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Do you quote the exact figure?


But its something like if a trillion planets had a trillion people and they each had a trillion decks of cards and they could somehow shuffle each deck a trillion times a second and had been doing that since the beginning of time, they would only just now have started repeating combinations.

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Do you quote the exact figure?


But its something like if a trillion planets had a trillion people and they each had a trillion decks of cards and they could somehow shuffle each deck a trillion times a second and had been doing that since the beginning of time, they would only just now have started repeating combinations.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the statistic is about the one pack of cards. So a slightly larger likelihood of a combination having existed in another pack somewhere sometime. Vegas, probably.

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Do you quote the exact figure?


But its something like if a trillion planets had a trillion people and they each had a trillion decks of cards and they could somehow shuffle each deck a trillion times a second and had been doing that since the beginning of time, they would only just now have started repeating combinations.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the statistic is about the one pack of cards. So a slightly larger likelihood of a combination having existed in another pack somewhere sometime. Vegas, probably.

No it's any pack of cards ever made ever ever.
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The card thing is easy to see why it's such a big number if you do the maths.   For every possible combination wouldn't you have to do 52 x 51 x 50 x 49 x 48 x 47  (all the way down to 1)?  That's going to be a huge number. 

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I have a friend who is pretty rich, he is close friend with a girl who works as a luxary prostitute and she takes £2000 for a blowjob :o

Is he a close enough friend to get a discount because that's extortionate!

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No BJ is worth £2k. Under no circumstances.


You can bang established porn stars for much less... errr... so i've heard from a mate. 

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