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Holocaust Pics (disturbing)


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Haven't looked at them as I'm too squeamish.

A book I read about the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich involved a family being traced who had helped the assassins. When the Nazis arrived the mother committed suicide by cyanide pill. They then decided to interrogate her son (who was around 10) with her head in a jar.

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Just can't imagine anything like it now.

maybe not in terms of people in camps and systematic gassings etc but Rwanda was only 1994 and an estimated 800,000 deaths in approx 100 days

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Horrible. It's the smaller groups/individuals that get you, the mass burials or countless bodies strewn across fields are just beyond understanding.

If we ever get to see first-hand evidence of what is going on in towns around Syria, they won't look too far of this.

Awful that humans are capable of murder on this scale, but we are and it is a very troubling thought.

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horrific, one of the worst things i ever watched was on the history channel about kristallnacht and the germans filmed jewish shop keepers being pulled out the shops and thrown to a baying mob who each took it in turns to abuse him, things like this need to be taught in history lessons along with the Rwandan/Serbian genocides. must never forget these people.

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Truly Horrifying.

I think sometimes people (myself included) become quite detached from reality through time and also satirisation of topics such as this.

Seeing those pics was a bit of a nasty reminder of what happened.

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It did remind me of a Frankie Boyle joke though. "So, I saw Saddam being executed. It made me think ... is there nothing on the internet I won't masturbate to?"

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Went through some of them but they're quite hard to look at.

It's just crazy and surreal, I can't believe it all happened not so long ago really. Just can't imagine anything like it now.

Iraq? Iran? US presidential candidates boasting about how their sanctions are destroying Iran (read "killing people")?

These things lack the physical intimacy of uniformed thugs dragging people from their homes and herding them on to trains to be butchered. So much more clinical.

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It might be happening in Syria right now as far as we know. Dangerous lurches to the right always worry me, the Nazi movement started with something as 'harmless' as the EDL are over here. Once one section of society starts to blame another for everything that is going wrong then you are at the start of a very slippery slope. WW2 was this taken to its furthest extreme, but we should never forget the things which caused it.

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It might be happening in Syria right now as far as we know. Dangerous lurches to the right always worry me, the Nazi movement started with something as 'harmless' as the EDL are over here. Once one section of society starts to blame another for everything that is going wrong then you are at the start of a very slippery slope. WW2 was this taken to its furthest extreme, but we should never forget the things which caused it.

Yes. Greece is sliding in that direction, with nazi thugs roaming the streets looking for immigrants to beat up, as though the state of the country is their fault.

And over here we have the Islamophobes spouting their vile ideas.

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Yes. Greece is sliding in that direction, with nazi thugs roaming the streets looking for immigrants to beat up, as though the state of the country is their fault.

And over here we have the Islamophobes spouting their vile ideas.

You mean nationalistic racists right ?

There is nothing wrong with hating/fearing Islam or any other of the bullshit religions that people allign themselves to .

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They're harrowing. The Holocauat memorial in Washington has display chock full of thousands of shoes.

There is nothing in history comparable to the Holocaust. There have been pogroms and genocide but nothing as unique as industrialised, mechancial slaughter on a monumental scale.

Anybody who tries to make comparisons is a bloody fool and should pick up a Norbert Elias "Germans" for a sociologists view.

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