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Stephen Ireland


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Looking forward to seeing Ireland's contribution tomorrow (if selected of course)

I suspect he will be one of our better players again, as he has been in nearly every game for the past 12 months.

You think ?

Stephen Ireland has undoubtedly got talent, but he don't seem to dovetail with the rest of the team.

For me he has been a luxury player who looks and plays like he's one move ahead of everybody else on the team.

But if he's that good he should understand his team mates probably won't be in the positions he wants them to be in.

I just get the feeling he thinks of himself as a big fish in a little pond.

I expect more from him this season with Lambert in charge, although not convinced he will deliver.

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Can I just ask CI what exactly Ireland has done to get you so against him?

It's more about what he hasn't done on the pitch

What he has done is toss it off for 2 years here

No hiding place now for him & he has yet to convince me this season

He did a fair bit in the second half of last season, and he's certainly not the only one who's gone missing.
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The second half of last season ? I think we just bury that & forget it

I thought he did ok at The Sports Direct the other week, should have scored ? Yes probably

Today's game should suit him down to the ground

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Today's game should suit him down to the ground

ahahah talk about covering your bases

ireland is good today: ci says "well the game was always going to suit him, it means nothing"

ireland is shit today: ci says "that game was teed up for him and he did nothing, he's shit"

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not his best performance today but showed a lot of fight, determination and tackled hard. A lot of things just didn't click for him.

Think a front trio of him, benteke and bent has serious potential,

Benteke to win and hold up ball and lay off to Ireland and Bent making runs in behind will become a familiar sight this season i think.

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Probably our poorest player today, sloppy with his passing and his best bits were sliding tackles after he'd passed to the opposition.

He created nothing again in an open flowing football game.

Simply doesn't do enough for me.

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Probably our poorest player today, sloppy with his passing and his best bits were sliding tackles after he'd passed to the opposition.

He created nothing again in an open flowing football game.

Simply doesn't do enough for me.

Kind of agree, he does nothing wrong, and at the moment deserves a first xi spot, but come this time next year when Lambert has bought some more players I'll think he'll be out. Not worth 70k a week!

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Couldn't disagree more. While he wasn't great with the ball was the best player without it.

Huge amount of tackling and harassing probably worked harder than any other player and was shattered when he came off.

Rubbish, he dosn`t work hard at all strolls around and as for tackling he is slightly better than Downing was, he won`t feature much this season

as in the last 3 seasons.

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Ireland should really be thriving in the midfield PL's crafted but instead hasn't quite found his place yet - I don't think he deserves to be dropped or anything because he isn't doing anything wrong per se but he seems to be figuring out where he works into our team at the moment.

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I have said consistently since his passable form under HWSNBN that Ireland was being overated and that we could be more effective without him and I stand by that. However I actually feel if he can start working hard again like he did for a brief time at Citeh then he could be an asset.

I have my doubts though. The problem with Ireland is since that heart scare where he collapsed after the game because he had worked so hard just coming off spending the whole summer running in the hills he seemed scared to give it his all. I think the current SI is a broken version! If Lambert can help SI get over it then we have the perfect player to work alongside KEA and Bannan in a midfield trio, but until then he will only really shine against lesser opposition.

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Have to admit, I stuck up numerous amount of times, didn't do anything to show me that he deserves 50k a week. Needs to up his performances.

How wonderful it is this season to able to say that if a player doesn't up his performances he can be dropped. Too many players strolled by last season, knowing that the manager would offer no reasonable alternate to them.

Last season if you were bad, you'd still be playing. Now we can take out players performing adequately because they're still not good enough.

It's a great turn around.

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