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Saw X-Men last night, really enjoyed it. I think some character development was compromised a bit in fitting in all the characters but that was inevitable, and whilst the individual performances from all were great, I was a little unsatisfied with how "magneto" became so, seemed a little disjointed, as if a scene or two had been cut, but otherwise, definitely an enjoyable viewing.

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Saw X-Men last night, really enjoyed it. I think some character development was compromised a bit in fitting in all the characters but that was inevitable, and whilst the individual performances from all were great, I was a little unsatisfied with how "magneto" became so, seemed a little disjointed, as if a scene or two had been cut, but otherwise, definitely an enjoyable viewing.

I liked it as well, easily the best of the x-men films.

Dont agree with your critique of the character development though, with the obvious time constraints a film sets I thought most of the main characters were well fleshed out. I thought that was a strong plus for this film over its predecessors.

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It was a very minor criticism, really, I thought I they did a good job, just personally I would have been happier to see another 10 minutes or so, but in truth with the constraints of fitting everything in to a sensible timescale it's harsh to be too critical of it in an otherwise really good film.

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my dad recons that there was a sequal to sin city but I have no memory of this at all.

he recons that I downloaded it but we never got around to watching it as it was ment to be shite

I think he is having another one of his fake memories again can someone put an end to his idiotic ramblings or make me look like an idiot

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my dad recons that there was a sequal to sin city but I have no memory of this at all.

he recons that I downloaded it but we never got around to watching it as it was ment to be shite

I think he is having another one of his fake memories again can someone put an end to his idiotic ramblings or make me look like an idiot

I'd guess you are on about "The Spirit"

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Yeah it's The Spirit and it's one of the worst films I've ever seen. I'd recommend that you still don't watch it :)

Regarding the mentions of Hobo with a Shotgun, watched that a while ago too and I have to agree with "Pretty pointless... but enjoyable!".

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the **** spirit yeah thats the one

I remember now I think I did end up watching some of it before switching it off, wasn't there a scene at the beginning when someone is fighting in a swamp or something?

awfull if that is the one I am thinking of

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Been on a bit of a Nicolas Roeg trek the last week or so. He really did direct some absolute gems.




Pics aren't showing up Si, but I love Don't look Now. Venice looks beautiful and creepy. Also has the best sex scene evar.

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Pics aren't showing up Si, but I love Don't look Now. Venice looks beautiful and creepy. Also has the best sex scene evar.

Cheers Anthony, should be working now. Totally agree re.Venice in Don't Look Now, stunning cinematography.

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Dead Mans Shoes with Paddy Considine. Not sure its been mentioned cant sift through 263 pages.

Anyway quality movie and Paddy Considine acting is superb, ends with a twist!

Aye, its been mentioned many times but as its an absolute masterpiece it doesn't hurt to be mentioned again. It also contains my favourite movie scene ever (the first confrontation between Richard and Sonny).

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Dead Mans Shoes with Paddy Considine. Not sure its been mentioned cant sift through 263 pages.

Anyway quality movie and Paddy Considine acting is superb, ends with a twist!

Aye, its been mentioned many times but as its an absolute masterpiece it doesn't hurt to be mentioned again. It also contains my favourite movie scene ever (the first confrontation between Richard and Sonny).

As closing scenes go, it's also up there with the best.

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