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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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My brand of capital letter mis-use can be far more extreme, and far less acceptable. I have no idea why the little finger on my left hand is so keen on the shift button, but it seemingly is, annoyingly.

Are You German?

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My brand of capital letter mis-use can be far more extreme, and far less acceptable. I have no idea why the little finger on my left hand is so keen on the shift button, but it seemingly is, annoyingly.

Are You German?

A few years a go İ started to capitalise my nouns in written and typed work. Not consciously at all....just started doing it.

Tried and tried to phase it out as it got annoying but it seems to rear it's ugly head from time to time.

My Grandad was German.

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When typing at my usual speed I can not for the the love of Christ type the word 'the'. I must always go back and correct it, as unless I have slowed down when I approach the word, I will ALWAYS type it as 'teh'. It started about a year ago and I cant seem to find a 'cure'

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When typing at my usual speed I can not for the the love of Christ type the word 'the'. I must always go back and correct it, as unless I have slowed down when I approach the word, I will ALWAYS type it as 'teh'. It started about a year ago and I cant seem to find a 'cure'
Very common on teh internetz, that.

If you're in Word, you can set it up as an auto-correct, but personally I don't like that, it just encourages lazy typing (and checking).

The one I always do is "becasue" for "because".

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That I can't remember people's names. If somebody introduces me to someone, 'oh and this is Paul', Paul has left my head immediately. For some reason my brain doesn't feel it necessary to remember their name, even though it knows I'll need to know it later. Bastard brain

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That I can't remember people's names. If somebody introduces me to someone, 'oh and this is Paul', Paul has left my head immediately. For some reason my brain doesn't feel it necessary to remember their name, even though it knows I'll need to know it later. Bastard brain

That happens to me all the time as well.

I used to be a teacher, and my Year 7 form group had 7 "Charlies" in it. I thought, **** that, and spent the year calling all 30 of them Charlie. They loved it.

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My brand of capital letter mis-use can be far more extreme, and far less acceptable. I have no idea why the little finger on my left hand is so keen on the shift button, but it seemingly is, annoyingly.

Are You German?

No, should I be?

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Women in 4x4's
Anybody who isn't a farmer in a 4x4.

It's a fair point well made.

Not a farmer..... own a 4x4, pull a horsebox. Am I allowed?

Only if the horsebox has a small jet in the back like in Octopussy!

2 minature shetlands and a 14.3 mare........?

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Women in 4x4's
Anybody who isn't a farmer in a 4x4.

It's a fair point well made.

Not a farmer..... own a 4x4, pull a horsebox. Am I allowed?

Only if the horsebox has a small jet in the back like in Octopussy!

2 minature shetlands and a 14.3 mare........?

Is that a euphemism for your penis?

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Women in 4x4's
Anybody who isn't a farmer in a 4x4.

It's a fair point well made.

Not a farmer..... own a 4x4, pull a horsebox. Am I allowed?

Only if the horsebox has a small jet in the back like in Octopussy!

2 minature shetlands and a 14.3 mare........?

Who's hands determine the size of an oss?

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Women in 4x4's
Anybody who isn't a farmer in a 4x4.

It's a fair point well made.

Not a farmer..... own a 4x4, pull a horsebox. Am I allowed?

In this cityboy's eyes, if you own a horse, you're a farmer. Allowed.
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