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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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In moderation, you probably have a point, but the sight of a trolly packed full of this sort of thing, with nothing fresh or green included, drives me to despair.

I couldn't give a toss if it were a single bloke or a couple, they can eat what they damn well please, but when there are kids involved it's just loathesome.

Agreed. I can't think what the thinking behind it is for the parents other than, 'we buy it them because it makes them happy'.

'If we fatten them up enough, we can eat them for Christmas'


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We have a new Senior Manager for our team at work, and she's called Emma Horny.

But she's neither fit, or a porn star. What a disappointment

I've mentioned this before, but years ago I worked at a place where we had clients called Sarah Kitkat and Wendy Babe (who sounds like a Beach Boys song).
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people who study film trying to use all the deep and meaningful guff that they have learnt to tell me that i dont understand a film i didnt enjoy

apparently prometheus isnt disappointing film full of plot holes, its a technical masterpiece full of sexual references and depth about natural human fear, and anyone who didnt like the lighting techniques isnt a real fan of films

**** off

Film snobbery.

Same applies to music and literature.

Yes it does, but as I said somewhere else (about wine, I think), so is the reverse, i.e. inverted snobbery - people who immediately assume that anyone who takes a slightly deeper interest in a subject and tries to describe it is "talking pretentious bollocks".

Sure, there's nothing wrong in just liking something without having to justify it, but keep an open mind to learning as well.

I don't mind people taking an interest in a subject but its when those people deride other people for liking certain things that they see as beneath them.

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I think everything is pissing me off at the minute. Probably because I feel run down. Not taken a full day off work this year and its starting to wear me down

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people who study film trying to use all the deep and meaningful guff that they have learnt to tell me that i dont understand a film i didnt enjoy

apparently prometheus isnt disappointing film full of plot holes, its a technical masterpiece full of sexual references and depth about natural human fear, and anyone who didnt like the lighting techniques isnt a real fan of films

**** off

Film snobbery.

Same applies to music and literature.

Yes it does, but as I said somewhere else (about wine, I think), so is the reverse, i.e. inverted snobbery - people who immediately assume that anyone who takes a slightly deeper interest in a subject and tries to describe it is "talking pretentious bollocks".

Sure, there's nothing wrong in just liking something without having to justify it, but keep an open mind to learning as well.

I don't mind people taking an interest in a subject but its when those people deride other people for liking certain things that they see as beneath them.

Totally agree. So I guess we'd better stop slagging off reality TV shows, soaps and anything involving Gok Wan... :)
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Guy opposite me at work. I've posted abotu him before, the attention seeker.

He has a cold today. A very deep, throaty, snorty snuffle is coming from him every 2 minutes or so.

It's already cutting right through me. Makes me gag

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Works training days.

Have to go to a 'Safeguarding Children' training day today, have to drive from longbridge to erdington then back again for a two and half hour session when the people I work with range in age from 18 to 65. Bet it cost more than a few thousand to organise this.

And the NHS wonder why they are losing so much money. What a waste of time.

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The fact that it doesn't matter if I wake up in a good mood, it'll only be ruined when I get to work with my bunch of miserable twunt colleagues.

When I ask you how you are I'm just being polite, I'm not really bothered to be honest.

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Works training days.

Have to go to a 'Safeguarding Children' training day today, have to drive from longbridge to erdington then back again for a two and half hour session when the people I work with range in age from 18 to 65. Bet it cost more than a few thousand to organise this.

And the NHS wonder why they are losing so much money. What a waste of time.

Safeguarding is usually about children AND vunerable adults!

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Works training days.

Have to go to a 'Safeguarding Children' training day today, have to drive from longbridge to erdington then back again for a two and half hour session when the people I work with range in age from 18 to 65. Bet it cost more than a few thousand to organise this.

And the NHS wonder why they are losing so much money. What a waste of time.

Safeguarding is usually about children AND vunerable adults!

Well to be fair there was actually a very important bit I took away on what to do if we suspect a patient has a child who may be at risk that lasted all of 10 minutes but apart from that the rest was complete corporate twaddle and bullet pointed buzzwords.

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I've got some SHL competency tests to do for a job application.

I **** hate these things. I'm unsure what the exact ones they're expecting me to do are, but if it involves the numeracy ones I may as well give up now. I'm not bad at maths, though it was never my favourite subject (the best description I can think of is that I would often do things the long way round in my head for maths which no-one else would understand) despite getting an A at GCSE and being perfectly able to do any commonly used maths day to day. But these tests always flummox me. They give obscure graphs and charts, that you'd never use IRL because it makes interpreting the data more of a task than anyone designing them would actually do, and set it to a time limit as well.

I'm not so bad at the logical reasoning ones, though I still don't like them. And I never trust psychometric things because I always by habit, somehow, look for the 'seams' and try to work out what the questions would like me to answer them. Even when I try not to.

Unfortunately I need to do them. :|

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^^ Had to do one recently for an interview and they're the most demoralising things to have to do, especially when you've just worked out the answer only to find your 30 seconds for that question gave just expired. Apparently I was in the top 8% on the verbal reasoning but the bottom 20% for the numeric!

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^^ Had to do one recently for an interview and they're the most demoralising things to have to do, especially when you've just worked out the answer only to find your 30 seconds for that question gave just expired. Apparently I was in the top 8% on the verbal reasoning but the bottom 20% for the numeric!

So could you not talk your way out of your poor numeric grades? :winkold:

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I'm not so bad at the logical reasoning ones, though I still don't like them. And I never trust psychometric things because I always by habit, somehow, look for the 'seams' and try to work out what the questions would like me to answer them. Even when I try not to.

Unfortunately I need to do them. :|

This is absolutely the worse thing you can do.

We run these for our recruitment and I see countless results of people and you can spot the people who do this a mile away. Built into most of these tests is something called a 'distortion test' and if you score badly on this most companies will end your application right there.

There are no right or wrong answers to many of these tests, what they are looking for is personality traits, what makes you tick and how you think. You can't beat them, if you try it shows on the distortion score and they will view you (anyone) as being disshonest or having something to hide.

The point of these tests is to match peoples personalities with those required for or that usually succeed within a role. People shouldn't be trying to cheat or beat these tests because not only will they help employers pick people that match what they are looking for but they will also reduce the chance of you ending up in jobs you hate.

This isn't a reply directed entirely at you mate but anyone in a position of taking one of these tests and a bit of advice from someone on the other side of the fence.

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