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Paul Lambert


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I do think he is the right guy but it is possibly we may have to go down to sort this all out... i hope not though obviously as there are no guarantees we would come straight back of course... But this is a pretty long term project for me which we have embarked on in possibly the most volatile season, due to the new Sky money etc, that we have ever witnessed. Gotta say that getting slaughtered as we are doing at present is gonna take one heck of a turn around & quick.

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In my opinion if we change another manager now we will go down no question at all

The decision may yet be taken away from the club. If things don't pick up in the next week or so and we manage to lose to swansea and ipswich he might even walk before bradford. He does seem to look really dejected at the moment and does have a history of walking.

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The fact of the matter is changing the manager, even if it were a realistic option (which it isn't) wouldn't make any positive difference to our predicament.

We could hire Mourinho and we would not improve. The team just isn't up to it, it's weak, thin, lacking in ability and strength, mentally fragile... and so on. Our situation only improves when the playing staff do.

I'm not giving Lambert a carte blanche on Villa's failures this season in saying that - in some cases he's made mistakes and made things worse, a considerable part of the 15 goal deficit we've given ourselves this past week is his fault. I think he's proven to be less than the gem we might have thought he was (talk of him being the finest manager of his generation is, in my view, quite bizarre hyperbole). But it's hard to really say he should be sacked, he shouldn't. Nothing good comes from sacking him. Sticking with him, he might do some good in time.

Good post.

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There really is no point in sacking Lambert. We desperately need stability. Even if we go down I think we should give him a season to try and get us back up (although that depends on the manner of our relegation).

That said, if we continue to lose like we have done these past 3 games for the rest of the season then he simply has to go, but I don't think that's very likely.

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The best thing Lambert can do now is to sign a defensive coach. If available, I'd ask Martin Laursen to help out until the end of the season at least, but Lambert might see such an appointment too much of a threat to his job?

Edited by Morpheus
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The constants during these dire few years have been the fans (always been there, always will), some of the players (it's not their fault if they're not good enough, they are trying) and the board. It irritates me when some people put the whole blame squarely at the manager's head (it irritated me under Houllier and McLeish too) because whilst certainly they have all made mistakes, you have to consider the heap of shit each has inherited because of several awful top-level decisions.

I'm starting to move away from this "blame O'Neill" culture too, because, although I still dislike him, who was it that naively let him spend as much money as he liked for the three years? The board. What we needed was steady progression and instead Lerner threw money at the club hoping for success (as much as we loved it at the time, we didn't realise he was then going to cost-cut for years afterwards) and when that didn't work, we had to financially rebuild, sell our best players and then be unable to replace them because we weren't willing to splash out any more. All of this lies with the board. Appointing McLeish was one of the most ridiculous decisions I've ever seen in football because there was such a tiny chance that it would work out!

Our first XI at the moment is arguably worse than Reading's, but that's because we can't afford to buy Milner's or Young's any more because Lerner allowed our debts to sky-rocket so highly under O'Neill. He's not covering himself in glory at the moment, but Lambert's fighting a very steep uphill battle.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but as grateful as I am that Randy Lerner wants to invest his own cash into the club, he has made such a series of errors that he has inadvertently brought us to the brink in terms of staying in the Premier League, and I dare say we'll be brought to the brink financially if we go down when we have, for instance, our reserve goalkeeper on 50k a week for the next three-and-a-half years! I don't want to say I wish Ellis was back because I don't, but bloody hell Lerner's decision-making has well and truly done us over.

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The best thing Lambert can do now is to sign a defensive coach. If available, I'd ask Martin Laursen to help out until the end of the season at least, but Lambert might see such an appointment too much of a threat to his job?

You do know our assistant manager was a defender in the most successful ever Norwich team?

Think maybe some ready made players might help the cause more. We need some players who will give us something now, not some hope that in a few games this lot will step up a notch...

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it is a fair question. In all honesty I can't put my finger on it! Some of it is gut feel, instinct. You know, when something feels right or is just right. Just as houllier and Mcleish were obviously wrong for me, he is obviously right.

Then there is the record of the man. Obviously driven to succeed has done wonders at the small club he was at previously. Ability to get the players who may not be stars individually to play beyond their means. A long term project admittedly and that is something we need now, not quick fixes.

Then there is the fact I was privileged to spend some one to one time with the man back in October. He just blew me away. Charisma , passionate about the game the club, something about him just spoke volumes for quality.

For me the finest young manager of his generation. Right man for us totally, knows what he is doing, knows where he wants to be with us and how to get there. Just right

I thought he was the right man in the summer too, but his actions and the results we have had since then speak otherwise and if there is money to spend, I'd rather it be someone else who will spend it if they will move us away from the approach that Lambert prefers. Far from being "the finest young manager of his generation" and "the 4th best manager in the league" as you have repeated ad nauseum, Lambert looks like another Owen Coyle/Roy Keane/Bryan Robson to me, and thats being generous. Face it, the start he has had with us has been a disaster and I'm not happy for the club to persist with a stubborn, tactically naive manager if it means relegation. I don't think he knows what he is doing, either. You don't flog the same young players to death after alienating most of your seniors and then expect them to get results. Many on here cry "we need stability" but if the person who has been installed to supposedly stabilise the situation has been shown up as being not good enough, where do you go there?

I've lost all belief in Lambert and I know I'm not alone!

.........and lets not even go there as far as the total muppet we have as CEO and the braindead owner are concerned.

Edited by R.I.C.O.
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One thing that he doesn't seem to have is charisma. He just seems like another dour Scot; hardly the most inspiring character when you're stuck in a rut.

I don't think Lambert being a "dour Scot" is really the biggest of our problems - David Moyes is hardly Martin Luther King Jr. and I'd sell my Nan to have him here.

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I don't think Lambert being a "dour Scot" is really the biggest of our problems - David Moyes is hardly Martin Luther King Jr. and I'd sell my Nan to have him here.

Likewise with Ferguson.

I was merely commenting on the chrisma that he apparently has. It certainly doesn't seem that way in interviews.

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If you are so sure we wont go down why dont you go and hire a van tomorrow, Fill it to the top with all your prized possessions,

Drive down to your nearest cash converters pawn all your goods and stick all the money on us saying up!..

Hell man you could even go out and buy yourself a bigger house with all the cash your gonna win if your so sure!..

Your and You're. Learn them, use them, cut the sarcasm.

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Likewise with Ferguson.

I was merely commenting on the chrisma that he apparently has. It certainly doesn't seem that way in interviews.

Yeah you're right, sorry I am in a bad mood. Also, Mat Kendrick was having a few subtle digs about his refusal to answer difficult questions - think it's quite telling when the man who writes most frequently about you isn't a fan.

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The best thing Lambert can do now is to sign a defensive coach. If available, I'd ask Martin Laursen to help out until the end of the season at least, but Lambert might see such an appointment too much of a threat to his job?

Have you ever watched Laursen talk on sky sports?

He's no coach. It's a shame, but he really isn't.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Keep the faith, look what he walked into last year, we stayed in the prem by the skin of our teeth! He didn't have a great deal of funds and all the signings had reason, including fans opinions, ie Hutton and warlnck out. We have a lot of players out and when they come back they need to step up to the mark and lead the young lads properly. If ever we need the Bent saga over (which he and Benteke were playing well against Norwich) to be over it is now, if we can get Vlaar to bulk up the defence, Gabby to give us an outlet and Bent n Benteke to form a partnership we will be just fine (that's what I am praying anyways)

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