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Stephen Warnock


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Deliberate own goal

I'm disgusted

Are you for real?

Deliberate or not it's not the first time he tried something like this.

I'm not debating that. I think he's been diabolical the for the last few months and has made some really stupid mistakes, but the idea he put the ball in his own net deliberately is ludicrous to me, despite what we think of his performaces or attitude.

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god this guys crap. sell this useless idiot (thats what he is after that own goal and it did look delibrate in my opinon)

we questioned houllier for freezing him out. based on the rubbish ive seen from him in last few weeks he made the right decision

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people saying he scored the own goal on purpose are you for real really.

I feel sorry for him i really do, if certain fans weren't waiting for him to make a mistake to have a go at him then maybe he'll get his confidence back.

It was a much better performance second half from him anyway.

i dont know what it is with our fans and full backs over the years ive seen alan wright get stick, gary charles, jlloyd samuel, now warnock and hutton the list goes on. If you dont rate them then fair enough but to be actually waiting for them to make a mistake so you can have a go at them just because you paid your money is pathetic.

would rather have attendances of 20,000 if it stopped the idiots coming.

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He's awful. He has no confidence, but that's entirely down to him putting in some geniunely awfuls performances. Thing is, when the manager bigs himself up over re-introducing him into the team as he did at the start of the season he can't just drop the pillock. He shouldn't be anywhere near our squad.

Surely Enda Stevens can't be worse?

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Ok I will start with just how shit he is, not worthy of a shirt and I would rather play the kids than him or Hutton! I dislkie him soooo much! Although I dont think he scored on purpose he has came close a few times now!


I actually felt sorry for him last night, why? because he should not have been on the pitch in the first place, his form has been way below poor this season and he needed taking out of the team for that reason, throwing him back into what has been building up to be a cauldron of hate (and Im heating the pot)

As soon as he scored that goal his head was going to be down even more which then makes him even more of a liability, he needed to be taken off for his and our sake but he was left on which is anothe piece of bad management!

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First half was one of the worst performances I have ever seen. His confidence was so low, positioning, rading of the game heading (apart from the finish) and tackling were all atrocious.

I think the booing (not that I did it) actually helped. Second half he looked a lot better (which lets be honest couldnt be hard), was closing people down (when covering back for corners) quickly and was also creating a useful outlet on the left hand side in an attacking sense.

Would like him gone, but it just depends who we would get to replace him, Stevens is unproven and do we really want him making his debut against the likes of Ben Arfa and his home debut against Silva/Nasri/Johnson/Milner etc...

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Deliberate own goal

I'm disgusted

Are you for real?

Deliberate or not it's not the first time he tried something like this.

I'm not debating that. I think he's been diabolical the for the last few months and has made some really stupid mistakes, but the idea he put the ball in his own net deliberately is ludicrous to me, despite what we think of his performaces or attitude.

deliberate - no. it was his awful defending and positioning. mentally unstable. it was shoolboy error. dunne was going for the ball, warnock just needed only to scream to dunne let it to me. it is tought in school level football, but this prick is not a footballer.
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I don't think taking him off as soon as he scored the own goal would have been good management.

He's shit, and it was a shocking own goal.

But I was genuinely embarassed to hear the fans booing him after that. During the **** game he's getting booed! How can you expect anyone, let alone someone as shit and shot of confidence as Warnock, to perform if his own fans are booing him when he gets the ball?

Listen, people have the right to boo the team. I don't do it myself, but can understand why people do.

But directing your boos at a particular player whilst he's still trying to play? Quite frankly it's pathetic and I'm genuinely embarrassed.

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I doubt think anyone can really believe he did it deliberately. But I completely understand where your coming from because he is doing these things so often that it kind of looks like he is doing it deliberately.

It is a massive own goal maybe from Faulkner/Randy maybe from AM that we didn't get cover for this position in summer. After his alleged comments last year and the similar hole he put us in we should not have left ourselves so exposed again.

Every other player in squad has cover for their position - why not Warnock?

Fair enough Clark hasn't got legs to play there as proved against Wolves. If Stevens isnt ready then what about Baker thought he had promise there last year.

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His first half performance was awful and the goal was a stupid mistake, but his own fans booing him? Embarrassing

Agreed. And his second half performance was much better. Interesting to see that those who continual jump on his poor performances can't offer any praise when it's merited.

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For his own goal, whilst he should have even thought about doing what he did - the ball wouldn't have got to him if Dunne had done his job and got rid of the ball.

A lot of people blame Tweedle Dee Collins for Dunne's mistakes - but Tweedle Dunne is slow to react, clumsy and doesn't keep his concentration. He lost Cisse for the first goal. He's not a Paul McGrath figure just because he's old and Irish. He's shite.

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I said after the everton attempt I'd be keeping an eye in him because the everton "attempt" struck me at the time as looking deliberate too ! I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely concerned by this

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