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Andreas Weimann


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Really hacked me off in the second half today.

Lad's gonna be a good player but he needs to learn to shoot early if he wants to be a 15-20 goal scorer in this league.

Twice today he had balls rolled through to him (one quite well by Heskey) and instead of shooting, faffed about and lost the ball trying to beat a Sunderland player.

There was also the chance right at the end against Stoke when he was messing about trying to beat players instead of shooting.

True. Hopefully he'll watch back the tapes and learn for the next game.

Also needs to shoot across the keeper and not go for the near post, as he did in two chances.

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Two of his shots were very close to going in. I thought he did well and was unlucky to not get a goal. Even Bent flubs chances once in a while and to be fair when he cut it back from Bannan, that was still a quality chance simply wasted with a poor shot.

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its wrong that such responsibility and pressure is put on such a young player. On the one hand he looked the player most likley to score today - on the other he squandered a couple of chances by needing/wanting to much time

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He is young with little Prem experience. He needs time to learn and adapt to the game. It is different to playing in reserves. Unfortunately there are going to be ups and downs when young players are blooded into teams. It is not ideal that we are relying on him at this time of the season, but I for one haved faith that he will turn into a good player for the club (if we remain in the prem league that is...)

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I'm sure the pressure of trying to carry Gabby would get to anyone, at least Weimann gives a shit and puts the effort in. If given the choice I would play a 5 man midfield and leave Gabby on the bench. Another terrible idea by McLeish giving Gabby the captains armband, he has not deserved it and it should always be given to a midfielder/defender, no some sulky over-paid waster who couldn't give a shit.

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I though he looked like he was trying yesterday before being forced off with injury. Of course putting in a shift is the least I expect! He's obviously carrying an injury. Go with Andreas up on his own against Bolton with five in midfield!

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Taking too long to get his shot away is very much a rookie mistake and he will learn from that for sure.

I actually also think its a function of his being absolutley knackered by the end of the games. Both of those games where he cut back rather than shooting came in the last 10 mins or so after he had run himself ragged.

Again his fitness levels will improve when he gets used to the pace of the Premier League.

On the positive side though is he is getting the chances. His movement really is superb - finally Ireland has someone to find with a through ball.

As people have said about Michael Owen for years - he will get his goals because he puts himself in the right places.

Very similar to Bent in that respect will be interesting to see whether they can play together.

Also for those who haven't seen him much in reserves he is fantastic in the air. If we can get him a good supply line of crosses he will be a threat there too.

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I agree with most people's opinion on Andi...simply at the moment it is a case of him being quite an intelligent player who works hard and gets into good positions to score, at the moment just lacks the confidence to be shooting/scoring in positions where you would expect him to...I expect him to score 1 or 2 on Tuesday

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I think in some situations you can see him thinking too much, he's obviously feeling 'shit i better score from here' and the pressure is affecting his game.

the sadness of the situation is that he's the only player who looks like scoring a goal.

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Loads of sense being written here about the lad. Yes, he needs to have the confidence to shoot instinctively, on sight, rather than take the cut-back option. But, for me, he has to get greedy....very greedy. He has the ideal supply line through Ireland and has the eye to become a prolific goalscorer.

Just hope the penny drops in time for tuesday night. My nerves can't take much more.

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I though he looked like he was trying yesterday before being forced off with injury. Of course putting in a shift is the least I expect! He's obviously carrying an injury. Go with Andreas up on his own against Bolton with five in midfield!





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