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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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I'd love us to have a Villa midfield playing for England. Maybe then we can do the tapping up.

I know imagine that............. somebody like Delph perhaps? 



Read it again. 


I've re-read and I can't see any other way of reading it?

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I don't know if Kevan still reads this thread, I assume he does? I know he said he won't be posting once Jack was in the first team though. I was just thinking what it must be like for the family at the moment, pride mixed with excitement I suppose. It's looking like he could get an FA Cup final start soon, and be part of an international set up. Amazing.

Did Kev ever say which way he thought Jack would go, England or Ireland?

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If he plays in an Irish set up from under 17 up to under 21 (taking the place of a young irish kid who loves and would be honoured to represent his country) and then walks away it says a lot about his character and it won't be long before he dose the same to villa

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think he said he would play for Ireland when he was on here.


I think he will still choose Ireland but as said before I dont really care once he plays for Aston Villa, if he does turn to England the only people Ireland can blame is the management team so MON out

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We appreciated the call from Martin yesterday but there was no way Jack was going to accept. Jack opted to take the year out to concentrate on Aston Villa and that decision has proved to be correct one based upon how he’s doing lately.
It would be the same answer if England were to make an approach. If Villa had nothing to play at this stage of the season, then we might have thought more about it. But now is not the right time.


Edit: this might be old news

Edited by packoman
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We appreciated the call from Martin yesterday but there was no way Jack was going to accept. Jack opted to take the year out to concentrate on Aston Villa and that decision has proved to be correct one based upon how he’s doing lately.


It would be the same answer if England were to make an approach. If Villa had nothing to play at this stage of the season, then we might have thought more about it. But now is not the right time.


Edit: this might be old news


Well, there are only two league games left, not three as he says, so a bit confusing.

Anyway, I guess the message is the same, no decision at this point.

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Some of the sense of entitlement from some Irish fans is pretty funny to read, especially as Ireland is probably one of the greatest abusers of the Grand-Parents rules.


Grealish is 19, it's a fairly big question at a fairly tender age to demand a straight answer for. Yeah, it was probably easy for the likes of Cunningham, Keane, Brian O'Driscoll etc. considering they're all fully Irish and didn't have to make a choice, but Grealish grew up in England, and only qualifies through family, demanding he makes a decision right now on how he views himself patriotically over a qualifier and a meaningless friendly, is a bit ridiculous.


Personally, seeing how some have reacted recently, I hope he picks England just to stick it to them.

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we found loopholes hardly abuse ;)


none of these clowns said anything when Alex Bruce went play for Northern Ireland I wonder why but I think the point that he played all underage for ireland is what pissing people off. Plus Roy Keane is last person to talk about loyalty to Ireland ;)


I think he should just retire from international football, MON or Hodgson arent going to help his game

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