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At the risk of turning this forum into Mumsnet, anybody been through IVF?


its hard, but worth it.

mum-to-be will get moody, need to just take the mood swings with a smile, and try not to aggravate her.

might be good if you get involved with the injections (help prepare the liquid, maybe even inject it if she doesn't want to). It makes it feel like you are both going through the process, not just her on her own.

be aware its about a 30% chance, so in theory prepare for 3 rounds of it.

good luck :thumb:

i'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

My mate and his missus are expecting after their second bout of IVF. I think the chances are dependent on things like if there's a problem with the man or the woman. According to him, if the bloke has a low sperm count, that's the best position to be in and the chance is closer to 1 in 2.

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The_Rev jr is nine months old today, though I think Saturday is the day when he will have been outside longer than inside. If that makes any sense.

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I am a little scared today as last night I accidently elbowed the little one on the top of her head when I was getting up off the sofa, as she was being fed. It was pretty hard but she seemed fine a couple of minutes after crying and has fed and acted normal since.

Should we get her checked out just to be safe?

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as we had no sleep last night the missus is contemplating co-sleeping tonight with the baby, im a bit worried but she wont sleep in her moses basket for more than 15 minutes and is constantly fidgeting

can anyone put my mind at rest that your partners have done this with no problems?

its not ideal, greater chance of cot death.

but sometimes it has to be done if baby won't sleep at all.

be careful with duvet being able to cover the baby's face, or possibility of you rolling over onto baby. strat egically placed pillows can help stop rolling over issues.

My daughter never slept in the Moses basket. If you've got room, try putting the cot next to your bed. Take the side off as well if you can.once the little.one gets into the swing of sleeping, you can put the side on the cot and then slowly move it away from the bed. It will take time. There is no "right" answer, do what you have to do to stay sane.

If you think.about it, what other mammal has babies and then says..."right - you can kip in that other tree over there?"

In terms of increasing chance.of cot death.... meh, this gets thrown around with kids.... increased risk of, more likely to. IMO noone ever puts a % on it. If the risk is a 0.5% increase, yes its "riskier" but you'd probably still do it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
BBC Three are looking for first time parents-to-be for a new series following couples having babies.

We want to provide dads-to-be with guidance and advice from midwives so they can offer their partners the right support when they’re in labour and get more involved with the birth.

If you would like to take part or further information, please contact us: pregnant@bbc.co.uk 020 8576 1081 or 07940 261 552

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  • 1 month later...
IVF injections, egg collection, fertilisation and transfer went exceptionally well.

Tomorrow is the blood test to see if Bluto (yes, we named the embryo) has managed to implant successfully.

Scared? **** terrified.

good luck!! i've crossed my fingers & toes for you.

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IVF injections, egg collection, fertilisation and transfer went exceptionally well.

Tomorrow is the blood test to see if Bluto (yes, we named the embryo) has managed to implant successfully.

Scared? **** terrified.

Will it be Olive Oyl if it's a goil?
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Just thought I'd share with you all that I am going to be a dad again! So excited again!

I also posted about 4 years ago about my first child Ellie, here's an update picture!


Sorry about the poor quality!

Don't worry mate, I'm sure that's the best you could do.

Maybe child number 2 will be better


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