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Charles N'Zogbia


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I'm not buying it personally, he got the 'injury' in Miami and seems as if he has never been back from the bloody place. Rehab my arse.

Does seem very strange, can't see him being arsed in the slightest when he returns to fitness has spent too long living it up doing **** all, although I would love to be proved wrong.
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Well he wont be going anywhere in the summer then.


Shame he has been injured because he would have got a decent amount of games with how crap Weimann has been. There is a great player in there somewhere, he has good control and can take players on.

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I'm not buying it personally, he got the 'injury' in Miami and seems as if he has never been back from the bloody place. Rehab my arse.

Does seem very strange, can't see him being arsed in the slightest when he returns to fitness has spent too long living it up doing **** all, although I would love to be proved wrong.

Me too, when he plays to his ability he is actually a good player.

Maybe he just can't be arsed anymore? I don't dispute that he has an injury, but I'm pretty sure if a player is in rehab trying to get back to full fitness then it should be with and around the club, not on holiday (where he got the injury in the first place).

Imagine, he's had a year of free pay because he injured himself on holiday in a completely non-football related incident. Lucky sod.

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There is no reason to make up a conspiracy theory, if Lambert didn't want him to play again he would just say so like he did with Hutton.


Achilles injures are usually a season out so there is nothing unusual here.

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I'm not buying it personally, he got the 'injury' in Miami and seems as if he has never been back from the bloody place. Rehab my arse.


I prefer the broken penis theory. Either way, he won't be back at all this season.

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According to his Instagram he is in rehab aka Miami aka spending a shed load of money, getting drunk, partying, buying ridiculously nice cars, buying ridiculously huge bottles of champagne, shagging hundreds of birds etc.

He does post the occasional gym photo though so hopefully his leg gets better.

Can't say I blame him. Play for Via, or do that? Hmmm.

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Not sure how true this is, a mate told me..
@MatKendrick: @ianashworth80 @issassin @nmashiter_star Seen the Instagram, doesn't surprise me. Bomb Squad in everything but name" all over twitter with fans asking what going on
Can see Isa on here has posted.. Seems like Charles has never been injured..
Can anyone shed some light?
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Yes he confirmed he isn't injured on Instagram. That's the sort petty excuse of a manager we have, a man who will happily cut his nose to spite his face just because of a falling out. This isn't a surprise anyway, N'Zogbia was bombed out before the injury.

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Great another £10mil pound player Lambert has held out to dry!! Fulham at home last season, Charles was best player on pitch!! 


Way that manager has treated Charles, Darren Bent, Hutton and Given is diabolical and not even man management!!

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Yes he confirmed he isn't injured on Instagram. That's the sort petty excuse of a manager we have, a man who will happily cut his nose to spite his face just because of a falling out. This isn't a surprise anyway, N'Zogbia was bombed out before the injury.

I am so angry mate!!


Who gives a crap what wages or what they cost us!! N'Zogbia although next the best would be our best midfielder alongside Delph at moment and he gets treated like this! No other manager has created these bomb squads!! Heard it's actually Lambert who decides wages as he hates big earners, as all previous had money spend and also on wages so why should he be different.


he chose to bomb them out

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