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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

First off, I apolgise for not being on site....I have spent the last week at a National Security Conference in Georgia.

I want to thank "The Suffering Villa" for his in-depth post....I could not find one area that I disagreed with. He was succinct and to the point...and gave much food for thought. I am forwarding the entire post to the new CEO for him to look at and take action where he can.

As I have said many times before...we do have a 5 year plan for revitalization and rejuvenation of Villa Park and some of the surrounding area. We are going to spruce up the train station and see if we can make the Villa Experience BEGIN when someone gets off the train. The grounds themselves will be worked on in an orderly manner.../and the North Facade is going to get a steam cleaning within the next couple of weeks. We are working these issues.

Randy and Martin have been working non-stop over the past week...as you can imagine. We want to get to the point where the 2-1 games go in OUR way instead of visa versa. It is great to see our lads fight so hard but we need to get to the point where we end up victors. This means players and we need to get some.

Again, I am sorry for being off the net for a period of time. UP THE VILLA!!!

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Keep up the hard work, and I hope that steam clean works, it just looks.... dirty. Not sure what it were like back in the day? But if it is just dirt that is shocking!

UTV and let the transfer window bring fruit.


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I must say that it is lovely to read this thread, especially posts from you General Krulak...but also posts from fans of Aston Villa FC. I am a huge fan (from Sweden), and I have been that since I was 7 years old when I looked on TV and saw Aston Villa play. First it was the colours that attracted my interest...then it was the name...which I think is the most beautiful football club name in the world to be honest. After that it was the enormous history surrounding this club with the legendary William McGregor.

I am very proud to be a Villa fan again since Lerner took over as the new owner of AVFC. Times has been hard on us supporters, but we are many that has stood by our club through good and through bad times. Now we all have a feeling of a new era...a new day for our club and it is such a good feeling that you take your time to talk with us fans in a very good atmosphere and respectful way. Thank you General Krulak! and Thank you Randy Lerner!

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Welcome back General, no apology needed, important as we Villatalkers are we don't expect to be prioritised over America's national security! :winkold:

We all hope progress is being made on transfers but (most of us) dont expect instant results. The important thing is that for the first time in my life as a Villa supporter I genuinly believe that the manager and the board are actually pulling TOGETHER to make things happen.


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General as has been said, no apology needed!

Thank you for your continuing updates and comments. Its nice to know something is going to happen to the North Stand facade - at least for the short term and that much is being done as and where possible in other areas.

Its hope we've not had for a very long time!

And for now, thats good enough for me (oh and a reasonable finish in the league). :winkold:

Up the Villa!

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General Krulak here:

First off, I apolgise for not being on site....I have spent the last week at a National Security Conference in Georgia.

I want to thank "The Suffering Villa" for his in-depth post....I could not find one area that I disagreed with. He was succinct and to the point...and gave much food for thought. I am forwarding the entire post to the new CEO for him to look at and take action where he can.

As I have said many times before...we do have a 5 year plan for revitalization and rejuvenation of Villa Park and some of the surrounding area. We are going to spruce up the train station and see if we can make the Villa Experience BEGIN when someone gets off the train. The grounds themselves will be worked on in an orderly manner.../and the North Facade is going to get a steam cleaning within the next couple of weeks. We are working these issues.

Randy and Martin have been working non-stop over the past week...as you can imagine. We want to get to the point where the 2-1 games go in OUR way instead of visa versa. It is great to see our lads fight so hard but we need to get to the point where we end up victors. This means players and we need to get some.

Again, I am sorry for being off the net for a period of time. UP THE VILLA!!!

Nice to hear from you again General and thanks for the update regarding the North stand.

How was your security conference? Where in the world should I be avoiding taking a holiday this year?

Finally you mention that Randy and Martin have been working non-stop over the past week, I hope that this hard work comes to fruition because as you say the lads in the team need some help. They are working their whatsits off and not being rewarded at the moment.



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As you are no doubt aware Season Ticket holders were offered up to 6 tickets at £5 each for the Watford game - my daughter and I bought 10 tickets and a number of other Villtalk members have also used the offer.

We understand that the offer was limited to 1500 and has sold out. Had the offer been promoted more widely by email to ST holders many more could have been sold.

I realise that the club is probably trying all kinds of ideas, but in future do you think it would be a good idea to send "last minute" offers via email shots to Season Holders for games where a low attendance is expected?

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Got my bonus today general so time for a holiday question!

Went to Ontario, Canada and Ney York to meet family last year and really enjoyed seeing the sights!

Bearing in mind that I have a lot of family in Union City, San Francisco; should I make arrangements to go out there and chill on the set of Baywatch on Venice Beach or should I eagerly await out summer fixtures? Will we have a game in CA or NY? A game in the skydome, TO would be good but my nephews are coming to Brum in feb so I have to move quick to get them in the programme for when they come to VP with me!

Enjoy your conference, rather you than me! Best defence is a flat back four!

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This is my first post on th site, and i have been hugely impressed with the "Randylution" that is going on at VP. Bardsley is a very good signing, and everything that has been done so far has really impressed me. I have a few questions though.

1) I know everyone goes on about transfers, but can yo tell us if bids are going in for players? You dnt have to tell us who, but al these fans who are moaning saying no players will arrive can be put to rest?

2) Did you get my PM about Villa TV?

3) There are a lot of Villa fans around the UK that would love to travel up to VP, especially London, but the fans i know who live in London find it hard to get to games as petrol there and back is at least £30, and the train is over £30 return. Are there any plans in place to look at offers for fans over the UK to get to VP cheaper and easier at all?

4) As you are very aware this year is 25 years since the European Cup win, and i was wondering, is ther eany plans for celebrations this summer?

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I just have one question,

Under the previous floundering regime it has been club policy to change both home and away kits every season regardless of whether there was a geniune reason for the change (new sponsor, new kit maker) .

Does the new board have any plans to change this policy? I buy a jersey every season and this seasons home kit (Long Sleeve) cost £43 :shock: and it will be changed again next season.

Granted if there is a new sponsor then the jersey has to be changed but otherwise should we just change one each season. One season the home one, next the away (e.g. Liverpool F.C).



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General, i too would like to ask about the £5 a ticket offer.

I was hoping to buy some for relatives today and now will have to tell them the offer has finished. maybe it could be possible to release more??

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General, i too would like to ask about the £5 a ticket offer.

I was hoping to buy some for relatives today and now will have to tell them the offer has finished. maybe it could be possible to release more??

I would hope not, you'd have queues of angry season ticket holders trying to get money back from tickets you've sold at full price since the offer expired. I'd love to see it trialled again at another match this season though.

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Are you aware that the local paper, the Evening Mail are so desperate for news from you that they have to lift direct quotes from you, posted on this website in order to fill their newspaper?

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