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Jean II Makoun


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always felt was weird he has been judged after about 10 games for the club but people keep saying players like Delph should be given a chance who have played more and actually contributed less than J2M

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How is Makoun another Djemba Djemba? Is it because he is....

Well, lightweight, ineffective, can't tackle, can't head, doesn't read the game well, seems like a rabbit caught in the proverbials

Other than that he may be ok (if it's a 3 yard square ball man you're after)

Watch the games again, I think you'd find this is mostly quite wrong.

I was at most of his games live, trust me it wasn't great

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How is Makoun another Djemba Djemba? Is it because he is....

Well, lightweight, ineffective, can't tackle, can't head, doesn't read the game well, seems like a rabbit caught in the proverbials

Other than that he may be ok (if it's a 3 yard square ball man you're after)

Watch the games again, I think you'd find this is mostly quite wrong.

I was at most of his games live, trust me it wasn't great

Don't have to trust you because, bizarrely, you weren't the only one to see him play. He had excellent first time passing capability and a superb weight of pass. He would also move for a return ball - something that we haven't seen much of in the Villa CM for years. He is not a great tackler and, if he is to be a success in the Premier League, he would need to be partnered by a strong DCM. The only other fault that I thought he had when he played was that he seemed to want to play every ball first time and he would need to learn variation. If he could adjust this I think he could be a fantastic player in the right formation.

--------------- Diame ---------------

---------------------- J2M -----------

---------- SI -------------------------

NZogbia --------------------- Moses

---------------- Bent ----------------

with Holman, Gardner, Delph, Gabby, Albie and Carruthers providing interesting attacking back up, would be very interesting I think.

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From what I saw of him for us he was awful but so was the whole team, He was paired with Clark and Bannan in the middle for most of his games if im not mistaken?(Stan was injured?) I say give him a chance with better players around him and a better manager before judging him..

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I thought he showed great speed of thought, and off the ball movement, the two things we have missed most in midfield, IMO

Would like to see him in a midfield 3 with a DM and a consistent SI

Edit: Actually a consistent SI is something we have seen even less than we have J2M

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From what I saw of him for us he was awful but so was the whole team, He was paired with Clark and Bannan in the middle for most of his games if im not mistaken?(Stan was injured?) I say give him a chance with better players around him and a better manager before judging him..

Not even remotely true, every game he played next to either NRC or Petrov

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"excellent first time passing capability"

Only if it's a 3 yard square ball you're after

& this visionary one touch ball has historically been known as the "hot potato" !

Last chance saloon for him

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I think the only person who we need to trust is Lambert, he's got far more inclination for playing football than Eck, who just wanted strong runners/tackles in the middle.

Time will tell whether he can have an impact at Villa but he may well settle on better with N'zogbia at the club, other than him I doubt any of our players were able to speak French to him. He should have worked on his English by now too.

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To be fair a lot of the first time balls he played were in the direction of Gabby, and lets face it, he isn't the most intelligent footballer hence the pass being wasted. He reads the game well and exploits holes in the defence, he needs players who can also see this

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Like I've said, I think Makoun will play very well with Ireland, Bent and probably N'Zogbia. Makoun needs to get good sequence of games to get fully into the premier league... didn't Juan-Pablo Angel also need time to get adjusted into the league?

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I thought he showed great speed of thought

You can't be serious, I spent entire matches going No, no No don't tackle him ther..... oh you did

That's not necessarily down to how fast you think. His passings though, showed that he was way ahead of the others in thinking and vision. The kind of player who knows before he gets the ball what to do with it. We could do with that kind of a player, but then we need more moveable players around him. And if he's good enough for us is IMO still debatable. I think it's almost impossible to judge after so few games. But he's certainly not a DM in this league.

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In my opinion, Makoun can do some things very well and other things very badly. If Lambert can get him to improve to a Premier League standard we will have a very good player on our hands. It's a big if though, and I think it's likely he won't make the grade.

I was really excited by that game against Man U when he completed about 90% of his passes. It proved something is there. But his performances since seemed to suggest something was lacking too. Hope he steps up but I won't be holding my breath.

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As usual with these things you have the 2 extremes of opinion and the truth somewhere in the middle.

I watched J2M a few times live and every other time on the TV or t'internet stream.

When he first came he had become a key player for Lyon and they really didn't want to give him up which is why Houllier took ages to reach a deal with them, which Houllier always claimed (without rebuttal) was €3.5m.

One of his first games was against Man Utd and he was fantastic. He just sat in the middle, spraying passes around everywhere and made the Man Utd midfield look ordinary.

After that he increasingly found it difficult to adjust to the physicality of the PL, where too little aggression gets you knocked off the ball all the time, but too much gets you sent off. It's a very fine line here and the majority of players who have been playing in foreign leagues for a long time take a while to adjust.

He was then asked to help sit in front of the defence and provide cover, which exposed this lack of experience further. Then he had a game (I forget against who) where he looked terrified, constantly gave the ball away and didn't look right in the head. I'd go so far as to say he looked like he'd taken something before the game.

I have no doubt that given time to settle and find his feet with confident players around him, he'd flourish. His biggest problem with his time here was that he'd play someone into trouble and expect the ball straight back, keeping it moving like on the continent. Barca and other passing teams do this all the time, and it allows passing teams to be able to break down pressing teams by pulling them out.

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From what I saw of Makoun, he was not a ball winning midfielder. But had excellent vision and great passing technique. I think if he played with a midfield who moved around a lot he'd be very effective for us. One thing which I loved watching with him is that he played in triangles. Which is so so simple but yet none of our players do it. He makes a pass, moves into space, makes himself available. If other players did that as well we'd be able to move the ball around very effectively. Unfortunately, through my eyes he was the only player doing it, so it never really got anywhere and he kept just knocking it sideways.

A massive problem for our midfield is movement. I've said it many times, it's an issue that really needs to be addressed fast. We're so stale, static and predictable going forward. Players like Makoun understand "how to move" if you know what I mean.

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The problem with Makoun is that while he has certain strengths his weaknesses are such that you have to have players around him to make up for them and I'm personally just not sure he is good enough to warrant that.

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