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Ciaran Clark


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I think he's looked average at best and shouldn't be in the first XI but currently we have no other options. Maybe he's looked good to you guys because the others around him like Baker and Luna have been awful at times

Hi Nick, I'm just curious as to what makes you so down with him? He's been a wall most of the time. He hasn't made any terrible blunders, not that I can recall anyways. When Vlaar or Luna's been away Lambert has put him in LB position. I think he's handled those responsibilities well too. Steady at the back. Doesn't offer so much going forward, but can control the ball nicely, and did show some attacking intelligence in that one match where he, instead of shooting like most others would have, calmly passed the ball which led to a goal by Kozak. When he plays LB he cannot prevent goals coming from the center, which has been the problem lately.

I don't see him being "lost" at times without Vlaar either Mark40. I think he will be able to grow with the team, when we inevitably get better. He's not a finished product yet at all at 24. Much room to improve.

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Haven't seen Clark being shredded by fast wingers. At least not yet. I think he'd be better as LB than Luna or Bennet when Okore is back. We'd be defensively stronger.

Then, if and when one of Okore or Vlaar gets injured, move Clark to CB and bring Luna in as LB.

Only if they're both injured, like now, bring in Baker.

Edited by AVTuco
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He started life as a cm and to me at least this is where i see him playing.

As far as I'm aware he was a cb all through the youth team and when he when made his first team bow. For me he doesn't have enough ability on the ball to be a dm anyway (not that our current midfield are much better). Alongside vlaar he was starting to look a decent cb. Needs that experienced head alongside him

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With him out it should mean that Donacien will get a go but this is Lambert we are talking about, so it will be the tried and failed Lowton or Herd at CB for Sunderland.


Hopefully he will field Donacien but I get the feeling he won't haha.... he gave Herd a load of praise in an interview not long ago so I'm guessing he will be getting picked :(


As for Clarke, I think him and Vlaar are by far our best option atm. Only seen Okore play once and that was against Rotherham where he didn't have much to do so can't really assess him on that! Will probably be no good when he comes back anyways as that seems to be the Villa way atm.

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Did he get booked then or injured as left on 90 minutes?


Herd seems to have disappeared from the 18 last few games so might be injured again. We really need Vlaar fit, it's been a month now pretty much. Think HH said there was a chance he could play in the Sunderland game.

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Did he get booked then or injured as left on 90 minutes?


Herd seems to have disappeared from the 18 last few games so might be injured again. We really need Vlaar fit, it's been a month now pretty much. Think HH said there was a chance he could play in the Sunderland game.


Got booked so 5 yellows in total.

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