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Paul Lambert


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Bit harsh to see Westwood being included in a couple of people's lists of 'poor' signings. He's been a tidy player who's stepped up 3 divisions, didn't cost a lot and will continue to improve.


Agreed. I think hes been excellent most of the time I've seen him play.

Best passer at the club.

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Morpheus - I absolutely understand what you are saying and agree with most of it.


There are things that Lambert can rightly be criticised for and things which he deserves a little leeway


The things where I will give him leeway for are the standard of the players that he bought in and the fact that he didn't use experienced players he seemed to have available. I understand HH's point that these were not often Lamberts first or second choices but they were bargain buys that he was forced to gamble on - they are not all going to come off and they will all come with limitations - we are buying a Mini where we could do with a Range Rover. I also think that he bought into the plan to move out Warnock Hutton Collins etc etc


The things that I can't give him leeway for are some of those you highlighted. These issues have been present to an extent in quite a number of games but were very stark last night. I get the idea that players need to grow into these formations but when it is patently not working you need to change things. I was sitting with a mate who is an ex-player (not Villa and not a Villa supporter) and he was screaming to change things after only 5 mins of watching us. I'm massively frustrated that Lambert didn't change things until we a two down


I understand from those ITK that Lambert beleives that 3 CBs gives us a solid base and once we have a foothold in the game we can start to be more progressive. We can agree that that is not working. Lambert has been slow to realise and too stubborn to admit that


Where do I disagree with you


I'm not a massive Lambert supporter (really I'm not) and wasn't fussed about him coming but I do think that he is towards the top of the group of managers we could attract. As you know I think that he is not a bad manager doing a bad job but a decent manager in a bad position.


We are in such a bad position that Lambert can't afford to make a mistake, normally managers will make quite a few wrong moves in theie first season. Because we are so bad any mistake is magnified. If we had a Robin Van Persie or a Gareth Bale who could turn a game now and then we many of the mistakes would be hidden but even if a manager came in and was faultless I don't believe that we would be greatly better off


I think that it Lambert has still got the confidence of the players and the second half performance points to that. I think that he has gone through the learning process and will be the better for that. I think he is driven to prove doubters wrong and I think he looks like someone who is still giving his all - as a club we need consistency and I just can't see how further disruption will help us


Here's a deal for you - if he continues unsuccessfully with the three CBs over the next three games, I'll come over to the dark side and join you, until then what about joining me and getting behind him on here for a while?


I can assure you 'VillaCas' that nothing would give me greater pleasure (apart from a one on one with Kelly Brook where i never miss) than falling in behind and supporting the manager.


If you look back in the threads, i did give a lot of support to Mcliesh putting forward the idea that he had been given a poison chalace and therefore was a 'victim of circumstance.' I even put forward the idea that the reason why Mcliesh was so negative was that he had to be given the players available. I was roundly slated on here for those views and i understood why even though with hignsight, i may have been on to something that wasn't wildly understood at the time.


I can actually hear the question 'why won't you do the same with Lambert' itching on your finger tips as you read this? This is why.


His system isn't working and he has continued to play it which has left those players he has signed devoid of confidence. On the radio last night he blamed the players rather than his own tactics something which i don't remember Mcliesh ever doing.


Its not the players fault. They are being asked to play a system that is completely foriegn to them and strangling the live out of whatever ability they have. When they go onto the pitch they are actually playing with fear. You can see them continually thinking now where should i be rather than being comfortable in a system they like and recognise and actually playing with fluidity.


This isn't the chairman's fault or the fault of the board. It is Lambert's fault and rather than putting his two hands up in admittance to the media that he was indeed at fault for the defeat against Newcastle, he has instead rounded on players whose confidence is already completely shot.


For those reasons 'VillaCas' i can no longer support him and it's only how much it's going to take to get rid of him that is keeping him in a job that he has made a complete ricketts of!

Edited by Morpheus
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Debuchy was shit though. He cocked up for our pen and he was all over the shop. If Lambert can't get a decent tactic then the players have no chance. Blaming this shite on the players shows a real naivety.

I think the true naivety would be to believe that our players didn't play very poorly in the first half last night, and that it was all down to the "system" we were playing. There is no excuse for the shockingly bad defending we saw. 

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I think the true naivety would be to believe that our players didn't play very poorly in the first half last night, and that it was all down to the "system" we were playing. There is no excuse for the shockingly bad defending we saw. 

I think it would be naive not to believe that the "system" contributed massively to the fact that we were constantly on the back foot. Everyone knows that we are very suspect at the back but the "system" gifted them possession and space.

Edited by MikeMcKenna
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Yep. Strange things opinions.


Well they are strange when one doesn't seem to have a reason to back them up and when one strongly disapproved of previous managers but strongly supports the current one despite doing a worse job.

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too lightweight. can't put his foot in and offers zero going forward. i don't know what he is supposed to be doing.

tidy doesn't achieve anything and is usually a cover up term for ineffective

Incredibly unfair


Like a couple of other posters - negative about everyone and everything

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I can assure you 'VillaCas' that nothing would give me greater pleasure (apart from a one on one with Kelly Brook where i never miss) than falling in behind and supporting the manager.


If you look back in the threads, i did give a lot of support to Mcliesh putting forward the idea that he had been given a poison chalace and therefore was a 'victim of circumstance.' I even put forward the idea that the reason why Mcliesh was so negative was that he had to be given the players available. I was roundly slated on here for those views and i understood why even though with hignsight, i may have been on to something that wasn't wildly understood at the time.


I can actually hear the question 'why won't you do the same with Lambert' itching on your finger tips as you read this? This is why.


His system isn't working and he has continued to play it which has left those players he has signed devoid of confidence. On the radio last night he blamed the players rather than his own tactics something which i don't remember Mcliesh ever doing.


Its not the players fault. They are being asked to play a system that is completely foriegn to them and strangling the live out of whatever ability they have. When they go onto the pitch they are actually playing with fear. You can see them continually thinking now where should i be rather than being comfortable in a system they like and recognise and actually playing with fluidity.


This isn't the chairman's fault or the fault of the board. It is Lambert's fault and rather than putting his two hands up in admittance to the media that he was indeed at fault for the defeat against Newcastle, he has instead rounded on players whose confidence is already completely shot.

Entitled to your opinion - I don't think he did "round on the players" but that semantics and my opinion - I think it was more out of frustration. He was stubborn and has taken too long to realise he mistake. I expect him to make errors of judgement. I was critical of Houllier and of Mcleish and it would be very easy to jump on the Lambert out bandwagon too but I just feel that no manager can do the faultless job that would be required - too fed up to argue any more

For those reasons 'VillaCas' i can no longer support him and it's only how much it's going to take to get rid of him that is keeping him in a job that he has made a complete ricketts of!



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too lightweight. can't put his foot in and offers zero going forward. i don't know what he is supposed to be doing.

tidy doesn't achieve anything and is usually a cover up term for ineffective

This I have watched him closely in his last few games and I really do not get what he offers us other than the ability to pass the ball 5 yards.

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Incredibly unfair


Like a couple of other posters - negative about everyone and everything

he is not good enough for this club or this league. It really is clutching at straws to say this lad is a good signing.

This I have watched him closely in his last few games and I really do not get what he offers us other than the ability to pass the ball 5 yards.


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he is not good enough for this club or this league. It really is clutching at straws to say this lad is a good signing.



I thought he looked very composed on the ball and was along with Weimann and Gabby amongst our best players on the night. He is not David Silva but £2m and less than £10k a week doesn't buy you that.


Amazing that with Bent, Bannan and Bennett on the pitch you should pick out Westwood for criticism


It makes me wonder if we deserve any success with the kind of support we show - I wonder if any young players take a look at some of the rubbish posted on here. If you are reading Ashley some of us thought you gave 100% last night,

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Bannan came out on top of nearly all stats last night. Passes attempted, completed, clearances, blocks, tackles


lol. Bannan didn't have a bad game but he wasn't that good. He didn't make any tackles anyway.

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