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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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To me from reading their kickstarter and some of the phrasing they use, it seems like they're trying to fetishize the idea of listening to LPs so much that it gets to the point that it doesn't matter what is actually on the record as long as it's vinyl.


I suppose it's okay if you've got plenty of money and like surpises but I would have thought swapping mixtapes is better way of discovering new music based of other people's tastes, rather than letting someone else do it who are just trying to make money from you.

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Local politics and the apparent overlooked and tolerated corruption. Maybe its a build up of other things, air asia, Paris shootings, ched evans, but the world seems a pretty shitty place at the moment and my local councillors are adding to that. I need a cup of tea.

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This stupid idea for selling records. For some reason people have pledge $15,000 to it on kickstarter, the phrase 'hand-curated' is pretty annoying too.


Am I right in saying, they send you records, and you either keep them (and I assume pay for), or you send them back? Isn't it just an updated version of Britannia Music Club?



Yep, looked like Britannia.


I presume it's clever vinyl that can't be ripped? Otherwise, er, ...



I don't know what Britannia Music Club is, well I've heard of it, I just don't know how it works.


On the site I linked to, you pick from their list of 'vibes' and they send you some records based on that, you don't even know what your going to get. Just the idea of someone else picking your music like that seems wrong to me. Rough Trade's album of the month subscription is similar and something else I don't understand at all



I believe the somebody else picking the music gives the potential to hear something you like, that you would not have picked if left to your own devices. You get to discover stuff.



It a copy of Chapar (www.thechapar.com) but for Vinyl instead of clothing. I get the Chapar but my taste is too eclectic for it to be useful

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Stood on wolves station platform at the back, not in anyone's path, at least 9ft of clear space in front of me. A woman just went past me, literally brushed against me, and pulled a face when I said for **** sake when her hand snagged my headphones lead.

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Why can't it just **** off?


Why can't I get paid to sit around in my pants playing PlayStation and eating food?

Agreed, I've slowly realised that work isn't really for me. My dream is no longer to get to the top, but rather, to win the lottery, retire, and play my ps4 all day.

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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Why can't it just **** off?

Why can't I get paid to sit around in my pants playing PlayStation and eating food?

Agreed, I've slowly realised that work isn't really for me. My dream is no longer to get to the top, but rather, to win the lottery, retire, and play my ps4 all day.

I retired when I was 30 , jacked in my job sold my house and went and lived abroad

My day consisted of waking up going to language school , home for a power nap , a 6 mile run then a trip to the cinema or the shops then met Mrs H from work and we went out for dinner / shopping or what not

It was great but in the long run Im one of those people that need to be stimulated and even driven , so I came back to the UK after a year out.

I like my work , even when it sometimes involves lots of stress and 20 hour days ... I just make sure I balance it with family time and me time (sport and holidays mainly :) )

I'm sure I'll retire at some point , probably when I'm 50 .... But the idea of just sitting about kinda feels me with dread if I'm honest .... Saying that the kids will be old enough to leave at home / will have moved out , so Mrs H and I might do loads of travelling whilst we are young enough not to think that you need to get to the airport 5 hrs before your flight and take a pack lunch with you because they charge so much for food at airports

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I'm happier than I've been for forty years.

Cough Rotterdam 82 cough :)

But yeah I know your enjoying your retirement but had you retired in your 30's , or 40's rather than your 70's do you think you'd still enjoy it as much ?

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Agree entirely. I'm 26 and I'd happily retire. Lots of skills to learn, things to see, places to go, books to read. I like my job, but I only do it for the money, I can't imagine being bored if I never had to work again. There's so much to do.

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I'm happier than I've been for forty years.

Cough Rotterdam 82 cough :)

But yeah I know your enjoying your retirement but had you retired in your 30's , or 40's rather than your 70's do you think you'd still enjoy it as much ?

I'll let your obvious typo go....

Good question. I dunno. I could only have done it if I'd had some massive financial windfall. Probably would have taken the music thing more seriously and spent my time on that.

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Without work, you'd all be in bed 24/7, wanking yourselves blind to midget porn.




Had today off work to do just that. Well, not the midget porn. Japanese lesbian porn was my genre of choice today. 

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Honestly I would be bored to death within 2 weeks. When I was made redundant and was out of work for 3 months it really fecked with my head.


But was that down to being out of work and being worried about money? If you had had a substantial amount of money and not needed to work again would it have changed your mindset?

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Without work, you'd all be in bed 24/7, wanking yourselves blind to midget porn.


Had today off work to do just that. Well, not the midget porn. Japanese lesbian porn was my genre of choice today.

With the sound off no doubt , those Japanese groans are bloody annoying

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