The Liquor Station next door to JJ Moons £7 a pint of lager = ripping the fans off Even The Holiday Inn 'only' charged £5.50
  6. imavillan


    I managed to get my 2 tickets on Tuesday, the day after they had been sold out. I got onto the Villa site and there was 4 £36 tickets together, i purchased the 2 for me and Mrs imavillan. At the game yesterday, the 2 seats next to us 1 was empty. I asked the lad in the other one did he manage to get the tickets like i did. He told me he only bought the ticket on Sunday for £300 !!!!! So, some Villa fan purchased the 2 tickets on Tuesday and ripped off another fellow fan and left a seat empty !!!!! Not one of our better fans......
  7. imavillan


    Public transport and in particular the trains in this country is a joke. I got the 8.30 train from Euston back to LTV. It was a stampede to get on the train, lucky to get a seat as it filled up quickly leaving standing room only. 8 Carriages and no toilets working !!!!!! It was late leaving and took almost 2 hours. An absolute crap nightmare of a journey only made bearable by the fact we had won.
  8. On train to Euston from Tamworth and it’s rammed....standing room only.... Villa, Derby, Sunderland and day trippers The footy fans stand out a mile... they're got a can or bottle of beer
  9. Well, i'm confident. Paid a visit to Corals this morning. Get in there.....
  10. i've just booked the Holiday Inn and will be drinking in there.... look out for me and say hello
  11. I have just booked the Sunday night in the Holiday Inn for me and Mrs Imavillan. Its right next door to the stadium Travel down on Sunday, check in the hotel while the Charlton/Sunderland game is on then get the tube into central London for a few beers. Come back to Wembley when they've all buggered off home. Find a bar, bite to eat, few more beers, hotel few more beers and then zzzzzzzzz...... It will make Monday a nice leisurely day. Breakfast, a wonder round the stadium. Back to the hotel bar for a few and an easy stroll to the stadium. Any other VTers staying there??????? Any other VTers drinking there before the game???????
  12. imavillan


    Brilliant, take a bow sir and savour every moment as i'm sure you will....along with zillions of pictures
  13. imavillan


    It's not Dick Head is it????
  14. imavillan


    It's spreading..... I've just found out a mate of mine and his pals have half a dozen tickets in Block 209 anyone else/anymore i wonder ???
  15. what you say makes a certain amount of sense, but...... you still haven’t worried me, it’s our year !!!
  16. Be optimistic and don’t worry about the opposition and how they or we played in the last game. This one is different from those and is different from last years final. We have a different team, a different manager and back room staff, a different mind set, a different way of playing. I would have backed this team in last years final all day long. The same as I am backing them in this years. We have nothing to fear if our attitude and approach is right and I’m sure it will be.
  17. imavillan


    Derby end slighty....lol are you going to be wearing colours????
  18. imavillan


    managed to be lucky enough to get tickets on the Tuesday and they have arrived this afternoon....
  19. imavillan


    Metropolitan Line from Euston Square, 4 stops to Wembley. http://content.tfl.gov.uk/standard-tube-map.pdf
  20. @WhatAboutTheFinish Ah well. The legend that is Dave Allen. No harm in watching a modern updated version eh....
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