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Paul Lambert


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Travelling home late last night, I heard a snippet of Lambert's interview, during which I think he said the problem in the first half wasnt the "System" but the "player"s.


Now I perversely still dont think he should go (mainly because I think it is too late, I am fed up of the merry go round and do think if we survive he will take us on) BUT surely nearly everybody and his dog would agree that 5-2-1-2 was a disaster in the first half as it meant that Newcastle had almost free reign in the middle and could attack at will?


I would never pretend to be a tactician but I have watched the game for over 50 years and it has been bloody obvious on multiple occassions over the last 5-6 weeks, that this team cannot play this 5-2-1-2 "system".


When we switched to 4-3-3 (4-5-1) the players were revelling in it and Newcastle couldnt cope - but it was too late and frankly luck isnt on our side.


Over the years we have had more than our fair share of dogmatic managers but surely Lambert will now dump this stupid formation.



Edited by MikeMcKenna
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'It's nothing to do with systems, it's the players.'


As stated in a previous post i was prepared to give Lambert the benefit of the doubt after 'hairyhand's' revelations concerning his available budget, but after the above comment, no more.


I want those who still support Lambert to think about this.


With the addition of new players whether they are top quality and on extravagant wages, or more lower league players with potential and wages to match, do you think Lambert will utilize those players to the best of their ability?


I personally think that with Lambert's perseverance of his preferred system the purchase of two new players won't make the slightest bit of difference and will be in Lambert's hands, a total waste of the chairman's money.


He simply cannot see, or due to stubbornness won't see, that his present system is strangling the life out of the players available and especially in the FB department where they simply don't have the experience to play in the way Lambert's system requires them to. Bennett and Lowton are being asked to emulate the likes of Ashley Cole who has learnt to play that way through years of european experience and yet Lambert expects our young FBs who have come from the Championship to adapt to that type of experience immediately.


I believe there is still time however to save the club from relegation but Lerner must sack Lambert now and bring in a manager who will very quickly determine the need for system change to get the best out of whats available and then you will see more of the type of performance that we were graced with in the second half of last night's game against Newcastle which will ultimately be enough to keep us up. 


Morpheus - I absolutely understand what you are saying and agree with most of it.


There are things that Lambert can rightly be criticised for and things which he deserves a little leeway


The things where I will give him leeway for are the standard of the players that he bought in and the fact that he didn't use experienced players he seemed to have available. I understand HH's point that these were not often Lamberts first or second choices but they were bargain buys that he was forced to gamble on - they are not all going to come off and they will all come with limitations - we are buying a Mini where we could do with a Range Rover. I also think that he bought into the plan to move out Warnock Hutton Collins etc etc


The things that I can't give him leeway for are some of those you highlighted. These issues have been present to an extent in quite a number of games but were very stark last night. I get the idea that players need to grow into these formations but when it is patently not working you need to change things. I was sitting with a mate who is an ex-player (not Villa and not a Villa supporter) and he was screaming to change things after only 5 mins of watching us. I'm massively frustrated that Lambert didn't change things until we a two down


I understand from those ITK that Lambert beleives that 3 CBs gives us a solid base and once we have a foothold in the game we can start to be more progressive. We can agree that that is not working. Lambert has been slow to realise and too stubborn to admit that


Where do I disagree with you


I'm not a massive Lambert supporter (really I'm not) and wasn't fussed about him coming but I do think that he is towards the top of the group of managers we could attract. As you know I think that he is not a bad manager doing a bad job but a decent manager in a bad position.


We are in such a bad position that Lambert can't afford to make a mistake, normally managers will make quite a few wrong moves in theie first season. Because we are so bad any mistake is magnified. If we had a Robin Van Persie or a Gareth Bale who could turn a game now and then we many of the mistakes would be hidden but even if a manager came in and was faultless I don't believe that we would be greatly better off


I think that it Lambert has still got the confidence of the players and the second half performance points to that. I think that he has gone through the learning process and will be the better for that. I think he is driven to prove doubters wrong and I think he looks like someone who is still giving his all - as a club we need consistency and I just can't see how further disruption will help us


Here's a deal for you - if he continues unsuccessfully with the three CBs over the next three games, I'll come over to the dark side and join you, until then what about joining me and getting behind him on here for a while?


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I always try to give the manager the benefit of the doubt - even McLeish. Lambert cocked up last night. As soon as Weimann and Gabby came on we were a different team, thats fine, people make mistakes. The worry from me was the fact he didn't recognise it afterwards. To say there was nothing wrong with the system it just "wasn't happening" is bonkers. Improvements are needed and fast. Can he deliever the 7 wins we need? I doubt it should we sack him - no.

I agree with all of this!! Too stubborn to admit his mistake. Let's hope he learns.


I really fancy us for a surprise result Saturday - fingers crossed

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Still support him 110%.


Difficult circumsttances,  this is not just about the last 6 months.  This has been coming

I want to see what you see, but I really can't. I have no idea how you can still be so behind him. 

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Spoke to a client today who's company do maintenace at bodymore. He has witnessed a big fall out with Bent an Lambert, Ireland involved too. Apparently Lamberts stubborness to use these tactics have caused players refusing to play these formations. Bent and Co were trying to advise Lambert the younger guys find it very difficult play these systems but Lambert went off on a rant. Interesting would explain alot!!!

I don't beleive this is true

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I agree with all of this!! Too stubborn to admit his mistake. Let's hope he learns.

I really fancy us for a surprise result Saturday - fingers crossed

the only surprise will be if we keep it below 4

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all overlooked pretty quickly by Lambert. not saying all should play but is he intimidated by the egos?

Lambert is desperate for Dunne to be back and will welcome him with open arms


Bent and Ireland have had chance after chance and failed to take them


Hutton and Warnock were dead men walking before Lambert even arrived


Guzan is better than Given


Well north of £300k a week - they're all a **** disgrace and deserve no sympathy


A problem Lambert inherited and one than has stopped him building the team he would like to build


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And you were fiercely opposed to those two (fair enough) yet enthusiastically support Lambert?

houllier and gmac are streets ahead of La mbert,culverhouse and karsa. our current regime is the worst of any premier league team in history. totally clueless

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houllier and gmac are streets ahead of La mbert,culverhouse and karsa. our current regime is the worst of any premier league team in history. totally clueless

Oh I agree mostly. It just baffles me why Lambert is getting more support than Houllier and McLeish despite doing a lot worse.

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If he starts 3-5-2 at everton i will lose it, seriously lambert it does not work stop being stubborn and admit it. If we keep it simple like we did 2nd half we have an outside chance of survival i don't want to go down because you're too stubborn to admit you were wrong.

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Oh I agree mostly. It just baffles me why Lambert is getting more support than Houllier and McLeish despite doing a lot worse.

i don't understand it either. Lambert is the crowning turd in the water pipe of the last three years but people still back him. Its times like this when you miss Doug. he would have sacked him weeks ago.

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